Chapter 14/Goodbye forever my dear

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Elena's POV

The next morning I wake up and walk downstairs to fine a note *Hey guys, we had to leave, Matt has work. Thanks for letting us crash, hope to see you guys again soon!-Tyler * I walk to where my phone is and see about 1000 text messages. I unlock and go to messages, I start with my messages with Ali .

Hey Elena, it's Ali, I can't take this anymore, just know this isn't your fault. You're my best friend, and you've kept me strong, I can't thank you enough for that. Again don't blame yourself. I will miss you, and I love you so much. Forever and always-Ali

No no no.. This can't be happening. I go look and I see a message from her mom

Hey Elena I hate to text you this but I tried calling you 6 or 7 times. Ali commit suicide last night. It's really hard on all of us but I would like you to be a part if Ali's funeral. Please call me back and we can have a meeting.

I throw my phone as hard as I can against the wall making Justin run downstairs. "Elena! What's wrong!? WHAT HAPPENED!?" He says running over to me. "Get away from me!! Don't touch me!" I yell "ELENA TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED" Justin demands. "Ali commit suicide!" I say crying so hard it hurts. "I'm so sorry Elena" Justin says with sympathy. He starts walking up to me "NO NO I CAN'T I CAN'T ! I can't do this! I can't take this. I-I don't want you around right now ! Please just please go away! I want Ali ! I don't want anyone but Ali!" I yell falling to the floor balling my sore eyes out. "I'm not leaving you alone right now" He tells me wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight.

"Please Justin. Stop ! Don't ! It's my fault it's my fault !" I cry shaking "This isn't your fault at all Elena" Justin says holding me tighter. "Yes it is, she texted me ! She told me she was commiting suicide ! If I would have brought my phone with me last night ! She could have still been here ! I hate you Justin ! This is your fault okay! If I wouldn't have met you , I would still be in L.A ! With Ali ! I could have been there for her ! It's your fault ! It was your idea to go to the club yesterday ! I don't love you Justin . You get that. Ali is dead, and I'd rather it be you" I tell him crying harder. "I know you don't mean that Ellie" Justin says with a tear falling from his eye. "I do" I say getting out of his grip and walking out the door.

Justin's POV

I don't know what to think. Did she mean what she said about me? Is she going to be okay? Should I go follow her? There are so many thoughts in my head and I don't know what ones to go with. I think she just needs her space right now. But I will not let my baby be alone for too long at a time like this. If she isn't home by 6pm tonight I'm going to go look for her. It's 9am right now so that's more than enough time for her to be alone.

I've never gone through anything like this before.. I've never lost anyone because of suicide, I've never lost my best friend either. Ive never dated or known anyone with bipolar so i dont know how to help . It sucks because I can't do anything to help. Ali is already gone, the damage is done , I can't change what happened. There is nothing I can do I'm helpless. All I can do is be there for her, but that's not enough.

Elena's POV

I just left . I had to get out of there, it felt like the walls were closing in on me. This is all Justin's fault... No it's not Elena , stop blaming the boy you love.

So many thoughts are going on in my head and I got so many texts not just from Ali and her mom, but from a bunch of people telling me what happened, people telling me they are sorry for my loss. It's overwhelming. I can't live on this earth without Ali. I need her , I wish she was here, she was the reason I never committed Suicide . She was always there for me and now the one time she needs me, I'm not there and she lost her life because of that. I walk to the ocean and walk deep, very deep . And just float. Tears come streaming down my face faster then ever. I stop myself from floating. I sink to the bottom, and hold my breath. This is it, this is the end, I'm done living, I don't have any reason to live anymore, Ali is gone . I-I-I can't! I can't live with myself ! Ali just ditched me. I didn't help her enough I didn't do enough. I'm an awful person .. But I'm an even worse best friend. I hate myself !!

Just when I'm almost out of breath a thought comes into my head . It's Justin, I see him crying. "Elena don't do this, think about how upset Justin will be. You do have a reason to live , Justin is that reason. You love him and he loves you" I tell myself in my head. I swim up to the top and swim back to shore as fast as I can. I need Justin, I just need to talk to him.. I need someone to talk to.

"Justin!" I yell walking into my house balling my eyes out. "In here" He yells from upstairs in the bed . I walk in and he's facing the wall, so I'm looking at his back."Im so sorry! I didn't mean anything I said . I'm just angry at life right now, I just want to break something and it's not fair that I lost my best friend. I'm in love with you Justin, can I please talk to you about Ali?" I tell him still crying. "Of course , come in bed" He gestures to beside him. He turns around and stairs at me "Why are you all wet?" . "Aside from drowning in my tears? I tried to kill myself" I say to him honestly. "Elena take these" He says getting out of bed and giving me some of his pjs to wear. I get into bed And Justin and I are facing each other "Lets talk, you tell me everything you want to" Justin tells me. "Ali was my bestfriend. She has been since we were kids , and I have told you that before, and it's just. So overwhelming , I know this is partly my fault. If I would have just brought my phone, there is a chance she could be alive right now. You don't understand the guilt I feel , not only that but the betrayal. I'm mad at her for killing herself, I'm upset that I don't have a best girlfriend anymore , I would have done anything for her, but now there's nothing. I can't even begin to tell you, all the memories we have together, how amazing she was, how she was so sweet and innocent. She deserves to be alive right now. It's not fair . I-I don't even think that I can tell you, how upset I am right now, if my dad were to come and shoot me right now, I wouldn't care, I really honestly wouldn't. I don't even know if I can go to the funeral because ill break down Justin . I went to the ocean and I tried to kill myself. I didn't think I had a reason to live, I didn't feel loved , Ali ditched me, I felt like you would have hated me, I just didnt see a point in living. But then I thought of you. I thought about all the times we would miss together, I thought about how upset you would be if I died. I didn't want to loose you, I especially didnt want to hurt you like Ali is hurting me, I just need you Justin. I feel so alone right now, feel hopeless and worthless and ANGRY. I can't control my thoughts, suicide is on my own mind. I can't stop the tears, I don't want to be here anymore. But I want to be with you" I tell him while sobbing loudly in his chest.

"Don't ever think if hurting one little hair on your head. I know that this is really hard for you, I know that, I can see that. But I love you so much, and Ali wasnt mad at you. There were other things going on in her life, like the stuff you told me last night at the bowling place, it wasn't your fault. Yes there was a chance you could of stopped her if you would have had your phone, but she wouldn't want you to be thinking that way. The way you described her, she sounded like the type of person that would want you to celebrate her life , instead of cry about it. You and I are both strong believers in God , and God thought it was her time to go. I promise I will be here for you, all the time. Everyday. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. Even if you don't want to talk but you want to stare at a wall, fine we will stare at a wall. I feel so helpless because I can't help you, I don't know how. Ali passed away, she's already gone, I can't change this, I can't change what happened... I don't know how to help you" Justin says who is now crying too.

"Just do what you're doing right now" I tell Justin while whipping his tears.

"What am I doing?" He asks me "You're here." I give him a slight smile. I close my eyes, still crying , he pulls me in and I can tell he's still crying too. Eventually we both fall asleep, with tears still streaming down my face.


Two chapters in one night ! :) warning.. This is SOOO short, but keep in mind I have recently been in Elena's and Justin's place. So it's hard for me to write and to like even think about, sometimes I just tune out my thoughts when I think about the stuff but I wanted it in the story <3 enjoy

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