Fuck Er'body

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{Daytona's Point Of View}

I sit at lunch alone. Thinking about life. Ayden and I are no longer friends. The way she broke up with me was probably the worst way ever. Even though this is the first time I've been dumped, I know it'll probably be forever embedded in my memory because of how hurtful and unexpected it was.


After I read the text message from Ayden, my heart sunk to the depths of my stomach. What could she possibly want to talk about? Am I doing something wrong? I doubt I am. It'd be the opposite.

After a minute of viewing the message, my phone started vibrating.

"A 🙄 is calling..."

I press the answer button and put my phone on speaker, "What's up?"

"Aye, Day Day, uh... I'm sorry... to do this over the phone but, I think we should take a break."

A noisy laugh instantly leaves my lips as I scoff, "A break?"

Did Ayden really just say she wants a break? I didn't do anything wrong. She's really trying to end things like she does with every single one of the female she's been with? I expected this shit. But, why does it still hurt?

"What you mean you want a break? I thought everything was good..." I breathe out calmly.

"Look, don't make this any more difficult than it needa be. I mean, we should just stop dating, period." She sighs as my eyebrows furrow, "I don't get it... what? Why? You haven't given me no—" I get cut off by her voice booming through my speakers.

"Daytona, I don't like studs, alright? Get that through yo damn head!" After she yells this the call ends.

I stay in a state of shock, locked up in the bathroom for almost a whole nother hour. Just shocked...


I rest my head on the empty lunch table and take in deep breaths, trying to calm down. I lost 91% of my friends due to Ayden. She's spread a rumor that I forced her into the relationship. So, now in this school, I'm like some gay ass "syke-a-dyke" freak who supposedly takes strap. What did I even do to deserve this?

Jordaine doesn't even bother me anymore because of her new girlfriend. She's hella clingy and it's only been a day or so. So. Jordaine isn't even acknowledging me anymore. Where'd my older step sister go?

"Daytona? Why're you sitting here alone?" I hear a feminine voice come from behind me.

I turn around with attitude until I see her face. It brightened up my mood and I doubt that I even know her. She had black straight hair, her appearance screamed 'feminine but masculine'.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" I ask politely as she blushes, "Uh, no... I doubt it. I mean... I do have you in a few classes but we've never talked..." She speaks quickly while twirling her fingers. It was amazingly adorable. I'm usually annoyed by shy people, but she seemed different...

"Oh, well that explains how ya know my name." I laugh, "I'm just chillin' thou." I answer her first question.

"Uh, are you sure? Nothing's bothering you?" She says softly as she eases herself closer to me.

I sigh and sit up in my seat, "I'm good, forreal." I avoid any eye contact we could've made. Because if we did make any, she'd see how broken I really am inside.

"Oh, okay," She smiles, "I'll see you around. Your sisters' coming this way." She points out before walking off.

I give her a wave and redirect my attention to Jordaine when she reaches me, "What?"

"Why you sitting here alone?"

I roll my eyes and lay my head back down.

"Answer my question." Jordaine states and sits in a seat beside me. I'm surprised her girlfriend isn't with her.

"Because I feel like it, a'ight? Ain't no big deal." I mumble and turn my head to face away from her.

"Where's Ayden, though? You guys fight again?" She asks and places a hand on my back.

I feel light electronic shocks stinging at my back where she placed her hand. I still hate having feelings for her; I just know we'll probably never get together.

"I could ask the same 'bout chu and yo girl," I mumble and shift around to get her hand off my shoulder. "When'd you even start carin' 'bout what I got goin' on with Ayden?"

"Well, first of all. Roslyn's off talking with her friends. And, because I felt like since we're both dating people, then I could be nice about you dating Ayden. So, tell me what's up," Jordaine says softly as she eases herself closer to me.

Is she actually being genuine? I doubt it. How would I ever know if she is or not? She never changes her tone of voice whenever we have different conversations about completely different subjects.

"We broke up, it's nun to worry 'bout. Simple shit, happens er'day." I sigh and sit up in my seat. Avoiding eye contact with Jordaine as well. She'd definitely see the hurt in me. She always reads me oh so easily.

"Oh," she frowns and wraps her arm loosely around my waist, "I'm sorry that had to happen to you, Day Day. You two are still friends, right?"

I let out a noisy laugh, "You thought."

I'm not about to take this to heart. It's not like we were even dating for a year. It was only over a week. That's not long. Who cares if we broke up?

"Well, once schools over and we get back home, I'll definitely make you feel better," Jordaine smiles and messes with my hair.

I feel my face warm up from embarrassment but I manage to keep my cool as I smack her hand away, "Stop treating me like a kid."

I wonder what she means though...

"Plus, you got yo girl to be with." I state as Jordaine rises from her seat.

"Don't worry about that, it will only be time for us. Some sisterly bonding time," she winks and struts away from me, going over to Roslyn.

What is she planning?

The Note (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ