New Interest

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Twenty Two
{Daytona's Point Of View}

After a few minutes of waiting outside with Jordaine, a red car pulls up in front of us. "Finally, she's here." Jordaine declares.

Once we walked up to the car, I saw Jacqui in the driver's seat and another girl in the passenger's. Maybe that's her girlfriend that Jordaine told me about. She sure looks my age, but her makeup makes her look older. She's actually cute, I could definitely tell she was a stem just because of the way she sat. And, of course- her appearance.

Jordaine let me in the backseat first before she got in. "Thanks again for coming to pick us up," Jordaine comments as Jacqui begins driving away from the restaurant and in the direction most likely to their apartment building.

"Yeah, thanks Jacqui." I say weakly, worrying if it was my place to speak up at the time.

"No problem," Jacqui says sweetly. "Oh, and Day Day, this is Diane, my girlfriend." She points to the girl in the passenger's seat. "Diane, Day Day's Jordaine's girl."

Diane turns around and glances at me before flashing a smile, "What's up?"

I take a closer look at her, nearly squinting my eyes from the darkness in the car. Diane's hair was in basil faux locs. Her round eyes sparkled as they laid on me. Her skin was light, but not pale light. Damn, she's beautiful.

"None," was all that left my mouth, dryly. I'm really speechless, why I feel this way?

Wait; I ain't really into this girl, am I? Nah, nah, nah, and nah. I got Jordaine. I love her. Why would I like this girl I don't even know? It'd never happen. It won't ever.

I don't feel nothing "lovey-dovey" towards her like I do, Jordaine. Maybe my paranoia and suspicions has gotten the best of me if me and Jordaine were to not work out. Shit, I need to stop overthinking like this.

Besides, what could I get from her that I don't get from Jordaine? Nothing at all. Jordaine loves me, and I love her. She's mine. And, I don't need none from this girl. Well, besides a friendship.

"We're home," Jacqui's voice chimed through the car, parking it in the parking lot of the apartment complex.

We all got out the car one by one, then we went into their apartment. But, Jordaine kept a close hold of her present from me that she still hasn't opened.

"Alright, since it's your birthday Jordaine, Diane and I will be in the living room and you two will be in the bedroom, sounds good? Great!" Jacqui says as we walk in.

Before anyone replied to Jacqui, Jordaine grabbed my wrist and quickly dragged me to her bedroom with her. She sure seems hyped about something. Maybe it's the gift- wait, of course it's the present I got her.

Once we got into her bedroom, I sat on the bed as she closed the door. "So, is it alright that I open my present now?" She offers a glistening grin at me, making my stomach flutter with butterflies.

"Well, it is yours. I just ain't want 'chu to open it 'round my mom and your dad," My cheeks heat up and she peeks inside.

"Oh~" Jordaine coos as she sits beside me on the bed. "It's so beautiful!"

I chuckle, "I-It ain't all that now."

"Yeah, it actually is!" She protested, taking it out of it's casing. "Woah... a rose dipped in gold, huh? How much was this!"

I chuckle again. "Like $60-$70?" I answer, running my fingers through my hair.

She chuckles lightly, "It's even rainbow." She sticks her hand back in the bag, fetching what was gathered at the bottom.

My heart hammers in my chest as my skin feels like it's heating up. My cheeks are lit, showing off some type of color. I don't understand why I'm so nervous about Jordaine seeing her present I got her. Well, it did come from my heart. I wanted this. I've wanted for her to see this for a very long time, ever since I finally admitted to myself that I really fell for Jordaine.

So, I shouldn't be nervous. This is good.

"Day Day," Jordaine says silently, looking down at the contents left in the bag. "Are... you sure? You sure... you want to let me read these?"

I look over at her holding the stack of pieces of paper that were clipped together. Biting my lower lip, I nod and rest my cheek against my fist.

The second part to her present were notes; notes about her that I didn't rip up because I liked rereading them at times. I'm still shocked at myself for not ripping them up when I had the chance. Well, it's a good thing that Jordaine could read them now, and finally understand what I thought about her all this time behind the front I put up before we became what we are.

Silence fills the room; I am most likely suspecting that Jordaine is rereading the notes. Occasionally, the sound of shuffling papers would cover the silence, then disappear as she began to read the next one and the next one... and the next... and the next...

She chuckles while reading some and sniffs when reading others. I groan at the most embarrassing one I'd written so long ago.

"You really thought these things about me, D-D?" Jordaine asks with a wide smile.

"Sometimes I still think 'em nowadays– If that makes any sense I mean," I chuckle, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

Silence follows with some more paper shuffling. I'm sure I ain't have that much notes. I'm sure I only kept seven of them, so... what's with all the damn shuffling?

"Day Day, I– ... I love you so much," She places her hand on my cheek, turns me to face her, and kisses me deeply.

I nearly melt into her. I ain't ever heard her say that phrase like that... with such– sincerity, lust, and passion all at once.


That truly hit me. I finally understand...
I finally understand everything now.
Jordaine really loves me and she means it.

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- Yeah, I know this chapter is short and kind of boring. But as always, the next chapter will make up for this one!

- thanks for reading.

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