Chapter Thirty-Four: So, This Is Where We Are

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It had been a week since Michael saved Michelle from their father. Michael had almost recovered from the beating and Michelle was beginning to get over the trauma. Their father had been immediately thrown in jail and his court date was set a little while in the near future, in which Michael and Michelle were both going to see their nightmare get locked away for good.
But that wasn't even the biggest thing going on.
George was coming to America and taking the job as the new intern for Achievement Hunter.
He had thought it over and realized he would really love to do that. He would get to see me everyday, play tons of video games, be apart of podcasts and such. It would be great.
Of course, we both still had problems with our father. George had told me about how he had stopped sending him money for his apartment and he had been forced to move. Basically he was going through what I had to go through when I left England.
But he was coming soon, and that's all that mattered to me.
Michelle also made a huge decision and decided on quitting her job. I could still remember the look on Michael's face when she told us. Complete happiness and fulfillment.
She was still living with Michael and she had begun to work out her drugs and alcohol addictions. She had begun to see a therapist and even applied for a job at RoosterTeeth, much to Michael's approval.
Yep, things were going great for a change. The future looked bright for us and the people around us. Everyday I woke up with a happy and clear mind.
Everything was perfect.

Today was just a normal Monday.
Or so I thought.
I got out of my bed and stumbled around my room, walking into the door before successfully going into my bathroom.
I took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, combed and styled my hair, like I did everyday.
I read Michael's good morning text, like I do every time I don't spend the night at his apartment.
But something caught my eye with the text.

I hope you're ready for this, because I am.

What was that supposed to mean? I eventually brushed it off, not thinking much of it.
I kinda wished I had, especially if I knew what was to come with it.

"'Ello everyone!" I called out cheerfully, hearing the usual groans and 'fuck offs' that I usually heard. I giggled happily and took my seat at my desk, spinning in my chair and whipping out my phone.
Michael walked in soon after giving me a mischievous look. His sister walked in behind him, giggling. I cocked my head at them, questioning their behavior slightly but nevertheless getting to work.
About an hour later, Geoff announced what we would be filming today. I noticed him give Michael a nod as he announced the Minecraft Let's Play we had scheduled. I, once again, found the behavior odd but shrugged it off again.
The time for filming came quicker than I thought and we were quickly set up for the Minecraft Let's Play. Michael kissed my cheek before sitting at his desk and giving me a hopeful glance.
By now I knew something was up. I wondered what type of prank they had in store for someone, most likely me. I tried not to overthink it, especially since the pranks were for the fans amusement.
We started the Let's Play and all went well. It was Lads vs. Gents, of course. Basically it was a game of capture the flag but with a few rules swapped around. Whoever could capture the tower of pimps first and get it to their side won.
The Let's Play was fun and I had screamed and laughed more than I usually would. But I still saw Michael giving me strange looks. His hands were extra fidgety as he played and he constantly had to set his controller down to get a better grip. I instantly began worrying for him, thinking he was sick or something.
Little did I know, all he was feeling was nerves.

Michael's POV:

This was it. The moment I either make or break my relationship with Gavin.
"Hey guys, what the fuck is this?" I heard Jesse ask. All the guys, except Gavin, faked confusion and followed Jesse to what he was talking about. I took a deep shaky breath and followed behind all the guys characters to what I had built a few nights before.
I heard the door creak open slightly and I knew Barbara, Burnie, Meg, Michelle and a few others had walked in with the camera to record Gavin's reaction to what I had built.
I turned my gaze to Gavin, along with the other guys. I saw Jesse and Jack giving me a slight thumbs up, encouraging me for what I was about to do.
"Dear Gavin,
Remember when I said that when I propose to you it'll be done right? I hope you don't mind I'm proposing to you over a video game, but I thought it would be appropriate for us, ya know?
By the way, I'd suggest looking at me," Gavin read out loud, his voice quivering near the end. He instantly whipped his head towards me to see me already down on one knee, holding out a ring box.
"So, Gavin, will you marry me?"
Sorry for the shortness. Also, HAHA THIS IS THE END OF PART 2! HATE ME!
So anyway, Part 3 will pick up right after this with Gavin's answer to Michael's proposal. But that's into if you guys want it. Cause like... I don't if it's gonna be worth it. Not many people have been interested in this story so... Yeah.
Anyway, thank you for sticking around for two parts. It means a lot to me. I really hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave feedback and let me know how I can improve or what you want to see from this story.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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