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* Reid's POV *

"Lacey, we're home!" Kimberly shouts as soon as we enter the house.

The dogs all come running up to welcome us, but Lacey doesn't.

"Lacey?" Neil calls out as he mindlessly pets Dakota's head.

We all split off to search the house for her. Neil takes the ground level, Kimberly goes downstairs and outside, and I search upstairs. Even collectively it takes a while to look, and it ends up getting us nowhere.

"She's gone, just vanished!" Kimberly sighs in angry defeat.

She looks at the floor and I swear I see her swipe a tear away. I know she is beating herself up and hating herself for everything that has happened to Lacey, but I sure hope she isn't blaming this on herself right now.

"Did you see a note or a text or anything?" Neil asks.

"No, there was nothing upstairs or in her room. What about down here or the basement?"

"No, nothing, right Kim?"


Where could she have gone, and why wouldn't she at least leave is a note or a text or something?

"Maybe she did what she has done before when this happened. Maybe she just ran away!" Neil shouts.

"But how are we supposed to tell mom and dad that instead of us fixing things she ran away?" Kimberly asks angrily.

"And what if something happens while she is running away? We'd never know until it was too late!" I add.

Neil looks at the floor now, looking like he regrets saying anything.

"It's already 10pm boys. We better figure it out in the morning." Kimberly says bitterly as she makes her way to the stairs.

I don't want to give up! I know Lacey wanted us to help her, but something more powerful scared her away. We can't give up or else we'll be doing exactly what she expected us to do. But Neil follows in her steps, closing the discussion.

As much as it hurts to simply go to sleep while she could be out somewhere, that's really the only choice my siblings have left me. I too crawl into bed, but sleep doesn't come easily. I just hope wherever Lacey is she's safe.

* next day*

* Lacey's POV *

"Did they call?"

"No. I knew they wouldn't."

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