What comes next.....

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This isn't a chapter but i need your help. 

As you may (or may not) be aware i uploaded the last chapter of Fighting for Him the other day. 

Then I sat back and waited for reactions, and boy did you guys react :):). The respons was was crazy loads of new followers, comments, wall posts, private messages, and the majoriy of them said the same thing.... epilogue? sequel? 

So this is my proposal (and why i need your help); the way i see it there are three options for Fighting from here on:

1. Leave it as it is. 

2. Write an Epilogue. 

3. Write a sequel. 

So i'm going to let you guys decide. But here's the thing, an epilogue will be quick and pretty easy to write up so if you want a quick response i'd go for that. If you want a sequel well that will take longer and i probably won't be able to start writing it until the Christmas holidays, also there needs to be a big enough demand for it to make it worth while. 

So those are your option. I'm going away for the weekend so when i come back on Monday i'll check out the response to this and make a decision based completely on what you guys want me to do.

I hope you read this and comment so i can find out what you all want . 

As always thanks for the support  and sorry for the loooong message :):) 

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