Ch.| 1

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Eva's P.O.V.

It was a late Friday night, when suddenly Emily called me and said that she was watching a guy named Jacob Sartorius on YouNow. She had invited me to his broadcast saying "hey come watch this guy, he seems pretty cool!". So I went onto his broadcast and immediately saw a pretty face. He was talking about this guy named "Ricegum" who apparently roasted him on YouTube.  He was roasting him back but he seemed cool and chill. It didn't seem to bother him and he didn't really care.  Anyways I fanned him and watched his entire broadcast till the end. At the end, I had realized that his comments were bursting up like crazy. I had just then realized he was famous... He had around 300k fans! WOW! I searched him up on Instagram, and he had 2 MILLION FOLLOWERS! I followed him and DMed him to say he looked cool and stuff. Knowing he wasn't going to slide into my DM because he is famous, I didn't make it very long. 

A couple hours later, I checked his IG and he had 2.1M! Already? I barely get 1 a day!!! Woah this dude is clearly really famous! I decided to "stalk" him and get to know him... So here is what I found out: He has a lot of social media except for Facebook and he calls his fans "cutie/princess/beautiful/girlfriend..." And personal stuff: He's 13, he lives in Virginia and got famous on vine and 

Anyways It was pretty late, so I went to bed and slept until late Saturday morning...

A/N: Hey guys! thx for reading! The story will get better and better promise! comment ideas and opinions!!! Thanks!

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