Chapter 1: I Heard A Knock Upon My Door The Other Day

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Chapter 1: I Heard A Knock Upon My Door The Other Day

Ari's POV

I currently live with my mom because I was going to school but now I've graduated, I'm going to try to convince my mom to let me move in with my older brother. I have not seen him in a whole four years but he introduced me and my mom to his band a few times.

"Hello" I said as I answered the phone.

"Hey Ari, it's me"

"JACKY!" I said with pep in my voice.

"Hey sis" He said. I could hear him chuckling on the other end.

"So what's up" I said plopping down on my bed.

"I was wondering if you would like to come live in the first official Falling in Reverse mansion with me and the guys" Jacky said really excited.


"Well you have to check with mom first, okay?"

"UGH!" I had forgotten about that part. "I'll try"

"Text me with what she says."

"Okay bro! Love you!"

"Love you too, bye bye"

"Bye" I said hanging up the phone then running down the stairs.

I stopped when I got to the bottom and walked calmly to the couch where my mom was sitting.

"Hi mom" I said standing in front of her.

"Hi sweety" She said pausing the T.V.

"Well.... I was wondering if I could ask you something really important" I said rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Go ahead. I'm listening" 

"Well, I just got a call from Jacky and he was wondering if I could come live in the Falling in Reverse mansion with him and the guys" I said really hopeful.

"Well..." She said, uncertain clear in her voice.

"Please mom!! Please!! I miss Jacky so much!" I said realizing I was on my knees by this point so I got up and just stood there.

"Well.... I guess" She said giving a shrug.

"YES! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU MOM" I  said giving her a hug then running upstairs to find my phone and text Jacky.

Ari:She said YES!

Jacky:GREAT! We will drop by in 20 minutes?


J:yea, Ronnie, Derek, Ryan, Mika and I.

A:oh ok C ya in a bit

I threw my phone on my bed and rushed to get my stuff packed. I finished with 5 minutes left to spare. I dragged my 3 suitcases down the stairs and placed it by the door.

"Mom, they are going to be here in 5 minutes" I said walking over to her.

"Ok, I wanna say hi to them when they get here" She said looking at me.

"Alright. Thanks so much again for letting me do this" I said giving her another hug.

"No problem sweetie" She said returning the hug. When we broke the doorbell rang and I ran at the speed of light to open it. I opened the door to find Jacky.

"JACKY!" I yelled jumping in to his arms.

"ARI!" He yelled, holding me and bringing me inside the house.

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