Who Am I? : chapter 1: Here is how it all began!

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The door creeked as I pushed it open, The hinges needed to be oiled, I thought to myself.

"Mum I'm back" I yelled as I glady and carelessly threw my bag onto the sitting room chair, which apparently slipped and hit the ground. Shrugging my shoulders I continued talking out to Mom.

"Today was so hectic I had to go to the..."

"Mum? Where are you?"

"Lindsay I'm upstairs".
my mum called out

"So what were you saying?" I couldn't quite hear'".
Mom said while coming down the stairs then I continued speaking

'Mom I was just saying that I had a lot of things'...

(Doorbell rings ) ughhh!!!

'Who is it?' Mom and I said together

'Dont worry Mom I'll go get the door.' I said while sluggishly walking to the door.  My was I tired!

"Is this the Bristol residence? " an anonymous guy in a post man uniform asked.

"Yes it is" I answered

"Who is at the door dear?" my Mom asked slowly approaching the door

'Its a post man and he has mail for us."
I stretched out my hands and collected the envolope that held what I presumed to be a letter.

"but the strange thing is it has no address" I said while looking over at Mom

As I was about to open it my Mom dragged it out of my hands and I was shocked. I turned my attention to the post man who was anxiously waiting for me to sign the mail. That was so embarrassing and Mom would definitely hear me out. 

"Ma'am, sign here please" the post man said while handing me a blue inked pen.

"ohh" I said "ermm ok..."

after signing I slammed the door shut and headed over to the couch where Mom was sitting cross legged while  switching between stations.

"Mom what was that for?"

I asked still surprised why she didn't want me to read the mail . Her response was


I was getting angry cause I knew she was at those her cynical replies.

"Mom you know what I'm talking of".. I said.

"Why did you snatch the mail from me, its not like"....and she cut me off.

"Why are you so bothered about the mail? She asked

"its not important but some things are better left without you knowing"

As I was about to get at her comment she quickly asked

"have you eaten?"

And I decided to let go of the matter for now..

"No i haven't, remember I just got back" I replied trying to add slight bitterness to my tone.  Which judging by all indications went unnoticed.

She stood up and went into the kitchen and she beckoned me to follow her which I did.
She quickly warmed up some left over spaghetti and chicken and dished into a plate for me.
After eating , I went up to my room without uttering a word
I was so tired after all and I quickly dropped on my bed without even taking off any piece of clothing I had on.

Today was so hectic I was out applying for schools and getting details of requirements.

My mind quickly drifted off to the suspicious mail that came in today. The questions on my mind were , why did Mom grab the mail from me?
Why wasn't there an address? What could have been inside that mail? These were the thoughts that disturbed my mind till I drifted off to sleep.

It was already 10:00 am and I realized that I must have been more tired than I suspected.

I went quickly to take a shower and dressed up and went down stairs. Everyone was at home giving it was Saturday morning, my brother and sister were out in the Porch having little conversations while their eyes were fixed to their home screen.
I walked in and they both looked up. Typical

"Hey sis!" Jenny said

"How lazy could you be?"

Liam said I nearly hit him but he took the incentive to run and he laughed aloud, we all did.

"Have you guys eaten?"

"No we haven't , we were waiting for you since mum and Dad aren't around to pre". .
I cut her off

"Mum and Dad aren't around?" I asked

"Yeah they left early this morning saying they needed to take care of something" .. Liam said

"but that's strange" Jenny admitted and I thought she read my mind

"yeah" I agreed.

"Well while you guys are here I'll be looking for what to eat cause I'm starving".. Liam said standing up from his chair.

He left us and went inside and Jenny and I followed suite.

Since Mum and Dad weren't around I decided to take my siblings out for a stroll.

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