False Alarm

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{Daytona's Point Of View}

"Jordaine, who here?" I ask as I roll off her chest, covering my nude body with the covers.

Before any reply came from Jordaine, the door bursts open. I inwardly jump and slide farther underneath the blankets. Who could possibly be here, yelling for Jordaine?

"Dude, I need your half of p— who's under the sheets? Matter in fact, why you naked?" I hear a girl ask. It doesn't sound like Roslyn, so who is this? I'm too afraid to even look because of the humiliation.

"Oh, Jacqui, this is Daytona/Day Day," Jordaine answers her first question nonchalantly and pulls down the covers to reveal my face. "And, we are naked because you came in ruining a very romantic moment."

I feel my face burn and my muscles tense from embarrassment; since a stud just walked in on  me and Jordaine, I feel pretty uncomfortable. My heart keep sounding faster and faster. Why this have to happen now?

"Oh! You're Day Day!"

I nod.

"You way much more cuter than Jordan described you!" the stud - Jacqui - shouts bluntly. Then, she pauses. "Wait, y'all was about to do the nasty?!"

"No, we just had sex, then you had to barge in," Jordaine mumbled.

I punched her in the arm and pull the blankets back over my head. I can't believe Jordaine is talking so blatantly about our sex life with some girl I don't even know or if I should know her.

I look over at her and she's actually girly-beautiful for a stud. She has black, almost blonde hair– green eyes that really popped as she took off her glasses, and she's pretty tall; annoyingly. She seems like a pretty nice person looking at her.

Wait, the real question is: why is she here?

The anxiety fills my chest, along with displeasure; just the thoughts of why this girl could be here is heartbreaking. Maybe Jordaine could be cheating on me with her, or something like that. But, why would she be so friendly with me? Yeah, maybe she isn't even that kind of girl, maybe she's just a roommate with Jordaine.

"Well, I'm sorry, but the landlord is coming soon to collect this months rent. And, I need your half," she said, looking in the drawers for something, most likely money.

"My wallet is in the kitchen, you can go ahead and get it outta there," Jordaine replied wrapping an arm around my shoulders, still comfortable with showing her nude upper half - close to her lower half - to Jacqui.

She thanked her happily and jogged out the room. Just hearing them talk to each other made me feel like I was in a room full of adults. Which, is sort of true. I felt like I didn't belong at all. I'm not an adult yet, but I'm basically dating one. It feels like I'm holding Jordaine back, and I don't want to. Why do I feel bad for letting my feelings slip out so much?

"I think I should go home," I say and slip out of her hold on me, moving to the edge of the bed.

"What? Why? I'm sorry, but I didn't know Jacqui was coming so soon. Please, don't go," Jordaine pleads while grabbing my wrist, pulling me towards her.

"Nah, I needa get home– do sum homework, shit like that." I say, attempting to get my boxers on.

"You can do it here."

"I need help on it."

"I can help you."

A frustrated sigh leaves my mouth as I pull on my pants and pull my shirt over my head. "I'm just gone go, a'ight?"

"But, I don't see why you have to..." Jordaine trails off and she wraps her arm around my waist, keeping me close to her. "If you think something is going on between me and Jacqui, you're way past wrong. She's for fems."

I look over at her and she nods with a sly grin presented on her face.

"How you know that?"

"She told me," she said and pulled me closer to her, I don't resist this time. "Besides, she's a childhood friend. And, she even got a girlfriend too."

"Then why don't she live with her girl?" I ask, still inching closer to Jordaine each second.

"The same reason why we don't live together yet," she comments and places a free hand on my thigh. I feel my face heat up again as butterflies flutter around in my stomach. "Please, stay."

She squints her eyes halfway, while looking up at me as I look down at her. I let out a breath and kiss her for a second, then pull away. "Fine, but I gotta leave soon. And, one more que–"

"Which is?"

"It's stupid but why you gotta stud for a roommate instead of a fem?" I grin, with a chuckle following afterwards.

"Cause, I knew you'd get jealous. Get crazy. Probably, beat my ass then set my shit on fire. Something like that..." She laughs.

I huff and rolls my eyes, causing her to smirk and pull me down, making me lie down as she gets on top of me. All the feelings I have for her felt like they just exploded inside of me; this fuzzy feeling. I can't ever stop feeling like this around Jordaine, and I actually like it now. Even when it gets in the way of schoolwork or simple conversations where I just zone out, only thinking about Jordaine and everything we've been through together.

"I know a lot about you," she smirks, and leans close to me, barely having our lips brush against each other. "And, I have all the fun in the world when I'm with you."

I chuckle slightly, placing my hands on her bare back, pulling her down to me.
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what I mean," she winks and presses her lips against mine before I could try to bug her on telling me what she meant.

Oh well, it doesn't even matter. All that matters is that Jordaine and I are together and nothing bad is going on for once. I'm actually quite surprised. But, I didn't ever know this would happen in my life; to actually be loved.

It's a dream come true.

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[Jacqui in media]

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