Chapter Thirty-Six: Accept or Deny?

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I stared at Gavin, smiling brightly, waiting for him to either deny or accept my proposal. Everyone in the room was holding their breath, including me, waiting for him to answer.
But what he answered neither excited or upset me.
"I-I don't know..." Gavin breathed, giving me a worried look.
My smile disappeared immediately, my mind fighting over whether or not to be upset. I don't know? What was that supposed to mean?
"I really don't know, Michael, I'm sorry. I-I need time to think. I'm so sorry," Gavin whispered before running out of the room.
I didn't leave my position for a good minute. Everyones gazes were fixed on the door Gavin ran out of and they slowly shifted their gaze to me.
Slowly, I stood up shakily and looked at the door as well, feeling very empty suddenly. This wasn't how I had planned it to go. In fact, I was almost positive he would say yes. I wasn't expecting his answer to be 'I don't know'.
"You okay, Michael?" I heard Geoff ask me. I didn't bother looking over to him, instead keeping my gaze glued to the door. I could feel everyones gazes on me, and for the first time in my life, I felt uncomfortable and nervous under all the stares.
When I finally managed to look away. I gave everyone a quick glance and left the room as well.

It's been an entire week.
A whole week, Monday to Monday, since I proposed to Gavin.
I hadn't seen him once since the proposal. He had stopped coming into work, saying he felt ill. He hadn't called or texted me either, he had been inactive on his Twitter, and he hadn't been on his xbox since Monday.
It was like he was isolating himself from the world.
I wasn't much better though. I hardly said a word at work and I would decline the opportunities to be in Let's Plays. Every time someone tried to socialize with me, I would ignore them completely or give them a quick 'I don't want to talk'.
People were constantly giving me sympathetic or pitied looks. I hated it. I was never a person that liked to have people feel bad for me. All the attention was slowly getting to me. Yes, I loved attention, don't get me wrong. But this attention wasn't something I was particularly enjoying.
Michelle wasn't leaving me alone either. She never left me alone at the apartment, saying she had to watch out for me so I didn't do anything stupid. It wasn't like I was suicidal, but apparently she begged to differ.
I just wanted to see my boi. I just wanted an answer so my constant 'what if's' and terrible conclusions would come to an end. I should've never proposed. We were actually doing great and our paths ahead looked bright. But I had to go ahead and ruin it with six simple words.
Maybe I shouldn't have even gotten involved with him.

On Tuesday, at exactly 10:34, Gavin made his first appearance in my life since the proposal.
"Gavin?" I heard Geoff mumble, even through my headphones. I quickly whipped them off, turning to said person.
"Hello..." Gavin trailed off.
He looked pretty good for a guy who had no contact with any humans for over a week. He was clean shaven, dressed appropriately, he even did his hair.
I could literally feel my heart break.
To think I was sitting in my apartment every night, drinking away my worries and Gavin was just fine, maybe even better than fine.
I tried to be mad at him, I truly did, but I just couldn't bring myself to, believe it or not.
I began trying to figure out what was so different about him, cause I knew there was something different. When I saw Geoff stand up and Gavin flinch, I figured it out.
He was incredibly timid.
Or more timid then he usually is. Gavin usually doesn't flinch that bad when he sees someone get up. Maybe he was just alert or scared or something.
But even I knew that wasn't it.
"You okay, Gavin?" Geoff asked him. Gavin nodded slowly, sweeping his gaze around the office. When he reached me, he gave me a shy and sympathetic look, which began to slowly eat away at me.
"Well... Videos need to get made, right?" Gavin spoke, his voice higher and cracking in unusual places.
"Yeah," Was all Geoff responded with.

By the end of the day, which was around six, the guys began to pack up and leave. I decided to have a late night just so I could finish editing a Rage Quit video I made a week ago. Gavin also hung back, much to my pleasure and once the guys left, I stood up and walked over to him.
He was sitting on the couch, typing away at his laptop for whatever reason. I watched him with a curious eye until he looked up at me, his eyes reflecting my own sudden nervousness.
"Hey, Michael," Gavin whispered, not screwing up my name. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart just with that.
"I thought it was Mi-cool," I said back, hiding my hurt.
"No, it's not, Michael," Gavin told me, looking down. I sat on the couch with him, Gavin quickly closing his laptop and turning to me. I eyed him suspiciously but he gave nothing away.
"Have you... Have you thought about my question?" I asked him, not meeting his eye. Gavin sighed and looked away as well.
"Yes, I have, Michael. I just need more time to think. I'm really sorry," Gavin told me.
"Was an entire week not long enough?" I mumbled under my breath but I knew Gavin heard me from the hurt that I saw in his eyes.
"Gavin, look, if you don't want to marry me then just say so," I told him. Gavin shot his eyes up to mine.
"Michael Jones, I want to marry you. I really do. It's just... This is a huge decision and I was never good under pressure and stuff and... I'm sorry," Gavin told me.
"Do you still love me?" I pressed on. Gavin took my hands in his and squeezed them.
"I will never stop loving you, Michael. Ever," Gavin told me. I nodded, muttering a quiet 'I love you too' back. Gavin smiled at me and leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine in a quick, but alluring kiss.
"I really love you, Michael. I really, really do," He breathed to me before standing up and gathering his things.
"I'll see you tomorrow," He whispered to me before kissing my cheek and leaving.
And I was alone.
Okay, so this story is back. And in its final part!
I must say I am really excited for this part. I have a pretty great idea planned for it and I think you guys are gonna like it. However, this part may be shorter than the other two but... I'm not sure yet.
Anyway, for those of you who have made it this far, bless your hearts. Thank you for reading this story and for leaving your feedback on them. It means a lot whenever I see that I get comments and stuff, so thank you so much.
Thanks for reading!

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