Chapter Twenty-Three: Michelle

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Ever since word spread that Michael's sister was a porn star, nobody's really let up on him. They'd make crude jokes about it and constantly poke fun at him. And for the first time in my life, I saw what it was like for someone else to get bullied.
But, I had bigger problems at the moment.
My mum had literally begged me to come to England for my brothers inheritance celebration. I honestly really wanted to go. I hadn't seen my twin since I left England. But the fact that my dad was gonna be there and I wouldn't be able to avoid him was enough to actually make me not want to go.
But, mom being the persistent woman she is called me every night asking me to come. Telling me my brother missed me and wanted me to come.
I eventually gave in.
"Alright, mum, alright. I'll come," I gave in.
"You will?" She asked excitedly.
"Yes, but if I do come, promise me one thing," I told her.
"Of course. What is it?" She asked.
"Keep dad away from me," I told her.
"Of course, Gavvy," She breathed gently.
I hadn't told Michael yet. With everything that was going on with him, I didn't think it was exactly a good idea to tell him just yet. I wasn't planning on staying for a long time though. Maybe a couple days. Just long enough to attend the party and have a day to spend time with my brother.
I just hoped I wasn't making a mistake.

"Mi-cool, are you sure your alright?" I asked Michael for the third time.
Michael hadn't said a word since the Let's Play. And even then he barely talked. I knew he was kinda upset with all the fun poked at him, but I didn't think he would go as far as to not talk.
Michael shrugged and gave me a small smile, which I knew was fake, and turned back to his editing.
I saw the door open and I looked over at it. Ray walked in, strangely not smiling.
"Hey guys. It looks like I'll be taking my leave," Ray muttered sadly.
All the guys frowned and got up to say good bye. I noticed Michael kinda hung back. He had a thoughtful expression and seemed to be thinking deeply. When it was his turn to say bye to Ray he just hugged him and told him to take care.
When Ray left, the office was sent into a sad silence. Every time Ray visited and then left again, it was like he was leaving for the first time all over again. It sucked.
I saw the door open and a few people giggling. I recognized the people as Kerry and Joel. I saw Barbara standing behind them as well.
They pointed for me to get Michael, which I tapped his shoulder and made him looked behind himself.
"Michael, there's someone here to see you," Joel giggled slightly.
Michael eyed them suspiciously but none the less, got up and followed them.
The moment they left my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it realizing that it was my mom.
"Hey mum," I answered.
"Hey Gavvy! Anyway, when are you coming up? The party is on Sunday, you know," Mom told me. I scratched my head in thought.
Today was Monday. I could start packing tonight. Tell Michael over a date that I needed to go back to England on Tuesday. Get my ticket Wednesday. Go on Thursday. And arrive in England on Friday. Giving me a day to get situated and then attend the party on Sunday.
"I think I'll be leaving Thursday," I told her.
"Good, I'll be there to get you, sweetie. I just wanted to confirm that with you. Good bye, Gav. Love you," My mum told me.
"Love you too, mum," I whispered quietly so the guys wouldn't hear me. I hung up and leaned back.
Hopefully Michael wouldn't be too upset.

Michael's POV:

I walked downstairs with the guys and Barbara. I noticed Barbara giving me sad glances and I gave her a confused look. She just shook her head and looked down.
I saw a group of people surrounding someone. The group contained mostly guys, and up front were the three interns that started the whole poking fun at me thing.
A bunch of people shoved me forward toward the unknown person in the center of the circle. I soon burst back out into the open, only to be confronted by a younger girl.
A younger girl who I recognized almost immediately.
"Michelle?!" I asked her, confused yet slightly giddy.
"Michael!" The girl exclaimed happily. She threw her skinny, tanned arms around me.
The girl hugging me was indeed my sister. She had the bright curly ginger hair that I remembered from our childhood. She had big light blue eyes and straight pearly white teeth. She had a freckle speckled face, very similar to mine, and a petite nose.
What I didn't remember was the crunchiness of her hair, loaded down with numerous products. The large amounts of make-up that made her look like a stripper. The very revealing outfit she wore. Her skin... So tan... Looked almost unnatural on her. She also smelled of about twenty different perfumes, making my nose burn and giving me a slight headache.
When she pulled away, I saw her smile a bright smile and push back a couple of my curls from my face.
"You've grown, Michael. You look so handsome," My sister admired.
"You... Have too," I choked out.
I couldn't help but notice that she didn't have that childish glint in her eyes anymore. The little speck in her eyes that used to make me happy that she hadn't grown up yet, out of hope that she could have a normal childhood, unlike me. Well, it was no longer there, and that was enough to make me almost burst into tears.
I dropped my arms from around her stomach and stood back a bit, finally getting a breath of fresh air.
"You two should catch up," Joel giggled.
"Shut up, Joel," I growled at him.
"No, Michael, he's right. I want to know what you've been up to," Michelle purred.
I rolled my eyes and decided we probably should. Then I can confront her about this porn star thing.
"Um... I've gotta tell my boss I'll be heading out," I muttered.
"And make out with Gavin while you're up there," Joel said again.
"Joel, I swear to fucking god if you don't shut your god damned mouth-," I started.
"Okay! I'm done!" Joel laughed and he led the group away.
I told Michelle to stay put and I ran up the stairs to the office. I walked into the office and felt all eyes on me.
"Um... Can I take the rest of the day off? Something came up... You'll probably hear about it soon," I muttered.
"Sure, Michael," Geoff said.
I saw Gavin making a nervous and puzzled face. I tweaked my eyebrows and approached him.
"You okay?" I asked him gently.
"Wot? Oh... Uh yeah. Just thinking," He mumbled, his accent extremely thick.
"Well, you can probably come over later tonight," I told him.
"Um... I'm actually gonna be busy," Gavin mumbled again. What? Gavin never had plans.
"Um, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then," I muttered and kissed his cheek gently. His face lit up with a blush as I walked away.
Strange... I wonder what Gavin's plans are? Although, I really didn't want to be that boyfriend and constantly pester him about what he was doing, so I didn't ask. But, if I said I wasn't the least bit suspicious, I'd be lying.
I met up with Michelle and led her out of the building.

"That's amazing, Michael! It must be awesome to just sit and play video games all day," Michelle said happily. I smiled a little and nodded.
"Anyway, I was meaning to ask. Who's Gavin? And why did that one guy say that?" Michelle asked me.
I gulped and looked down. I hadn't really wanted to tell her about Gavin yet, but if I didn't tell her now, she'd pester me until I did. I looked up and saw her give me an encouraging smile.
"Gavin... Is... Um... My boyfriend," I muttered quietly.
If Michelle didn't like the idea of me dating another guy, then she was a better actor than I thought because she covered it up nicely.
"Why are you all shy about it, Mikey! That's fantastic! When do I get to meet him?" She asked excitedly. I shrugged.
"Probably not till tomorrow. He's busy with something tonight," I muttered.
"Okay, well, how about you tell me about him instead," Michelle suggested.
So, that's how I spent the night. Rambling on and on about how great Gavin was. Michelle listened intently and smiled and laughed at the correct spots. I almost forgot about her being a porn star with the way we were acting. It was almost like I never left. Like I never abandoned her.
Little did I know, things were gonna get a whole lot worse.
Hello!! Thanks for reading! I know this chapter is up late and I apologize. I've been busy with Odyssey of the Mind tryouts coming up. But, I hope you guys are enjoying! Please leave some feedback and tell me how I'm doing. Once again, thank you so much reading and I hope you enjoy!

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