Chapter Five: Our First... Date?

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It's been a week since Lindsey left. Gavin and I still weren't exactly talking. I mean we would talk during Let's Plays and stuff, but that was it.
We finally finished watching all the application Let's Plays and all of us guys sat down in front of Geoff's laptop to watch the good Let's Plays. We all had a notepad and pen to write down the pros and cons for each Let's Play.
Geoff opened up the fourth Let's Play we had to watch.
"Okay, so Michael, you thought this one was good? Tell us why," Geoff asked me. He did that with everyone who had suggested a video.
"He doesn't actually try to be funny and he isn't overdramatic and hyper like the others. He actually reminds me a lot of Ray," I told him. Geoff nodded and wrote something down. He played the video and everyone sat back and watched.

We finished watching the fifteen Let's Plays that were considered good. Geoff brought all of us to attention so we could choose our favorites.
"Okay, so everyone's gonna go ahead and say there favorite Let's Plays. I'll go first. I liked the ones by Will, Tyler, and Jesse," Geoff told us. We all nodded and Ryan went next.
"I liked the ones by Kyle and Jesse," Ryan told us. Jack went next.
"Jared and Will," Jack said. Gavin went next.
"Jesse and Jared's were pretty awesome," Gavin said. Everyone turned to me. I looked down at my notepad to see the one name I had written down.
"Jesse," I said. The guys looked at me in confusion.
"That's it?" Geoff asked. I nodded.
"Okay, looks like Jesse has four votes, Will has two, Jared has two, and Kyle and Tyler each have one. We'll narrow down the list to Jesse, Will and Jared," Geoff said. We all nodded and stood up.
"Tomorrow, we'll go through and list the pros and cons. We'll hopefully make a decision by tomorrow," Geoff told us. Everyone packed up and headed out.
I was walking to my car when I heard someone running after me.
"Mi-cool! Hey, can I talk to you?" Gavin asked me. I sighed and shrugged.
"I guess. What do you need?" I asked him. Gavin looked down and became very interested in his shoes.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to go see the new Sinister movie. I heard it's really good," Gavin said. I smiled and laughed. Gavin looked up in confusion.
"You dumbass. Sure, I'll go. Tonight?" I asked. Gavin nodded enthusiastically.
"I'll pick you up at around eight," Gavin said. I nodded and waved to him. At least, we're talking again.

I checked myself in the mirror again, straightening my beanie on my head. I wanted to look good for whatever reason. Maybe it was just the possibility of seeing fans.
I heard knocking and I knew Gavin was here. I said bye to Mavrick and grabbed my phone and wallet. I opened the door and followed Gavin down to his car.
"You nervous?" I asked him when we were in the car.
"A little. I remember seeing the first one and I nearly wet myself," Gavin said. I giggled slightly as Gavin drove to the theater.
"Well, if you get scared, you can grab a hold of me," I joked. Gavin laughed a little but I actually found myself kinda hoping he would get scared. Weird...

We sat in the theater and were just in time for the movie to start. There was a lot of people here, which was strange for a Thursday night.
Gavin watched the movie intently and I found myself looking over at him a lot. I admired how his eyes lit up with the movie. I hadn't ever realized how his nose complimented his face perfectly. And the slight stubble... I wonder what that would feel like if I kissed him...
Whoa... What the fuck, Michael! You're not gay! You don't like Gavin! What are you doing then?
Suddenly, a jumpscare happened and Gavin jumped up and gripped my arm. I smiled as he uncovered his eyes and looked back at the screen. He didn't let go of my arm even after the jumpscare happened. I kinda liked the warmth of his arm on mine. I moved my arm so I could grip Gavin's hand. I slowly intertwined my fingers and to my surprise he did the same. I was holding hands with Gavin.

The movie progressed and finally made it to the climax. Gavin's eyes were wide and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I had one hand on his knee and another on his neck.
"Oh my god, his hand...," Gavin muttered and buried his head into my chest. They actually made his hand look really real. Gross.
Gavin lifted his head and watched till the end. He sighed when the lights turned back on and released me from his tight grip. I instantly missed his embrace.
"Sorry... I didn't mean to hold onto you," Gavin muttered when I stood up. I smiled and offered him my hand so he could stand up.
"It's fine. I like to hold onto something during Thunderstorms," I muttered quietly.
"You're still scared of Thunderstorms?" Gavin asked quietly.
"It's not something I can get over automatically, Gavin," I told him. Gavin shrugged and followed me out of the theater. I hadn't realized we were still holding hands until three teenage girls came up to us.
"Oh my god! You guys are Michael and Gavin! From Achievement Hunter!" One of the girls said. Great... Can I have at least one night where I don't have fans come up to me?
I watched as the girls gazes traveled down to our intertwined hands. They all gasped and gave us a look. I quickly let go of Gavin's hand and felt my cheeks turn red.
"Are... Are you guys... Together?" One of them asked.
"What? No! We were just... Um... Walking out. He's kinda drunk," I told them. I looked at Gavin, pleading him to act drunk. Gavin gave one of his looks that told me 'no problem, but you're paying later'.
He fake hiccuped and stumbled around a bit.
"I told you not to spike the drink, Mikey Wikey," Gavin mumbled. I rolled my eyes. He's actually making it convincing.
"Well, I need to get him home before he throws up everywhere," I told the girls. They looked a little confused but went along with it. I grabbed Gavin's hand again and led him towards the door.
Once we were outside, Gavin stopped the act and looked at me for a moment.
"Drunk? Drunk! That's what you came up with? I could think of ten other excuses that's would have been believable," Gavin said. I laughed, realizing that it was a stupid excuse.
"It's the only one I could come up with in a split second. They bought it, didn't they?" I asked him. Gavin sighed and unlocked his car.
"Barely. But it was still kinda funny. It'll make a good story for a Podcast someday," Gavin muttered. I nodded and he drove me home.
Once we pulled into the parking lot, I kinda just sat there. Gavin did too. We didn't say anything for about a minute. Finally, I decided to break the awkward silence.
"Uh, thanks. That was really awesome, hanging out with you again," I told him. Gavin looked at me and nodded.
"We'll have to do it again. After all, you're my boi, Mi-cool!" Gavin yelped. I laughed slightly and looked into his mesmerizing green-blue eyes. Our eyes locked for a few seconds before I felt our faces slowly coming closer. Our lips were centimeters apart when...
My phone rang.
I quickly pulled back and looked at it. It's Geoff. I sighed and told Gavin good night. Gavin nodded and gave me an obviously fake smile.
"What, Geoff," I asked him, rudely.
"Whoa! Who the hell pissed you off?" Geoff asked, mellowly. I sighed and reminded myself to be nice to him.
"It's nothing. What's up?" I asked him.
"Alright, so I decided that the people that we chose for, like, the finals, I guess you could call it, we were gonna call and tell them they could potentially have a job at Achievement Hunter," Geoff told me.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? What about the others that aren't gonna get the job?" I asked him.
"Well, we'll just tell them they didn't get the job, I guess," Geoff told me. I rolled my eyes at his lack of sensitivity.
"Anyway, that's not the point. I called Jesse and from what he made it sound like... It sounded like he had a lot going on. So, I don't want you to get too excited about him," Geoff told me. Wait... What? Jesse's was the best one out of the two hundred something Let's Plays.
"What do you mean, a lot going on? Like, he's busy or something?" I asked Geoff. Geoff sighed.
"Kinda. He and his sister are in a similar situation that you and your sister were in when you were young," Geoff said. I felt my heart drop. Really...? That's terrible. What I had to go through was absolutely horrible and thinking of another human being having to go through the same thing made me shudder.
"You okay, Michael?" Geoff asked. I gulped and muttered a feeble 'yeah'.
"Okay. Well, we'll call him again if we decide on him," Geoff told me. I muttered another yeah and we both said our good byes.
Jesse and his sister were going through exactly what I had to go through... That's terrible. I could already imagine this guy and his sister I hadn't even met having to stand up for each other for there lives.
I went to bed, hoping Jesse and his sister were alright now. I wonder what his sister's name is? I knew it started with an M but that's it. I bet we'd be best friends, Michael and... M.
I drifted off to sleep in my bed. Tomorrow, I'd do everything in my power to get Jesse this job. If it'll protect him from the evils of his home, then I'll do it.
Hello! I hope you liked this chapter! Michael's kinda trying to figure out where he stands with Gavin. Hehe. I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for reading!
(Please left feedback! It'll be greatly appreciated!)

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