Chapter 11/ Matt

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Elena's POV

"Here put this on" Justin says throwing me one of his moms hoodies. "What for ? It's florida , its hot " I ask him. "Well if we're hiding from your bastard of a father and Noah , it wont be great if the paparazzi post pictures of us in florida, or fans post pictures on facebook and stuff like that" He tells me.

The plane lands about 15 minutes later and we walk off hand in hand, hoods up and heads down. We get into the car that I guess Justin called earlier using the plane phone. We sit in the back of the car and Justin asks him to take him to the address of the beach house were renting.

We pull into a driveway of a beautiful 3 floor beach house , top floor walls made out of glass, 2nd and 3rd floor made out of wood. "This Is beautiful, but don't you want to save your money and just rent something smaller?" I ask him. "Money isn't an issue, Im releasing music every Monday , don't worry. And I bought this. I called on the plane" He tells me. "You bought this!?" I question him "It's for us" He smiles. "Fine it's lovely" I say pecking his lips.

We walk to the front door and there's a man waiting there with keys and paper "Thank you sir" Justin thanks the man while taking the keys and papers out of his hands. "Sign those papers and I'll pick them up tomorrow" The man tells Justin politely. "This place is private right?" Justin asks the man "Somewhat , there isn't a lot of houses or anything around here , so it's basically just you guys, but of course with the beach right in front of your house , you might run into people sometimes" The gentlemen smiles before leaving.

"Ladies first" Justin says while opening the door and letting me go first. "Thank you kind sir" I joke while walking in. "So I'm going to go look for a place we can get phones, stay here , lock the doors, ill be back by dinner" Justin says while giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek. "But Justin wait ! I don't want to be hear alone!" I yell as he walks out the door. Moments later he walks in "Elena, really? You think your dad and Noah would figure out where we are so fast, I promise you'll be fine, if they even lay a finger on your head I will kill them" He tells me. "Don't talk like that Justin, we aren't going to kill anybody" I say to him walking away. "We'll see, bye beautiful" he shouts as he leaves and locks the door from outside. I guess it's just me in here... There's no furniture, I'm sure Justin wouldn't kill me if I made a few calls using the landline. I dial a number to a furniture place using a phone book that was beside the phone. "Hello this is Matt how can I help you?" I hear the young boy say over the phone. "Hello my names Elena and I was wondering what kind of furniture you sell" I ask "Well Elena we sell just about anything, not just furniture , we sell landlines, lights, couches, beds, carpets, mirrors, tv's , name anything and we have it" He says as if he's from a commercial. "Okay, I'm not really sure what I want" I laugh " I just moved in so I'm not really sure how I want to decorate". "We have designers here, I can send one right over to your house if you'd like" Matt tells me "Sure that would be lovely thank you" I thank him. I tell him my address and sit on the floor since there is no furniture and wait for him to arrive.

I hear the doorbell ring and open it and there is a young boy with brown hair and deep blue eyes, he's about 5'9 and seems about my age, maybe a year older. "You must be Elena, I'm Matt we talked on the phone" He smiles and reaches out his hand so that I can shake it "Oh you're Matt, you seem a lot different on the phone" I shake his hand and let him in. "You mean I seem a lot less gay" He laughs and I can't help but notice how beautiful his smile is "That's not what I meant at all I'm sor--"he cuts me off "If you want me to leave because you hate gays then just say so" Matt says looking me straight in the eye "No Matt I'm not against gays at all, I didn't even know you were ga--"He cuts me off again "Elena calm down I'm just kidding with you" He says before laughing. "Asshole" I joke. "So what do you think you want the theme to be? It's a big beautiful place we got to fill it up" He says looking around the place "I'm thinking of a vintage theme, there's something about vintage I love" I tell him. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks me still looking around "Yes why?" I tell him. "Well because I don't think he would love the whole vintage thing, how about , modern day vintage, so it's modern and vintage?" He asks for my permission "Sounds great !" I smile.

We look through catalogues and I pick all the stuff I want and pay for them on the spot "Most of the stuff will be here by tonight, but some other things we do need to order" Matt tells me before walking to the door "Okay that's fine" I smile. "Matt? Can I have your number" I ask him making him turn around "I'm gay remember?" He says with a confused face "And I have a boyfriend remember? I meant just so we can hangout as friends sometime" I laugh "That would be a lot of fun" He smiles before writing his number down on my hand. "Nice meeting you" I shout as he's walking down my long driveway "Elena you're too polite, loosen up" He shouts back laughing a little at the end. How am I too polite? Ugh whatever.

It's been two hours and Justin still isn't back. How long does it take to buy phones? I can't even call him because we don't have freakin phones. *Knock knock* I walk up to the door realizing that it's not Justin because he has a key. I open it slowly "BOO" Matt yells before walking in "Sure Matt come on almost gave me a heart attack by the way" I laugh "oh hush, I have your furniture" He says linking arms with me and leading me outside. I then see that there are 4 other workers by the trunk carrying the couches , the bed and other stuff. "Do you guys need any help" I ask "No were good thanks sweetie" A man tells me . I walk inside and begin telling them where to put stuff . About an hour later , it's finished. I have a typical white leather couch, glass tables, king size bed for me and Justin, a tv, a sound system, kitchen stuff since I love cooking, vintage wall paper and more.

"Hey babe" Justin yells as he walks in the door with a bag "Hey, what took you so long? You were gone for 3 hours" I ask him. "Um to be honest I got lost" He laughs.

He walks more into the house and looks around "Holy shit, where did you get this stuff" Justin says while smiling . "I bought it, it was only about 60'000" I tell him. "Elena 60'000$!? I could have boughten this stuff ! You don't have to buy anything okay, I got it" He says almost sounding angry. "Justin, it's not big deal. You bought this house , and brought me Disneyland, and rented a ballroom. I think I kind of owe you" I say sitting down on his lap since he was now sitting on one of the vintage love seats. He just smiles at me then looks away. "Do you like it?" I ask biting my bottom lip looking around. "Yes I love it . But don't do that" He says looking away again "Do what?" I ask "Bite your lip" He says looking up at me "And why not Bieber" I say looking down at him . "Because . It turns me on" He winks before getting up and walking over to where he placed our phones.

"Here" he says giving me a gold iPhone5s "It has your old contacts in it, I used your iCloud password that you gave me earlier. He then throws me a case . "Really justin?" I laugh. "What?" He smiles "You bought me a case of you shirtless" I laugh again. "Oh do you want me to take it back?" He says lifting up his eyebrows. "No it's cute, I was just thinking about how goofy you are" I joke. I walk upstairs to our bedroom and he follows me upstairs. "Where's my room?" Justin asks looking around "I was thinking we could just share one" I say walking up to Justin and putting my arms around his neck "Or .. I can just sleep on the couch downstairs" Justin says taking my hands off of his neck and walking out the door. I sit on the bed , I can't believe Justin just did that. "Ellie?" I hear Justin whisper as he walks in the door into the dim room . "What" I sass. "I'm kidding" Justin says before running up to the bed and falling on top of me causing me to laugh.


Hope you all liked it ! Lets just say you're going to see a lot more of Matt in the next few chapters ! Xoxox isn't Justin such a cutie?


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