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* Lacey's POV *

"I wanna know what was going through your head when you looked me dead in the eye, but still ran."

The minute my brother says those words the fear and doubt and anxiety that's been following me since they left comes creeping in again.

"I know I saw something Lacey. Like, I could actually see the fear creep across your face, and in those beautiful eyes..." Reid says as he strokes my face.

"What are you hiding baby girl? What monsters are tormenting you?"

I start crying again when he says that. It's so good that someone finally sees it and I don't have to go out declaring it. It's like he broke my damn, and everything I've been feeling just comes spilling out all over.

"E-everything Reid!" is all I can say, over and over again.

"School, the kids there, being alone with just mom and dad all day every day, not being able to go out with friends because I don't have many, and afraid of what people will say when they recognize me. I hate it and it all chases me!"

"Shh baby girl, shhh."

Reid holds me closer to him and runs his fingers through my long hair. It makes everything hurt less.

He lets me cry everything out, never saying a word to me, just being there as my shoulder to cry on.

When my eyes are sore and my cheeks burning Reid takes me downstairs, where apparently he's been texting them about me so they'd have something together.

Reid and Neil drag me into the kitchen by my arms even after I said I wanted to go to the basement. To be honest I'm really surprised by what the kitchen's become.

I guess Kimberly and Neil went out while I was giving Reid a scene, for there are store bags flowing out of the box by the door we have for them, things all over the counter that wouldn't fit in to the cupboards and pots, pans and all sorts of stuff scattered everywhere.

"Boys, I told you NOT yet!" Kimberly whines.

Reid and Neil immediately try to drag me back out of the kitchen, but I refuse and punch their arms off of me. I race back into the kitchen and grill Kimberly.

"What's going on? Why is the kitchen a total disaster?"

Kimberly shrinks down and looks to my brothers for help.

"Remember what you were telling me Lacey, about how you missed what we used to do as kids and you wanted to do that kind of thing again?" Reid asks in a soft voice.

"Well yea, but what does turning the kitchen into a tornado's ruins have to do with that?" I ask rather bitterly.

I just wish they'd make up their mind on what they're going to do, be nice to me or be mean like always.

"When you said that it got me thinking. I told Kim and Neil that, and now Kim wants to do something with you. But they also went shopping to replace all the stuff we've used since mom and dad left." Reid explains.

I turn to Kimberly and stare at her. What's going through her mind right now? If Reid told them that I missed doing stuff from when we were kids then what exactly does she have planned?

Reid and Neil leave soon after Kimberly starts explaining.

"I wanted you to help me make dinner."

"But why?"

Kimberly looks puzzled, and maybe hurt? I can't tell anymore.

"Don't you remember? We used to make stuff outside together all the time and give it to mom and dad and they'd be pissed. Like mud pies, grass salads and stuff." Kimberly says.

I break out laughing as the memories start coming back. Kimberly smiles and laughs too as we both blurt out the same thing.

"Remember when we made the dogs help and they were filthy?"

Kimberly gently smacks my shoulder and says "You demanded that Dakota lay ON the pie too to make it prettier!"

I punch her back a little harder and try not to cry from laughing.

"But YOU said we should let the dogs in and give them a bath right after Momma mopped the floors!"

Kimberly wipes her eyes and laughs louder than I've ever heard. We go like this for a while as we make dinner together. Reid and Neil pop in and out often as we are really loud. They probably think we're insane.

After we finish Kimberly apologizes for being so harsh earlier. She also asks about Cierra's dad more and I explain stuff that happened before today, about how he was always sick.

Dinner is rather peaceful surprisingly. Everyone talks to each other, and leaves me out of it. Just how I like it.

After everyone is finished Reid asks if I want to watch movies with them. I decline and they don't even seem to mind. So with that I go back upstairs for the night.

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