Panic to Peace

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*Lacey's POV *

* a few weeks later *

"They're not coming home for another few weeks." Kimberly tells Reid over her shoulder while she's talking to our parents.

I slip away before they notice me eavesdropping.

"So they'll still be around for a few weeks? Great. They're all trying and we're getting better, but I want a break. I want mom and dad..."

Not long after I left they both come out, looking upset. I guess mom and dad weren't so kind to them.

"Hey Lacey, we have a question for you." Reid says after a few moments.

"Yea? What is it?"

Neil joins them now as they stand there in a huddle. They're worrying me, so I stand up and go right over to them. They look concerned.

"Well, we decided to take up a last minute concert for an event so we're not idle for so long." Kimberly says. "The problem is we still don't have that fiddle player..."

I take as step back and scan their faces.

"No, I already gave my answer. I don't want to do that with you guys!" I say.

They try to calm me down, but that ain't happening.

"It would just be for tonight sis! Please don't make us let everyone down!" Neil says carefully.

I back up from them and start feeling the effects of an anxiety attack.

"Sis, it's tomorrow. You have plenty of time to adjust." Reid says as he senses what's going on.

"No Reid, I said no!" I yell, grabbing my head.

Reid and I have been getting closer since I sang for him, and I started telling him about my depression and anxiety and how I went off my pills a few days before they came home because I ran out, and didn't tell my parents. He knows what's happening to me.

Kimberly and Neil watch me as all of this is happening, making everything worse. Finally Reid comes over and grabs me from behind, rubbing my back. It doesn't help though and I sink to the ground as stress takes over every thought I make.

"Reid, what's happening to her?!?" Kimberly cries as this all unfolds more.

She comes over and sits in front of me, and then Neil follows and sits to my right. She holds my face in her hands, trying to calm me. But that will never work.

I don't know what happened, but I just wanted to start screaming at them for everything they've done to me to put me in this position, and everything they didn't do.

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