Ch.| 26

1K 35 42

Eva's P.O.V.:

"Jacob?" I said. "Yes beautiful?" He answered. "Will you please help me get my memory back? Pls? You seem so nice and ur so cute and I feel really bad not remembering you... And I know since I dated you before the accident that means I really really liked you. And I know I have amnesia and stuff but I know myself. I can't be that different from before, because I always had this rule with myself. It was never to date someone unless if he's special. And I've lived by that rule all my life. I know that I don't remember if these past years I still have lived by it, but I know that I promised myself I would do something terrible if I broke that rule. And I know it seems like just some stupid promise to myself in your opinion, but it's a lot more important than that to me...." I rushed out of breath. He smiled and laughed as he said "No I get it, I understand. It's not just some stupid rule. I have something similar to that, because Eva, you are special to me. And I don't ever want to lose you or what we had" and started to tear up again. I blushed but then teared up as well because I felt to guilty. Like Omg. He was so special to me and I don't even remember him... Ahhh OMG I hate myself. What is wrong with me????

"We should probably get ready now" Jacob said as he hugged me tightly and then got out of the bed with me following him. He let me use the bathroom first so I went in and brushed my teeth and hair. Suddenly I looked in the mirror and started to cry. I tried my best to not be loud because I didn't want Jacob hearing. I just started at myself in the mirror with my tears coming out of my eyes and thinking. Thinking about how much I hate myself. I mean I don't deserve to live do I? No I don't! I'm causing so much pain and problems for everyone even myself. 

I opened the cabinet and took out my razor. I pulled out the blades out of it and out them to the side. I stared at them for a while. Thinking very hard. After a while, and by a while I mean something like 2 minutes, I took one out off them all and brought it close to my arm. Closer, and closer. I pulled it away. But then brought it back. I kept repeating that pattern until I saw my skin open up and bleed.

A/N: I know, I know. I gotta stop with the cliff hangers! But before I end this chapter I want to tell you guys something. While I was updating, I got distracted by all your comments. So I started to read them all. I'm pretty sure I replied to all of them. But if I haven't you can tell me in the comments below and I promise I will reply <3 Anyways what I was saying, was that you guys make me so happy. Each and every one of you. I read all the comments and I smiled so much and laughed and smiled again. My friends kept asking me whats up, and I told them that I love you guys so much. I just want to say thank you. For being here, and making me happy.

Also, WE REACHED 20K!!!! AHHHH TY ALL SO SM. Yes I know, I keep saying that, and I keep saying that I know that I keep saying that. But thats because its true. Yall make me so happy and I'm so thankful for each and every one of you:) 

Oh and also, I know sometimes my wrtiting gets sad, and that's usually because something happened in my life, and I usually end up "expressing" my feelings here and this usually happens. I just want to let you guys know that I'm ok now, and to ask you to pls don't influence yourself on my story. Trust me, I've gone through so many things, and I usually regret cutting. It isn't the answer. So if you ever want to talk, DM me here, or on insta:  Jac.ob.sessed (thats my fp) and I promise I will answer you, no matter what. I'm here for you. ❤️

OK well I'm going to go now because my authors not is longer than the actual chapter, which wasn't supposed to happen lol. But it's because I love yall so so much❤️❤️❤️


Btw get this to 20 votes for the new chapter! So share this with your friends and family. Ok maybe not your family because I don't know about you, but my family wouldn't want me to read a story with a chapter like chapter 18 lol....

Word count: 853 words.

Comment "I like bananas" if u made it up to here. Lol I didn't know what so use and I randomly saw a banana so I used that lols. 

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