Chapter Forty: Aftermath

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How dare Gavin? I gave him everything. Attention, love, happiness, everything. And this is how he repays me? By cheating on me with another guy.
I was so angry I couldn't think straight. Eventually, I cooled down enough to call my sister and ask her to come over. She answered quite angrily, especially since it was going on twelve in the morning. But, eventually she agreed into coming over.
"Okay, what the hell could you possibly need at twelve in the morning?" She growled at me. She walked into the apartment and rubbed her eyes, yawning. "Where's Gavin?"
"That's what this is about," I told her. I walked over to the couch, watching her trail behind me.
"What happened?" She asked me, sitting down next to me.
I pulled the ring out of my pocket and set it on the coffee table. Michelle looked at it for a moment before making the conclusion I was hoping she'd get on her own.
"Wait... No! Michael, what happened? What did he do?" She asked me worriedly.
"He cheated on me, Michelle. Apparently some guy, Darin, and him hooked up after he ran out on my first proposal," I told her. Michelle nodded and grabbed my hand, squeezing it.
"I'm so sorry, Michael. That's terrible," Michelle told me, pulling me into a hug.
I clutched onto her tightly and felt tears overwhelm me. I sobbed out into her shoulder and she rubbed my back gently, whispering things into my ear. I felt a kind of connection with her that I hadn't felt for a long time and I held onto the feeling for as long as possible.
"I'm gonna stay over, okay? I don't what to leave my big brother alone during this," She told me, kissing my cheek. I nodded, and she began wiping away the tears that streamed down my face, making me smile. It was as if our roles from when we were younger were switched.
And for a moment, my thoughts of Gavin disappeared.

"Do you think Dominos will deliver at two in the morning?" Michelle asked me as she played with her phone.
"Probably not," I told her.
"Oh... What places deliver 24 hours?" Michelle asked.
"None. Or at least not in Austin. You know, because of crime and stuff. They don't deliver past like... Eight or nine or something," I told her.
"That's stupid. I'm going to get food. I'll be back in a little while," She told me, grabbing her keys. I smirked at her and watched her leave, not realizing how far she'd go to get food.
Once the door closed, I felt oddly alone. Like, more alone then just being by myself for a little while. I felt a deep and stabbing pain in my head that was constantly reminding me that I was alone and had no one to look to for help.
And after a while, I started to believe the feeling.
I was alone.
I tried to mentally talk myself out of it. I knew I wasn't alone. I had plenty of people in my life that had my back whenever I needed it.
However, the constant jabbing feeling overpowered my logic and I began to feel a panic attack start. Being alone scared me more than anything could. The idea of having no one to watch out for me or make sure I was alright was terrifying to me.
My breath came in rapid spurts of air and I felt like I was suffocating. I felt as if I were being squished inside a tiny space, even though my living room was fairly large. My body began shaking and I curled up in a tight ball.
I am alone.

Gavin's POV:

Rain began to pelt harder on me but I didn't notice it. My clothes were already soaked and I was chilled to the bone so a little more rain wasn't gonna do much more to me.
My tears continued to stream down my face. I just lost the best thing that will ever happen to me. How could I be so stupid? If I could go back in time and turn that entire day around, I would make it so I did say yes to Michael in his first proposal, then I would find Darin and beat him up, even though he would have no idea who I even was.
I smirked a little at that until I remembered my situation. Michael was never going to forgive me for this. He was good at keeping grudges and this was defiantly one he wasn't gonna just forgive and forget.
I stopped and shivered slightly. My heart hurt. That stupid thing about heartbreak and how it'll physically made your heart hurt used to mean nothing to me. Now that I was personally experiencing it, it sucked.
As I walked I constantly looked down at the empty spot on my left hand. My ring was supposed to go there. It was supposed to signify everything Michael and I went though to get to where we are today. It was supposed to stand for our undying love and commitment to each other.
It was supposed to represent us.
I let out a choking sob as lightening flashed across the sky. Who would've ever thought I'd be here in my life? Walking to Geoff's in the pouring rain after basically getting dumped by my one true love.
Eventually, I made it to Geoff's. I sighed and walked up the driveway, feeling a sense of dejá vu. I stepped up to the door, taking a deep breath and knocked. I stood back, waiting for someone to open the door.
The door opened and a little girl looked up to me and smiled.
"Uncle Gavin!" She squealed excitedly. She immediately wrapped her arms around me before backing away and holding her arms out in disgust.
"And you're all wet," She said.
"Yeah, I am. Where's your daddy?" I asked her.
"Hang on," She told me. She invited me in, letting me stand awkwardly in front of the door.
After a few minutes, Millie dragged an either very drunk or very sleepy Geoff out. He stumbled after her, muttering things under his breath. When he caught sight of me, he raised his eyebrows and instantly straightened up.
"What's going on Gav?" He asked me.
"Um... I'll explain in a minute," I told him, hinting slightly to Millie's presence.
"Millie, why don't you go see if mommy needs help with... Whatever she's doing," Geoff told her. Millie cocked her head but Geoff just pushed her out of the room.
Geoff returned to me and led me into the bathroom. He handed me a towel and he began drying off my face and hair, like a true father would. He gave me some dry clothes and let me slip them on.
Once I was mostly dried off he led me into the living room, letting me curl up on the couch.
"What's going on? I thought you were hanging out with Michael tonight," Geoff asked.
"I was," I told him.
Eventually, I realized I had to explain everything or else Geoff wouldn't understand what I was going at.
So I did. I told him everything, from the moment Michael proposed to me and how I felt after it to my feelings on the walk to his house. Geoff was a good listener. Even though I knew he was drunk, he still listened intently, nodding his head and keeping eye contact with me.
Once I was finished telling him my story, he blinked and sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"Well, Gav, I don't know what to tell you. I mean, you know you messed up. You know the consequences that are gonna come with that. I don't want to give you false hope and say Michael will forgive you and you two will get married. There's not much you can do right now," Geoff told me.
I nodded slowly, understanding what he meant. There wasn't much I could do right now. And there was especially nothing I could do tonight.
"However, I will say, Michael may be good at keeping things against people, but if he truly loves you, maybe he will come around and let you explain yourself eventually. Now, I'm not saying you should do it tonight, probably not tomorrow, maybe not even this week. But once he cools down a bit, try to ease him in on what happened," Geoff told me.
I sighed, hoping he was right. When Michael cooled down... Or if he cooled down, I could try explaining the situation to him. Then, I might have a chance of fixing what happened between us.
"Why don't you go up to your room and go to bed. I can't imagine how exhausted you probably are," Geoff offered, standing up.
I nodded, standing up as well. I couldn't help but smile slightly when he said your room, like I was still as welcome here as I was when I lived here. He led me up the stairs to my old room and opened the door, letting me go in.
"Good night, Gav," Geoff told me before closing the door.
Once the door was closed, I was left in darkness. I let out another sigh, rubbing my swollen eyes. I walked towards my old bed, pulling back the covers and crawling in.
I looked out the window, seeing a perfect view of Austin. One of the things I loved about living here was when I'd look out the window at night I'd see the bright lights of the city of Austin shine through the window. It relaxed me and made me feel like I still had an entire world to explore.
I felt my eyes get heavy as I looked at the individual lights of the buildings. I found one building in particular, an apartment building. I counted the floors until I let my eyes rest on one lite up window.
Michael and I's apartment...
I felt more tears come to my eyes as I wondered if I'd ever get the chance to live there again. I didn't deserve to, that's for sure. It was Michael's apartment before it was mine.
Eventually, I let my eyes close as my thoughts slowly came to a stop.
I was going to fix this. I had to.
So, I'm trying to wrap up the story in the next few chapters. (Is it just me or have I been finishing a lot of stories?) Yeah. I don't think I'll be writing a sequel to this since it's kinda a trilogy in a way. However, I do what you guys want so I could certainly write one of you wanted one.
Thanks for reading!

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