Will You???

18 1 6

Yongguk's POV

I wasn't surprised when Zelo came up to me to discuss his decision on marrying AnnMarie. We talked for hours on his love for her and what kind of ring she would like. She wasn't like the other girls who liked a typical diamond ring. We've seen her snarl her nose up at them one to many times. However, we have discovered that she loves the likea of crystals and other such gems. After awhile, we decided that a custom ring would be the most fitting for such a unique person.

Thanks to the soulful conversation, it made me think about the one girl who had been in and out of my mind since I first hung out with her thanks to Zelo and AnnMarie. I finally just say down, picked up my phone, and called her up. I almost hung up when she didn't answer on the third ring. Lucky for me, however, she answered and I just felt my heart skip a beat. Her voice was like a warm summer breeze in my ear. I couldn't help but listen for an hour or two before I finally gathered up the courage to ask her out on an official date. Without missing a beat, I heard her voice swell with excitement as she said yes. We confirmed this Friday night at seven and disconnected.

I laid on the floor for a while after I had talked to Cora. Eventually, I got up and walked around the corner to the recording studio. I felt inspired and decided to write another hit song. I would pass it to the others later on if I liked it's outcome. If I didn't like it, then I would still pass it on and let one of them work with what I had started. Either way, I wanted an upbeat song that didn't have depressing undertones.

Friday arrived and I was in a panicked fluster. I wasn't sure what to wear. Cora was such a classy girl who cared so much about her kids. I wanted to impress her but show her my true self. I finally just broke down and begged Himchan to help me. It wasn't the worst thing I could've done, because he walked straight into my closet and pulled out my tailored suit. I just looked from it to him. I wasn't quite getting the message because that seemed to be overdoing in a way. Finally, Himchan broke it down and said, "You are just as classy and bold as this suit in my hands. Just wear this an be the hopeless romantic hip-hop star that you are. Present her a rise or something as well. That'll impress anyone, including me." With a smile I thanked him and proceeded to get ready.

Cora's POV

I almost died when I realized that I had a date with Bang Yongguk. Iwan he's drop dead gorgoues and he literally slayed my soul with the way he was with children and his love for tigger. He had said to dress somewhat fancy but not to go out and feel I needed to buy something. I spent an hour in front of my closet before I finally decided on a teal dress with a white sill sash around the waist. It seemed fancy enough considering it was a dress but I would also be super comfortable. It was kinda poofie at the bottom and I loved the leg room the it provided.

Seven arrived and I was happy to find that Yongguk had rented an uber for our current travels. The slick black vehicle was refresing and seemed sexy in a mysterious way. I headed down my drive and was surprised when Yongguk got out and allowed me to get in. He looked deliciously diddly handsome in his suit. I couldn't help but note the very different styles between him and N. It made heart ache for my lost love but I forced the pain away and struck up a conversation to pass the time away. I loved how focused he was on the conversation. He grasped every word I said as if was his life line. I finally got around to asking where we were going and he just smiled shyly and said it was surprise. I wasn't too big on surprised but I sat back and watched as the dull city lights turned into brillantly coloured lights.

Yongguk's POV

I listened to Cora talk with such passion about her kids and how everything had went since the last time we had seen each other. It felt like a literal blessing just to be with her at that moment, hearing her gossip and laugh. Eventually, she fell silent and I wanted to push back some of the loose hair behind her ear but stopped myself. It didn't feel appropriate for that time. I chewed the inside of my cheek, a habit I had since I had first started doing music. I knew it was a nervous habit and a bad one at that but I just couldn't help it. I had plans for this evening that I wanted to go by smoothly.

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