Chapter Seven: To New York

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"Michael, Geoff needs to talk to you and Gavin," Barbara told me while I was in the kitchen.
"Why?" I asked. She shrugged and pulled a beer out of the fridge.
"I don't know. He made it sound pretty urgent though," Barbara told me. I sighed and began to make my way to the Achievement Hunter office.
When I walked in, Gavin and Geoff were sitting on the couch. I made my way over and stood in front of Geoff.
"What do you need?" I asked him. Geoff nodded and clapped his hands together.
"Okay, so I have a job for you two. You know how Jesse lives in New York, right?" Geoff asked us. Gavin and I both nodded.
"Well, I need you two to drive up there and help him out with moving and stuff," Geoff told us. I sighed and lowered my head.
"Can't he do that on his own?" I asked him.
"Well, he's almost finished anyway, so probably once you get there you'll say hi and leave again," Geoff said. Gavin looked confused for a moment.
"Then, why would we go?" Gavin asked him. Geoff sighed loudly and stood up.
"Okay, look. You know how Jesse's dad just left and his mom committed suicide, right? Okay well, he's very reluctant on leaving his sister behind since she's falling into depression right now. So, his sister is a huge fan of Achievement Hunter and you two just so happen to be her favorites. I thought maybe you could go and surprise her and make her... Not so depressed," Geoff explained. Gavin and I shared a look for a moment.
Both of us knew what it was like to fall into depression. And this little girl had just lost her parents and now brother. I couldn't imagine what type of pain she was dealing with.
"I'll do it. What about you Gav?" I asked. Gavin nodded boldly.
"Me too. Anything to help someone out," Gavin said. He stood up next to me, making me look shorter than I actually am.
"Okay, great! You guys should head home and start packing. You're leaving early tomorrow," Geoff told us. Gavin and I nodded and left the office.

~ Tomorrow ~

Gavin and I decided we were gonna take my car, only because it's better with gas and stuff. I loaded the car with my stuff, which included my clothes and a bunch of snack food and drinks. I went back upstairs to make sure I hadn't forgot anything.
I looked at Mavrick. Poor buddy. He's gonna be all alone most of the day. I kneeled down before him and let him give me a few licks.
"I'll be back soon, buddy. Barbara will come over and feed you and walk you and stuff. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I talked to him. Mavrick licked my face as I rubbed my hands down his back. I stood up and gave him one last pat before leaving the apartment, locking it.
I got into my car and checked my phone. Gavin texted me asking where I was. I told him I was coming and I made my way over to his apartment.
I pulled into the parking lot and told him to get his ass outside. He did, carrying a backpack, blanket and pillow. He threw his backpack in the back seat and climbed into the passenger seat with his blanket and pillow.
"Really?" I asked him, referring to the blanket and pillow.
"Hey, I'm tired! And I'll be sleeping most of this trip anyway," He told me. I rolled my eyes and drove to the nearest gas station.
Once we were there, I told Gavin to run inside and get me a coffee. I stood back, waiting for my gas tank to be full.
After a few minutes, it was and Gavin returned with my coffee. I thanked him and paid for the gas and got into the car. I took a quick sip of my coffee before starting the car again and driving away.
This was gonna be one long ass drive.

It's been about three hours since we left. Gavin was passed out next to me. I yawned and decided to just stop and get another coffee. Besides, I really had to piss so.
Gavin woke up when I stopped. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.
"What are we doing?" Gavin asked me. I shrugged and opened my door.
"I need another coffee. I suggest you use this stop wisely, Gavin," I told him. Gavin yawned and got out along with me.
I made a beeline for the bathrooms and once I was finished I headed for the coffee. Gavin come over and rested his arms and head on the counter.
"I'm so tired," He muttered. I smiled and stroked his hair gently.
"Me too. Get a coffee, it helps a little," I told him. Gavin lifted his head and got himself a coffee.
We paid for them and went back out to the car. Gavin grabbed a poptart from the back seat and started eating it. My stomach started growling and he looked over at me. Gavin lowered his head so it was in line with my stomach.
"You hungry?" Gavin asked it. I laughed slightly at his childishness. He handed me the other poptart, which I ate gratefully.
"Thanks, Gav," I muttered to him. Gavin smiled and laid his head back down on the window as he started dozing.

It was around ten, which meant seventeen fucking hours of driving. I felt like I could pass out at any minute. We were in Louisville, Kentucky. I decided to just stop and stay at a hotel. Gavin looked like he was in a really uncomfortable position, so sleeping in an actual bed would probably help him.
I reached over and shook him awake. He groaned but blinked open his eyes when I swerved a little to scare him.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm stopping at a hotel. I'm way too tired to continue driving," I told him. I saw his eyes light up at the possibly of sleeping in an actual bed.
"Good, cause I've got this killer pain in my back and neck," Gavin mumbled. I smiled at him and drove to the nearest hotel.

We walked up to our room. The lady at the front desk were fans of us so we had to have a little chat with her. But now, Gavin and I were going up to our room. Gavin carrying his blanket and pillow, me carrying a backpack that I refused to leave in the car.
I unlocked the door and led him in. The room was small, but we'd only be using it for sleeping one night so it was alright. The only issue was...
There was only one bed.
I swung my head back to look at Gavin. He yawned and looked back at me.
"So... You sleeping on the floor?" I asked him.
"No way! I'm already having back issues," Gavin complained. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed.
"Fine, we can share. Just stay on your side. And no spooning. I swear to god if your hugging me in the morning, I'm gonna punch your big fucking nose," I told him. Gavin shrugged and fell on the bed, still clutching his pillow and blanket.
"Alright, but no promises. I do weird things in my sleep," Gavin told me, his voice muffled by the pillow. I sighed and got up and decided to take a shower. I grabbed the clothes in my backpack and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, using the cheap ass shampoo and conditioner in the shower. Ugh, that stuff was gonna give me the frizziest hair ever.
I stepped out and dried myself off and slid on my clothes. I dried off my hair as best I could and left the bathroom.
When I got out in the other room, Gavin was fast asleep, curled up in his blanket. He, thankfully, was over the comforter so I wouldn't have to worry about touching his leg or something.
I crawled under the covers and admired Gavin's sleeping face for a moment. He looked like he was, at most, eighteen when he slept. His eyes and nose twitched slightly but he would eventually just snuggle a little deeper into the pillows. I couldn't help but notice how adorable he was.
I quickly shrugged the feeling off and turned on my side. Ever since Gavin and I had our little... incident... I've been feeling different around him. I wasn't gay... I wasn't attracted to Gavin... I wasn't trying to have these thoughts. But, there was one thing I was sure about.
I was lying to myself.
Thanks for reading! I really hope you are enjoying this story so far! I don't really have many plans for an ending so don't be expecting one soon. Anyway, please leave feedback. It'll be greatly appreciated. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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