Chapter Forty-Four: The Mavin Wedding (Part Three)

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Hey guys! So, this is the final chapter! I really hope you guys have enjoyed this. Thank you to those of you who read this far and have taken the time to leave your opinions and thoughts on this story! Please read the AN at the end as well!

"It is my pleasure to announce, for the first time ever, Michael and Gavin Jones!" Geoff said Gavin and I's cue to walk out into the room the reception was taking place.
Gavin squeezed my hand as we lifted them over our heads and walked out in the large room where everyone stood up at their tables, clapping for us. I heard my sister yell out something that sounded like 'kiss' so I stopped. I grabbed Gavin's face quickly and pressed my lips against his, making people cheer for us some more.
Once Gavin and I sat down at the long table set before the dance floor, the commotion began to die down. Ray elbowed me teasingly as the waiter set a beer bottle before me. I rolled my eyes and took a long swig from it, wrapping an arm around Gavin's shoulders.
"Alright. So, to kick off this reception, we're going to have Gavin and his mother come out here and have a nice little dance. And, you know what, why don't we have Michael and his sister get out here too," Geoff told everyone. I raised my eyebrows at him and laughed slightly as Gavin got up and led us to the dance floor where his mother and my sister were already waiting. Eventually, Gavin gestured to Geoff and Geoff handed the microphone off to Gavin.
"So, originally, Michael and I couldn't decide what song we wanted for this dance. Eventually, we both thought of the perfect band, and the perfect song for this so I hope this'll bring back some nice childhood memories like it did for us," Gavin said, throwing a glance back at me and smiling warmly, handing the microphone back to Geoff.
I clasped my hand in my sisters and wrapped an arm around her waist. She giggled slightly and wrapped her other arm around my shoulder.
The music began and my sisters eyes filled with tears as she listened to the song. I smiled and squeezed her hand slightly, swaying us back and forth.
"Take these broken wings and learn to fly..." I whispered along with the song. My sister let her tears fall as she nodded, understanding what I was trying to tell her.
Gavin and I agreed on choosing Blackbird by The Beatles for two reasons. One was that it was song that Gavin grew up loving and he remembered days when his mother would randomly burst out singing it. And the other was that the song had a powerful message that I thought related to my sister and I's situation perfectly.
Once the song was finished, I pulled my sister into a long hug, letting her cry silently into my shoulder. I kissed her gently on the cheek, pulling away after and stroking her cheek gently.
"I'm so proud of you, Michelle. Please... Don't forget that," I told her. She nodded, kissing me gently and wiping her tears away, before walking back to her table.
I looked back at Gavin, seeing fresh tears on his cheeks. I smiled at him and gently took his hand, brushing away the tears with my thumb.
"Emotional, right?" I asked him quietly.
"My mum was bawling her eyes out," Gavin told me, giggling slightly.
"Same with Michelle," I whispered, giggling back.
Geoff walked back over to us and smiled at us.
"Alright, and now, the first dance by our grooms. You two ready?" Geoff asked, winking slightly. I smirked and nodded, wrapping my arms around Gavin's waist.
Again, the song Gavin and I chose began playing and I gently swayed Gavin and I around. Gavin giggled uncontrollably a couple times before gently resting his head on my shoulder.
"But I can't help falling in love with you," I whispered to Gavin, singing along to the song. I looked down at him, seeing his smiling face as I sang the song gently to him.
It felt like time had stopped for us and all that remained was Gavin and I swaying around on the wooden floor to the cover of the iconic love song. I knew everyone was staring at us, and Barbara was probably recording this, but I couldn't be bothered by it. Not while I had Gavin wrapped securely in my arms, with my head resting gently on his.
Eventually, the song came to an end and I unwrapped my arms from around Gavin's waist. Gavin lifted his head up and smiled at me, kissing me gently as people began to clap for us again.
"I'm gonna admit, I got a little teary eyed during that," Geoff said, coming over to us. He patted both of us on our shoulders and allowed us to go back to our seats.
"I remember when I first hired these two idiots. I still, to this day, have no idea what I was thinking when I did. But, I'd be lying if I said I didn't worry about them day and night. I love them like I would my sons and I hope that they'll always remember that. I love ya guys," Geoff toasted, lifting up his champagne glass before taking a small sip of it at the end with everyone else.
"Love ya too, daddy," I said in my best impression of a little kids voice. Lots of people in the crowd giggled slightly, along with Gavin.
The toasts continued on. Gavin and I both got special ones from Ray and Dan, then all the groomsmen gave us one. Gavin's mother did one as well, threatening me at the end which made everyone laugh. Michelle did one, along with Barbara and Lindsay.
When all the toasts came to an end and everyone finished eating, Gavin and I had to cut the wedding cake. I smirked and got up, grabbing Gavin's hand and leading him to the cake. Barbara and a few others people were gathered around, ready to take a million pictures of this simple gesture.
Gavin stepped in front of me and someone handed him a knife. I smirked, making a joke about how Gavin shouldn't be given knives. Gavin giggled slightly and kissed my cheek, holding the knife out in front of him. I wrapped my arms around his and gripped his hands that were holding the knife, guiding them towards the cake. We slowly cut into it, Gavin giggling throughout most of it and only acting serious for the couple professional pictures that we had to take.
Once we had cut a piece out, Gavin took half, along with myself and we fed each other. Barbara motioned for me to shove it in Gavin's face and I smirked. Gavin immediately knew what I was going and shoved a bit in my face before I could get him. He laughed, however it quickly stopped when I shoved a handful into his face. People laughed along with us and Lindsay handed us a few napkins to clean off our faces. Afterwords, I kissed Gavin, commenting on how his lips tasted like frosting now.
Immediately after, Geoff asked Gavin and I to be in a group picture of all the Achievement Hunter's. We agreed and crowded against a wall. Geoff put Gavin and I in front, with the others fanning out around us. I looped my arms around Gavin's waist and tickled him slightly, making him giggle and squirm around a bit.
Lots of people came around and took pictures of us. Barbara came around and snapped a ton of pictures, saying that it should be another picture that we hang up in our office. Gavin and I both agreed, along with the others behind us.
Eventually we were allowed to sit back down. Everyone was beginning to get up and dance so I figured I was allowed to loosen up a bit as well. I took off my blazer and stretched slightly, Gavin giggling at me and grabbing my hand.
"Wanna dance?" Gavin asked me. I smiled at him and nodded, standing up and leading him out to the dance floor.
We joined the growing crowd on the floor. Gavin found George, Dan and Ray and brought them over to us so we could have our own little group. Barbara, Lindsay and Michelle joined us a little later and we all danced around, jokingly doing stupid dance moves.
"Hey, Michael, you should break dance," Lindsay said, giggling slightly.
I shrugged and looked at Gavin, watching him giggle and nod. The others moved back slightly and started cheering me on to break dance.
The moment I started, I immediately failed, falling on the floor and laying there. Gavin started laughing immediately after making me swoop my arm out and grab his leg, making him fall too. The others in our group started laughing and clapping for us. Barbara crouched down and snapped a few pictures of Gavin and I laughing at ourselves.
Eventually, we calmed down enough to stand back up and the reception continued. Gavin and I went around greeting people and talking to basically everyone who came. It was nice seeing a lot of the people that I hadn't seen in years and I knew Gavin felt the same way.
Once the party began to wind down and people began to leave, Gavin slumped against me and broke his professionalism. I smiled at him, kissing his cheek and wrapping my arms tightly around his waist.
"I'm tired," Gavin said.
"I know you are. I am too. But, soon, we'll be at that hotel room, and we'll finally be able to relax. And some other things will probably happen that-," I said until Gavin cut me off.
"Oh my god, Michael, stop," Gavin giggled, turning around and facing me.
"Well it's true," I told him, kissing him gently.
About an hour later, everyone had left except the main wedding party. We all had one last drink by ourselves before loading up some of the things and going home.
Eventually, Gavin and I were allowed to leave ourselves. I wrapped an arm around his waist while he leaned gently on me, resting his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head gently and smiled, feeling my heart swell with love for him.
Once we got outside, I noticed that the wedding party had apparently not left like I thought they did. Instead, they stood in a line on either side of the sidewalk holding what looked like cups of confetti or something. Barbara stood at the end, taking a few pictures before grabbing her own cup and joining the others.
Gavin looked up at me and shrugged. He grabbed my hand and we ran down the sidewalk while getting confetti rained down on us. Everyone cheered and clapped for us as we got into the car that would take us to the hotel.
"I love you, Mi-cool," I heard Gavin whisper before he leaned against me again.
"I love you too, Gav," I told him, wrapping an arm around him.

"God, I never knew how much my feet would hurt after a wedding. Now I know and I wish I didn't," Gavin said, stretching out his toes in the warm water.
Right when we got to the hotel, I suggested that we take a bath or something to relax. We were going to, especially since there was a bottle of champagne in our room when we first arrived however what we're doing now was way more relaxing.
Gavin and I sat on the edge of the bath with our legs in the water. We were still in our suits so we had the pant legs rolled up. We were sipping the champagne we had and enjoying the amazing view of Austin through two balcony doors in front of us.
Gavin leaned against me and closed his eyes. I wrapped an arm around him and held him up, kissing his head gently. I smiled when I saw the ring that I gave him today shine a little bit. I looked over at my own ring and smiled even more, slowly realizing that this was all real.
"Can you believe that we're married, Gav?" I asked him.
"Nope," He said, giggling again, obviously having a bit too much to drink.
"Like... Two years ago, did you ever see yourself anywhere near where we are today?" I asked him.
"No. But I guess I always hoped," He told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked him, slightly confused.
"Did I not tell you? I could've sworn I told you," Gavin said. I shook my head in confusion.
"I've loved you since the day we met. No... Scratch that, since before we met. Seeing you with Lindsay really broke my heart and the only way I got through the day was by imagining myself someday being with you. And... Now that it's finally happened... I just... I don't know what to think, or do, or say. I'm just... So happy that things finally worked out the way I always dreamed they would," He told me.
I blinked in surprise and smiled, feeling the familiar warm feeling race through my body again. I grabbed Gavin's hand and kissed it gently, making him giggle and smile.
"I guess things just always have a funny way of working out, especially when I'm involved," I winked at him, kissing his cheek and letting him lean against me again.
"Just... Leave it to me."
And... That's it! Wow... Every time I finish a story... I honestly don't know what to think.
So, as usual, I have a few questions for you! Would you guys like a sequel? If I wrote one, I don't really know what I'd write about, so if you want one, please give me some suggestions! I'll of course give you credit for them.
Second, I was thinking about doing an epilogue. If I did one, then I'd need to know about whether or not you want a sequel since the epilogue will change depending on if there's a sequel or not.
Anyway... Thank you everyone for reading this story and I hoped you enjoyed it!

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