Over Ya'

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{Daytona's Point Of View}


Winter break was finally over and it was time to go back. Thanks to Jordaine, I had to get up early and get ready.


"Jordaine, I have to get to class, can you leave me be now." I say harshly between grit teeth.

Jordaine hasn't left me alone after I told her I didnt like her, for what the third time? I mean of course I'm lying, but I just don't want to tell her yet. She's been acting like a 5 year old around me. She's never been this clingy with me before, and she's the adult, so shouldn't she be more mature?

"Ugh, fine. Have a great day baby sis." She laughs pulling me into a hug without letting go.

"You too." I mumble into her chest. I slip out of her hold on me and quickly make my way to class.

Once I get there I sit in my assigned seat. While giving Jer'Darius some dap before sitting down and waiting on my stud homie, Ayden we usually hang with at the park to show up. Me and Ayden have been friends for a solid 4 years, ever since the 7th grade, Jer'Darius came around freshmen year.  She's usually on time, but sometimes she's a minute late because of her make out sessions she be having with her girlfriends.

The bell rings as soon as Ayden walks through the door with messy hair, and red lipstick smeared on her lips.

Me and Darius bust out laughing before she even reaches her seat. "What the fuck y'all laughin' at?" She scoffs taking her seat.

"Nun, nun at all nigga." I laugh as we all exchange handshakes. "You look more tired than usual, what's up with that?" She asks fixing her desk besides mine.

"Jordaine's dumbass self fell off her bed, and woke me up." I groan leaning back against my chair.

"She a senior, right?" Darius asks.
"Yeah, she got held back in elementary school." Ayden answers him.

"Oh, yeah you got lip stick on yo' face thou, who's the new chick?" I chuckle as she blushes wiping her face.

"Shit, her name's Alice. I think she's the one, yo." She cheeses while wiping off the lipstick with her sleeve.

"That's what you said about Jennie too." Butted in Darius as we began to laugh.

Ayden rolled her eyes as our teacher starts to take attendance. He looked at Ayden and our table before looking back at his computer.

"Dafuq?" She scoffs seizing him up and down before turning back to us.

We began to laugh once again as Ayden began to chuckle, "Shit, fuck wrong with him. He ain't had to look like dhat."

"Ah, shit you mean forreal." Laughs Darius.

"Whateva, nigga." She laughs, "Antyways, why yo' sis make you grumpy today?"

"I dunno, she jus asked me sum' weird shit. I dunno..." I mumble fixing my feet on the top of my desk.

"Hey, you three, keep quiet." Said Mr. Collins causing Ayden to raise her eyebrows.

"Wasn't nobody even talkin' loud dhis time!" She yells causing the whole class to laugh.

I began to zone out as Jordaine made her way into my thoughts. That question she asked me this morning, even though I was half asleep I remember everything. She seemed like she liked me in a sort of different way. The way that I do... but, I just can't tell.

"Alright class, read what's on the board and follow the instructions." Mr. Collins says as he returns to his desk.

"You my partner." Ayden cheeses as she gets out her text book.

"Fuck y'all, I ain't want to work with y'all anyways." Darius says playfully laughing as a girl partnered up with him. She was cute though, so he wasn't mad.

"What'd she ask you?" Asked Ayden catching me off guard. I felt something deep in the pit of my stomach turn. I didn't want to talk about this type of stuff with Ayden. She'd think we're messed up or something.

"Just some weird shit." I say as I pull out my own textbook.

"Man, just tell me nigga!" She whines. What's up with her?

"She just wanted to know if i like ha, alright?" I say lowly.

"What you mean by like?" She asks turning pages slowly in the textbook.

"Ion know..." I say rolling my eyes.

"Ah, well what you said?" She asked.

"I said no."

"She believe ya'?"

"Uh, Ion think so."

Ayden then went silent. Causing my eyebrows to forrow as I looked up at her. She looked like she was thinking so I paid no attention to it as I begin to open my textbook, knowing damn well I wasn't about to do shit.

"Uh, I think you should show her that you is ova her. Guarantee dhat shit would work." She laughs a little playing with her textbook.

"You do realize we talkin' about my step sis, right?" I ask her slowly.

"Duh, nigga! Now, take my advice." She grins childishly causing me to roll my eyes.

"You real crazy, bro."

{End Of Class}

"See you tomorrow, class. Have a good day." Says Mr. Collins as the bell rings for dismissal.

"Don't forget what I said." Ayden says walking out into the hall with me.

"I will." I cheese causing her to hit me in the arm, "Don't fuckin' play."

"Bye, y'all! Ima get this one!" Yells Darius hugging the girl that was his partner as they went the opposite way.

"Bye, nigga!" We say in unison as we laugh.

"Hey, baby sis." Jordaine walks up to me causing my smile to instantly fade.

"Oh, hey." I say plainly.
She pulls me into a hug but I instantly pull away, "Look, Jordaine we need to talk."

"About what?" She asks confused.

"You'll see once we get home." I sigh, Ayden still beside me watching us.

"You too scared to talk in front of your friend or something?" Jordaine says seizing Ayden.

"Tss... as if." I scoff rolling my eyes, "I guess I'll just say it now. But, I want you to know that I don't like you in that way anymore, so stop treatin' me like sucha baby." I say half-heartedly.

"You're not over me. I know you still like me, baby sis." Jordaine winks leaning closer to me.

"You want proof?" Butts in Ayden catching me off guard once again. I expected her to have been meeting up with her girlfriend for another make out session by now.

Jordaine raised an eyebrow meeting her gaze as they stared each other down in a death glare.

"I'll give you proof." She continues as she grabs me by my shirt, pulling me into a kiss, my eyes widening in the process.

- yeah, cliffhangers are my thing. ✨

[Picture is Ayden] ⬆

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