Chapter 23 // Consider Yourself Warned

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Here's an update for y'all! Awooo~ Halloween is just days away. Have any plans? Oh I do! I have  a SURPRISE EXTRA chapter for you because it's halloween! :D I'll post it in October 31st. Just before Halloween. :))

It's an EXTRA chapter so let me remind you that this chapter will not follow the current storyline. Enjoy the update guys! THANK YOU for voting and the comments! .xx I love You~

Chapter 23 // Consider Youself Warned

//Momoko’s POV

   //Two Days Later


   I got discharged rather early. I don’t know why but my strength came back and I’m feeling really fine. Right now is lunch time and we’re all at our usual table eating lunch. I learned right after that the dance competition already ended a few weeks ago so…I never really got the chance to participate in it.

   “Don’t worry yer’ ass so much about that dance competition.” Kaoru grumbled. I looked at her, “You can just join a club” Miyako’s face brightened at Kaoru’s suggestion.

   “Oh yes! Why don’t you join my club?” I narrowed my eyes at her, “What exactly is your club?”

   She clapped her hands, “The fashion club!” I chuckled. “Miya, you know fashion isn’t my thing. Besides, I can try the Cooking club”

   “I’m good with that. You’ll get fat eating your own disaster” Kaoru snickered. I lightly punched her shoulder. “Hey! My cooking skills are just fine, thank you very much!” 

   “Oh right. Remember that one time when I was sick with a fever and you cooked some ‘porridge’?” Kaoru asked smirking. I feel like I don’t like where this is going.

   “I almost got food poisoned” She stated. My jaw dropped and I was about to strangle her to death. “Why you! Stop making up stories!” I smiled as I was trying to strangle her. Both of my best friends laughed with me. Oh, how I miss this. I was out for too long… the doctor said I was in a coma for a month and a week. (She’s in a coma for almost five weeks).

   “You guys seem really jolly” Butch chuckled as he sat beside Kaoru. “Hey Butch” I said as I was stretching Kaoru’s face with my hands.

   “Oyoyoyo~ Kaoru your face is so stretchable. How so?” I snickered as I looked at her stretched face, amazed. She tried swatting my hands away but I was so fast to let go and she plopped down on the ground. The guys laughed at our childish acts.

   “They’re at it again” Miyako giggled. “This is such a good scene~” She said right after. I was about to finish my burger when Kaoru put her fists on both side of my heads and began moving them fast in circular motion. (Like what those anime people do)

   “OWOWOWOWOW!!!” I cried. “That hurts! Goddamnit!”

   “Can someone stop them please? People are beginning to look” Boomer stated. Miyako was enjoying the scene and Brick was looking bored like he didn’t cared. Butch was the only one to stop us. He sighed and took us by the collar and sat us down.

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