Meet Ari

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Hi there! I am Arianna. Call me Ari and nothing else. I am 20 years old.

I like rock music, skateboarding, screamo music, playing guitar, singing, reading, Hot Topic, gymnastics and snowboarding.

So you can tell I am very musical and athletic. I am more on the tomboy side then the girly side. I am lucky where I live here in Las Vegas, Nevada because we get snow almost every winter so thats a plus for my like of snowboarding.

I dislike Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, cheerleaders, school and ignorance.

I am very superstitous, romantic, smart, creative and I have ADD.

I have black hair to about my waist, I would say I am about average because I am not super skinny but not super big. I have brown eyes, I am 5'6 and I have tan skin. I am 50% Native American and 50% Itallian.

I have an older brother and he is in a BAND.

Make that a ROCK band.

Make that a FAMOUS rock band.




Yes, I am Ari Vincent, Jacky Vincent's little sister.

I also have a big crush on Ronnie Radke but shhhhh, no one knows.

Jacky has a british accent but I don't.

Jackt was born in the UK but my parents moved to America when Jacky was 2 and my mom was pregnant with me. So I don't have an accent.

Anyway...I hope you enjoy the story of my life!

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