Dead Wrong

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{Jordaine's Point Of View}

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P e a r l ✨ - EMERGENCY! Please, come over here now! Your sister is in big trouble!

One second I was reading a message, then the next I'm speeding through traffic like there's no tomorrow.

It didn't take me long to make it to the address she texted me. But, once I pulled up, I fixed my metal beneath my shirt as I got out of my car. The front door was open so I walked in cautiously, making my way towards the stairs.

And, a girl which I'm guessing is Pearl motioned me towards her as she stood at the top of the stairs. I walked up and she began to explain, "A ex, I mean a really bad ex I've just got out of an abusive relationship with came while me and Day were in my room and now he's got her locked up in the bathroom and I dunno what he's trynna do..." She said quickly pointing towards a room.

My eyebrows furrowed as I asked, "They in there?"

"Yes!" She answered frantically walking in with me.

As, soon as I heard Daytona's voice screaming, anger consumed me and I kicked the bathroom's door open as I drew out my gun, "Get the fuck up, nigga!"

His eyes grew wide as they came in contact with the gun in my hand. He quickly got off of Daytona as he held his hands up, "Nah, Ho-Hollup nah-"

He didn't get to talk much as I went over and struck him across the face with the back of my gun. He fell back hitting his head on the toilet instantly knocking him out.

"Is he dead?!" Panicked Pearl causing me to glare at her.

"Shut the fuck up, and help me!" I yelled grabbing onto Daytona. I picked her up throwing her over my shoulder as I made my way out of the bathroom.

"Put me down!" She yelled, "No, why would I do that?" I chuckled obliviously. "Grab her phone, and keys. You ride her car while I ride in mines. Got it?" I said to Pearl as I walked down the stairs.

"Yeah." She answered back as she quickly did as I said, and joined me at the bottom of the stairs.

"I can drive, and I can walk just fine, alright?! Let me down!" She yelled once more.

I finally put her down as we reached my car, "You ridin' in my car, Day Day." I said sternly staring her down.


Once Pearl left, me and Daytona were left in an awkward silence. Well that was until I decided to break it, "I know this probably bad timing. But... I TOLD YOU SO! Now, look what done happened. And, I bet you ain't even get no coochy!" I laughed loudly.

"You one cold hearted ass bitch, you know that?" She says rolling her eyes.

"Yeaaah, but I'm your cold hearted ass bitch." I cheese causing her to groan.

"What you mean?"

"I mean I'm yours. You want me don't you?" I grin enclosing in on her.

"Uh, hollup... what?" She asks confused as she sits up on her bed.

"I mean you still like me, right? I know you still do..." I whisper, trapping her underneath my grip.

"Nah, Jordaine back off." She chuckles nervously pushing me back by my chest.

"Come on, why lie? I know you still like me. It's written all over the way you act around me." I grin as she looks at my eye-widened.

{Daytona's Point Of View}

The tension in my room right now had me worried. There's no way in hell that I could tell her the truth. That'd be too... weird.

My back hit my headboard as I tried to keep my distance away from Jordaine. But it wasn't working, she picked my chin up as she asked me once more, "You still like me, don't you?"

That fuzzy feeling was slowly creeping it's way under my skin, so I quickly reacted slapping her hand away from my chin as I pushed her back from me, "I already told ya! I don't like you, period! I can hardly stand bein' in the same space as ya!"

"Stop acting like this!" She yelled gripping my thighs, "Stop treating me like this! Can't you tell that I love you! I don't do these things because I don't like you, it's because I'm trying to protect you!"

I stared at her silently as I couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth. I then squint my eyes at her, "You don't understand, do you?"

She then looked up at me her eyebrows raising, "What?"

"You're ridiculous. Get out of my room." I say pointing at my door.


"Get out of my room! Now!" I scream as she gets off my bed.

"Why're you doing this to me?" She asks me confused.

"Why're you doin' this to me! You neva paid attention to me before! You always gave me the cold shoulder, would degrade me because of how I act, and constantly talked down on me with our parents! How do you think I'd feel now! Now you're trying to tell me you love me? How? Why! Just get out of my damn room, bro. I'm sick and tired of you and your mixed signals! You'll neva understand." I finished.

"No, Day Day let me talk to you!" She said quickly reaching for me. So, I got up and grabbed her by her arm as I pushed her out of my room, "Leave me alone!"

The door slammed in her face and I fell to my knees as I let out a sigh of relief. She doesn't understand... that the way I love her isn't the same as the way she "loves" me.

[Picture is Jordaine] ⬆

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