Drown me out

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Feel a violent rage, washing over me
I can barely breathe, bury me alive
All the tragedy becomes a symphony
Full of pain, I feel my final goodbye
She doesn't love me. I know that now.
I built these walls to watch them crumble down. I've lost it all
Dead and broken now.
The police come in the room and I stare up at them. I've never liked police officers but they are here to help me and I know that.
"Hello son, do you feel like answering some question?" He asks
"Isn't that why your here?" I ask sarcastically and instantly regret it. "I'm sorry-" I start to say
"No don't worry I get it,"
He sits down on a chair near my bed.
"What do you remember?" He asks and I tell him everything.
After the police officer leaves, I try to fall asleep, but the doctors are starting to take me off my pain killers because I need to get back to school soon. I close my eyes and the door opens.
I see a shadow of someone. They turn the light on and I see her.
I see him. Finally.
I look at his paler than usual face and my lips starts to quiver.
"Um hi," I say. Trying to cover all of the emotion on my face.
She looks beautiful. I try not to think about her like that but it just happens. I can't control myself.
"Hi," I say back. She shows no emotion.
He hates me. I can see it on his face. We will never be together. I'm the reason that he got shot. If I just fucking kisses him and didn't think of anyone else he wouldn't be hurt. Huh, selfless acts can lead to pain.
I don't think I did anyone a favor by rejecting him, and I knew that as soon as I walked away from him that night.
"It's my fault," I blurt out
He stares at me blankly.
"I'm the reason why you got shot," I mumble.
He laughs. It's a cold, bitter laugh.
"God, you are so self absorbed. It just has to be your fault princess, doesn't it? Because your ego can't fucking handle it when something isn't about you. Truth is, it's not your fault I got shot. It's not mine. It's that bastard that shot me," he yells.
Weirdly it feels good. I want him to yell at me. I'd rather him tell me how he feels rather than him not tell me anything.
"Keep going," I say,
"What?" He looks at me shocked. "I'm-im sorry, I over reacted, remember I would do nothing to hurt you...I'm sorry princess," I get shivers down my spine when he calls me princess.
He called me that when we first met. It feels like so long ago. So much has happened since then.
"I'm sorry. I do love you. I know that you don't love me back," I close the door and walk closer to him. He invites me to sit on his bed.
I look at her beautiful face. I want to kiss her so badly.
"I do love you, so much princess,"
I get shivers down my back again. All the moments of us go flooding in front of me.
That night in the barn when he found me at the store. Countless hours of us together. That can't be wasted and I will make sure it's for something.
So I lean in and kiss him.

Beautiful pain; Andy BiersackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang