A Second Chance

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Cora's POV
I was unnerved with the whole thing about Ken but I gladly kept Grace and the kids company. I didn't really feel like being alone my own kids with the anniversary of N's death getting close, but I knew that I would eventually have to face that once again. Until then, I was there for Grace. She was torn to pieces over having to give Ken a closed casket funeral. He had such a pretty face and he honest to God deserved to live a long and happy life with the ones he loved. I really hoped the one who did that to him was caught and Ken's death was brought to justice accordingly. It just wasn't right. Eventually Grace informed me that she was going to head to her dad's and I saw that that was my cue to go back to lonely house. I hadn't been on a date since N and I was almost too afraid to at this point. What was the point really? The man I loved was gone and I'll never be able to get that back.

I returned home and fixed my kids a meal of Mac-n-cheese before giving them a bath and sending them off to bed. I was too mentally and emotionally drained from everything that had happened that I quickly passed out myself, not even bothering with a shower. I figured tomorrow would be a depressing enough day as is and that I could drown my sorrow in a long, hot shower. It felt like I was asleep for only a few hours when I woke with a start. I stumbled from my bed and walked into the hall, towards the children's rooms. I checked on them before heading to the kitchen. I saw that the light was on and I realized that I must have left it on.

I go into the kitchen to turn it off and I see N sitting at the bar drinking a glass of wine. My jaw hits the floor and I gasp out the words, "It can't be." He looked up at me and flashed me that smile that almost made my heart beat a little but too fast and then he said, "Of course it is. Who else would it be?" He gestured to the seat near him and proceeded to pour a glass for me. My feet felt rooted to the floor but I somehow found a way to the barstool next to him. I took the glass he handed me but I quickly placed it back down due to my hand shaking uncontrollably. I just stared at him in shock.

He was wearing these plaid pjs and looking cuter than I've ever seen him before and his hair was a nice washed out brown. I knew he didn't have a set of pjs like that but I somehow didn't bother to question him on where he got them, let alone where he'd been. It would've just ruined the moment. Instead, I carefully reached for one of his hands and took it into mine. It felt very real. I then took it and cupped my face in it and began to cry. N just looked down at me without saying a word. Normally, he would have gone into panic mood if I cried but this time he didn't. I didn't question that either.

He finally took my head and tilted it to look up at him before saying, "You always did look so beautiful in a red skirt and a white shirt." I looked at him funny then and looked down. I wasn't wearing that at all. I hadn't worn that since N got on that stupid plane. I was wearing some wrinkled blued jeans and sweat shirt. I was so far from cute that it was painful.

It was then that I realized that N wasn't really in front of me and I slowly got off the stool. I didn't know who this person was and I was getting ready to run towards my kids and maybe kill a Bish if I had to. The minute I stood up, however, this person said, "Jagiya, you don't have to be afraid and I don't want you to be sad anymore. I want you to go on in life and be happy again. I never left you and I never will. I just wanted you to know that." He pulled me and kissed me then. I fell into this familiar kiss and cried even more. I knew that this was just a dream but N came to me in this dream to tell me to stop crying over him on the anniversary of all days. He pulled away and walked towards our door, stopping short and said, "I love you, Cora." He then walked out of my life for the very last time.

I woke up in my bed the next morning crying silent tears with the hint of a kiss still lingering on my lips. I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen to see if there would be two wine glasses on the bar but there sadly wasn't. This prompted me to go take the longest and hottest shower of my lip. I cried the whole entire time. It just didn't seem fair.

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