Homecoming King

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You see your life is drawn out
Don't feel the world that you know
Caught in the tower singing
"Oh no, that's not the life I chose!"
Most days you rise and start to fade
Cause no one loves you
Avert their eyes and look away
Life without virtue
I can't feel like this no more
You walk these halls and feel the same
Cause you can't find your place
I wake up with a jolt and quickly get out of bed. I look at the clock and it's 8:00 and sigh in frustration. I slept through the alarm and school starts in 25 minutes.
I put on my clothes and makeup. All black. I think when putting on my eyeliner.
I run down stairs and see my parents passed out on the couch. The room smells like cigarettes and liquor. They need to stop.
I practically run to school, dragging my heavy bag with me. I run through the hallways to class and open the door, trying to catch my breath. Everyone stares at me and the teacher tells me to sit down.
My eyes look straight to where my spot is, in the right corner, last row. But someone's in it.
I stare at him. I've never seen this kid before so he must not know that it's my spot. But he's not the type of person you would want to mess with.
He has black hair that sweeps over his eyes and he's wearing heavy makeup. Almost more than me.

He smirks at me and I sit to the desk next to him.
I look over to him when the teacher turns to face the board and he looks back at me.
I refuse to look away, because if I do, he'll know I'm scared of him. And I don't want him to know that.
He has light blue eyes and a lip piercing on his perfect lips. He has high cheekbones and his jaw bone is perfect.
I don't want to admit it, but this guy is hot.
He's still staring at me, looking around my face. His eyes then flick down to my chest and I turn red.
He licks his lips and smirks at me again. I look away. And he knows that he won.
I then concentrate on the teacher for the rest of class, feeling this new kids eyes on me.
I look at the confusing equations on the board and sigh.
' Andy, could you help y/n (your/name) with the questions?' The teacher says
I look over in surprise. This kid might actually be smart.
'Andy', his name is. Walks over to behind me and rests his arms on either end of the table, his body hovering over me.
My heart starts racing.
"That's right princess, I'm actually smart," he whispers in my ear.
I shiver and look at my work.
"No, no. You've got it all wrong," Andy says
"How so?" I ask
"How about I tell you at lunch in the library?" He asks and sits back down.
I cross my head at him and he just smiles at me and mouths
'see you there'.
I decide to go to the library. Not because Andy's hot, or because he gives me this weird feeling.
But because I can't and won't fail this class.
I work 3 jobs because my parents don't do anything and I don't think it's legal to leave the house, so I need to do well in school so I can eventually get a good job and support myself.
Andy walks over to me and smiles, sitting down.
"I see you actually came," he says smiling
"I didn't do it because I like you, I did it because I need help," I role my eyes
"Well, let's start with what's your name?," he asks raising his eyebrows.
"Y/n," (y/n means 'your name') I say.
"Cute," he says smirking and opening his book.
After 1 hour of unspoken glances and smirks, he manages to teach me some things.
We walk out of the library together and he walks with me to his locker.
He opens up a packet of cigarettes and lights one.
"What are you doing?" I ask him, eyeing the cigarette
"Lighting it?" He says, putting the cigarette out of his mouth.
"Why do you do it?" I ask
"You're never gonna get it, y/n, I'm a hazard to myself," he leans in and whispers.
My heart starts beating really fast as he comes closer and closer and then leaves.
I've known this kid for less than a day and he's already making me feel this way. How dare he.
I get home at the end of the day and my parents are sitting on the couch.
"How was school?" Dad asks
"Yeah ok," I say, walking upstairs and shutting the door behind me.
Grade 12 has added extra pressure on my 3 jobs. I usually work the night shifts so I rarely get any sleep, which also affects me.
I get to work at 9:30 and stay there till 12:30.
Just as I'm closing up the place, I see a car pulling up to the shop.
He gets out and walks to the front, where I'm closing up.
"Sorry, we're close-" I start to say.
He grabs me from behind and I freeze in shock as a cold circular thing is held to my head. It's a gun.
Fear is all I feel. I can't die. I used to want to be dead, I'd cut all the time but I never killed myself because I'm a curious bitch and wanted to see what happens if I live a little longer.
But this time I don't want to die. I want to live and in the past 6 months I've realised how bad I want to see things get better.
"Open the door," the man says.
I open the door, which takes a while since my hands are shaking like crazy. The thought of a gun to my head keeps replaying in my head.
Eventually the door opens and I go to the cashier, my mind is screaming. I don't want to die. Not today.
I open it and give him all the money.
He then grabs me a chair and ties me to it. He leaves with a hurry.
I can't move. Every muscle in my body is paralysed in shock.
Another car pulls up later. I have no time to tell how later.
I look as someone is coming in and stare in shock.

Beautiful pain; Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now