Chapter Twenty-Five: Dilemma

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I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to shake my dream from my thoughts. I didn't have anyone to hold onto while I rode out the nightmare, so I just leaned back and clutched onto my pillow.
I heard Mavrick whimper at me when he noticed my terrified look and I beckoned him to come closer. He did and laid his head in my lap, groaning every so often.
I looked around, wishing that the images in my head would go away.
I sighed and figured I should get out of bed and clean my tear streaked face. I rolled out of my bed and shakily walked to the door and opened it. Mavrick jumped off the bed and brushed against my leg, following me out.
I turned out of the bedroom and stumbled towards the bathroom. I turned the sink on and dipped my hands into the cold water, splashing it onto my face and scrubbing at my cheeks.
I looked at myself once again in the mirror. Once again, I looked tired. Tired, scared and alone. Now it seemed to be worse since I couldn't just call Gavin and ask him to come over. If I did that he technically wouldn't be over for ten hours.
I wish he didn't go to England.
I wondered what he was doing now. Probably just getting up. Or maybe he's been up, who knows?
Being reminded that he wasn't here made me want to cry more. I felt like such a teenage girl right now. Waking up at two in the morning to cry?
I heard the bathroom door open again and I looked under my arm to see my sister standing there.
"Mikey? You okay?" Michelle asked me.
I sighed and instantly felt like a teenager again. Back when if I woke up late at night and woke my sister while I was at it, I would have to lie and put her back to bed. Back when she was only little.
"I'm fine," I breathed, pushing past her and into the living room. I sat down in one of the chairs and curled up.
"Michael, I'm not a little girl anymore. You can tell me what's going on," Michelle said, lifting my head up.
I looked into her light icy blue eyes and saw her staring at me with all the concern a sister could have. I still couldn't believe how much she'd grown up without me.
"I'm just stressed and stuff-," I started.
"Michael, it's the nightmares, isn't it?" Michelle asked.
I blinked at her in shock. How the hell did she know? Never once did I tell her about my nightmare dilemma.
"How do you know?" I whispered to her, as if anyone else could hear me.
"Michael, come on. I remember waking up to your screams and when I went into your room, you'd be crying in your sleep. It doesn't take a genius to figure out you had night terrors," Michelle said. I sighed and let my legs slide down.
"Don't you have them sometimes?" I asked her.
"Sometimes, yeah. And when I do, I smoke one of these-," Michelle holds up a cigarette that had weed rolled up with it. "And all those bad feelings go away."
I eyed the cigarette. Right now, my mind was too groggy for me to be able to think straight. Right now, calming down and going back to bed without nightmares sounded absolutely great.
I took the cigarette.
Michelle giggled excitedly and lite it for me. I remembered the couple times I did smoke. Of course, that was back when I was in high school and smoking was considered cool. I internally rolled my eyes at how much of a follower I was back then.
I finished the cigarette in a couple minutes and I was instantly feeling a little calmer. The effects of the marijuana were setting in and I was beginning to feel lighter and happier.
Michelle smiled at me when she saw my better mood and she pet back my hair.
"Better?" She asked. I nodded and got up.
"Imma head back to bed. Good night, sis," I giggled a little. Michelle giggled with me.
I settled into bed and closed my eyes. Mavrick growled at me for a moment before curling up next to me and falling asleep with me.

The next morning my body seemed to not want to wake up, which is kinda normal for me. But when I actually tripped and nearly cracked my head open, I realized it was probably more serious than I thought.
I texted Gavin, knowing it was about mid day there. He replied almost instantly, asking if I was okay and stuff. We had a short conversation when I quickly realized I was too tired to really be doing anything that required much thought.
I had no idea why I was so tired. I had gotten over twelve hours of sleep, which was way over the amount I usually got.
I finally stumbled up and was able to hold myself up. I walked slowly into the living room, where my sister was still passed out on the couch. I walked over to her and nudged her awake. She took an extra moment to wake up and when she did, I noticed her eyes were red.
"Hey, Mikey. How much did you have last night?" Michelle giggled. I cocked my head at her, very confused as to what she was talking about.
"Your eyes are pink, you know. You were having some trouble sleeping and I gave you some weed. You were defiantly calm after," She giggled again.
I felt my eye twitch. I took drugs last night? Took drugs, willingly, last night? What the hell has gotten into me?
I suddenly felt rage begin to boil in me. Michelle gave me drugs. She somehow got me to take them. If she never showed up I wouldn't have to be worried about this.
"Michelle, get rid of the drugs," I growled at her, trying to keep myself from screaming.
"Oh come on Mikey," Michelle tried to get me to lighten up.
"Now, Michelle. I'm not asking again," I growled a bit more sternly at her.
Her eyes widened and she got up and grabbed a backpack. She began to rummage through it and I left her to sort that mess out.
I went back to my room and I laid back down. I just wanted to curl up and sleep all day. To be honest, that sounded incredibly nice.
So that's what I did.

I awoke to my phone going off. I blinked open my eyes and was greeted by my dark room. The only light came from my phone and the tiny stream of light that came from the window.
I looked at my phone and answered it, not bothering to see who was calling me. I saw the time though, seeing it was around one in the afternoon.
"Mi-cool," I heard Gavin's voice. His sweet, watered down accent was now extremely thick.
But his voice sounded like he'd been crying.
"Yeah, what's wrong? How's the party thing... Or whatever," I asked him, concern dripping from my voice.
"My dad just called me out in front of everyone and told them I was worthless."
Holy shit I'm seriously gonna apologize and say I'm sorry for this shitty as fuck chapter. I'm having some writers block right now, which fucking sucks. Anyway, please understand that the updates may be a little slower (especially since I've gotten into Odyssey of the Mind and stuff) but it doesn't mean I'm putting this story on hold. Anyway, thank you for sticking around and bearing with me through this fucking terrible story. I really appreciate it. Anyway, thanks for reading and please leave some feedback!

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