Chapter Twenty-Six: Gathering's

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Gavin's POV:

I pulled down a little more on the tuxedo vest I was wearing while my mom adjusted my tie. I hated getting all dressed up, especially for things like gatherings. Most gatherings only required simple clothing but when it came to my family, we always had to go all out.
My mom was wearing an elegant black dress custom made just for her. It hugged her skinny form and made her look younger than she actually was. Her hair was curled and pinned back with a diamond clip. Her make up was done flawlessly and made her look like she was maybe in her late twenties. If I wasn't gay and she hadn't been my mother, I probably would've been head over heels for her.
She stepped back to admire my appearance. She scowled a bit and licked her thumb and tried running it across my cheek. I stumbled back and held my hands up before she could get to me.
"Mum, don't be like that," I begged. She smiled and giggled a bit before lowering her hand and pulling me into a hug.
"I've missed you," She purred. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her skinny form.
"I've missed you too, mum," I told her.
She pushed her head into my chest and took a deep breath. I felt her body shudder a bit and I knew she was crying.
"Oh, Gavvy, it's so weird without you here. I know I should be used to it by now, but I just can't get myself to believe that you're really all grown up now," She said when she pulled away.
"You're always gonna be my little baby, no matter what you say. Or Michael," She winked at that and I blushed.
"Hell, I'll be right back," I told my mom before running out of the room and grabbing my phone.
I hadn't called him at all today. I couldn't imagine what he probably had to deal with last night with his sister. Although, I knew I shouldn't be worrying about that since Michael was probably freaking out about me.
It rung four times.
He didn't answer.
I did the math and figured out it was almost twelve in Austin. He most defiantly would be up by now. Why wouldn't he answer?
I shrugged it off and figured he was probably just busy. I sighed and carried my phone back to the room my mom and I were in.
"You okay, sweetie?" My mom asked me, checking her hair again in the mirror.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I told her. She turned around and smiled.
My mom grabbed my suit jacket and slipped it over my shoulders. She turned me so I was facing her and she buttoned it up for me like I couldn't do it myself. I rolled my eyes at how motherly she was being. Every time I came home from England she'd do this. She'd insist on making me a huge breakfast everyday, pick out my clothes, once she even offered to give me a bath.
To be honest, I didn't mind it. I loved being babied. Not having to do anything was something I especially enjoyed. I always tried my best to get Michael to baby me but he never went through with it. He was only a little over affectionate at times and that was about it.
My mom smiled at me after she finished dressing me. She cupped my cheek in her hand and bit her lip, trying to hold back tears.
"You look so grown up," She croaked. I rolled my eyes and smiled at my mom, kissing her cheek and leading her out of the room.
We said good bye to the butlers and maids and made our way to our car. I tapped my foot nervously, not wanting to see my father at all.
My mom grabbed my hand and squeezed it, giving me a quick and loving look.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be talking with all his friends. He hardly pays any attention to family at these types of things," My mom reassured. I let out a small breath, knowing she was mostly right.
We pulled into the parking lot of my father's business building. I shook my head and tried to steady my heartbeat as we walked into the building.
I was instantly greeted by two of my father's businessmen and they gave me small smiles. I continued walking with my mom down the hallway and up the stairs until I saw my look alike.
I smiled big the moment he looked at me. I saw his smile grow as he saw me and he rushed forward to me.
I felt tears come to my eyes as he embraced me. He grabbed a handful of my hair and held me as close as possible to him. I wrapped my arms as tightly as I could around him. God, I bloody missed him.
When we pulled back, we got quite a few stares, but most were smiling at us, knowing that we hadn't seen each other in years.
"God, Gavin. I thought I'd never get to actually see you in person again," George breathed. I wiped away the tears that streamed down his face. He did the same to me and embraced me again, holding on less tight this time.
My mother came up behind me and tapped me gently, pulling me away from my brother so she could hug him. George kissed her cheek gently and smiled at her before making eye contact with me and leading me around.
He introduced me to people that he was to be working with soon, people that he'd gone to college with, and people that taught him things at college. He kinda avoided our fathers business partners, knowing I'd probably be uncomfortable around them. But it seemed as though he was glaring at them as well, making me wonder if he had his own personal grudge against them.
I brushed it from my mind when my brother smiled at me again.

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