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* Neil's POV *

"Lacey?" I ask quietly the next morning.

"Yea?" she replies.

"Why's Cierra so weird around me?" I ask.

"What do you mean Neil?" she asks.

"Well, she seems extra shy, nervous or even uncomfortable around me. Kinda embarrassed?" I say.

"Oh, it's because you're her favorite." she replies simply. "She really likes you, looks up to you. She thinks you're the cutest thing. Said if she ever got to meet you, she didn't know what she'd do with herself." Lacey says. She leans in closer to me. "But you didn't hear any of that from me." she whispers.

I nod and I'm about to thank her, until Cierra comes in. She rubs her eyes and plops down at the table.

Lacey makes a weird face at me and sits down next to her. Not long after they've got a conversation going.

- -

"Thank you guys for having me over. It really- it means so much. Like, words can't describe it." Cierra says at the door.

"It was so nice to meet you. Like we said, anytime you need somebody, just give us a call and one of us four will pick you up and we can go hang out." Kimberly says.

"Really? I thought you guys were just saying that.." she says.

"No kiddo, we mean it." Reid says.

Her eyes light up and a smile crawls onto her face.

She hugs Reid super tight, like a little kid.

"Thanks Reid. I'm really happy to have met you, and I can't wait to see you again."

She moves to Kimberly, and the two share a sweet hug.

"Thanks for making me feel better Kim. I see now why Lacey always talked about you."

I'm surprised when she comes to me and gives me a bear hug.

"Neil, I- I really like you. You're so freaking cute. Thanks for letting me get to know you." she says, not meeting my eye.

I give her a big hug and thank her for being so nice to ME. When we let go, she takes a step back and looks so refreshed.

"I'll be back guys. I wanna spend some time at Cierra's house." Lacey says before the pair go out the door together.

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