Chapter 2 / Mother.

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Elena's POV

I walk into my front door and see my mom, I am not really sure why she’s home I mean, she’s never home, she’s either drunk or with a new boyfriend. ‘’Elena’’ She says with happiness in her voice. ‘’You beat your record, you were gone 2 months instead of 5 months, this time!’’ I say pretending to be happy and using sarcasm to let her know that i am not very joyful.

 Bonnie’s POV

 I walk into my house and i realize how long it has been since i've been here. I don't miss it, there is just too many memories in this house.. Ever since my ex husband ted left, I know that Elena hasn't been the same. I'm not sure why Elena is so shaken up every time i used to bring him up, i mean he was my husband after all, he abused me more than her. All he ever did to her was emotionally abuse. Ted abused me in all ways possible. I understand how it must have been hard for her to grow up without a dad, but seriously she needs to cut me some slack. She used to tell me before I left again a couple months ago, that she wishes I would stop dating people, but seriously, I want to find love again, Im tired of dreading over Ted.

Since i just got home, and i have this bad hangover, im gonna go take a nap, so i walk into Elena’s room to sleep in her bed. As i walk in i notice how neat and tidy it is. While im looking around the room something caught my attention, Elenas pills are full to the top. Unopened. I look at the date to see if she just renewed her prescription, but its dated from june 2012, thats over a year ago. Why hasn't she been taking them? I hear the door open and run out of Elena's room and into the living room.

Elena's POV

I walk into my front door and see my mom, I am not really sure why she’s home I mean, she’s never home, she’s either drunk or with a new boyfriend. ‘’Elena’’ She says with happiness in her voice. ‘’You beat your record, you were gone 2 months instead of 5 months, this time!’’ I say pretending to be happy and using sarcasm to let her know that i am not very joyful.

''I was in your room, i noticed that you haven't been taking your pills'' my mother says with worry in her eyes. ‘’Dont act like you care mom’’ I reply with a little tude, i storm off so angry that she has been gone for 2 months then when she gets back she starts snooping around my room and talking about my pills, as if she cares one single bit.

I'm almost at the stairs when my mom grabs my wrist, ‘’ Elena! Of course I care, you're all i have left!’’ She yells trying to prove to me that she actually is a ‘caring’ mother. ‘’Then start acting like Bonnie!’’ I scream louder at Bonnie. ‘’ I am your mother, not your friend, you will call me mom out of respect please Elena’’. ‘’Respect is earned not given’’ I replied back to her. ‘’Elena’’ my mom mumbles. ‘’ I care about you so much, I promise, ill be around more, and i wont leave all the time anymore’’ My mom states walking closer, I can smell the alcohol in her breath. Its only 3 o'clock like really mom, what the hell.

‘’ What did you have to drink today?’’ I ask. ‘’Nothing, just water and a few coffees’’ She answers. ‘’That is such a lie Bonnie!’’ I yell. ‘’ I can smell it in your breath, you're drunk as hell!’’ I start running upstairs when i hear my mother scream at the top of her alcohol filled lungs ‘’ I wish your father was here to smarten you up!’’. I can not believe Bonnie just said that. Memories of my father start rushing back. I cant get the pictures out of my head.

I run to my room ,no hesitation on slamming my door behind me, i sit on my bed and try not to cry, I am trying so hard not to cry that it physically hurts. I lay down on my bed and slam my head into my pillow and try not to freak out. I am so angry right now, my mother shouldn't have gone into my room without asking, she shouldn't have brought up my medication because it doesn't matter to her, all that matters to her are her boyfriends. I know I should be taking my medication, but i just don't feel right when i'm on it, I feel dull, and just not myself. I roll over and see a picture of my mom, my dad and I when i was about 2, thats the only picture i have of my dad, i don't even remember any happy memories that i had with him. I stand up take the picture and throw it as hard as i can at my wall, thinking about how things will never be the same between us , the glass shattered everywhere.

I hear Allie knock on the door, ‘’Crap, my mom’’ I whispered. I walk out of my room casually, hoping my mom won’t hear me. Of course my mom left, no surprise though. ‘’Hey Allie’’! I cheered. ‘’Hey girl’’ She joked. We walk into my room  , and she see’s the glass on my hardwood floor , ‘’What happened here?’’ She asks a little scared.

‘’Oh, nothing, it must have just fell’’ I reply to her. ‘’Okay good, because i’m ready to party’’ She squeals . ‘’What do you mean, party’’? I ask very confused. She walks to my window and opens it. ‘’Allie?’’ I shout. ‘’Come on in guys’’ She screams out my bedroom window. ‘’You're throwing a party? why here?’’ I wonder to her. ‘’Um, because you have a huge house’’ She replies as if it was obvious.’’ Al im sorry but im really not in the mood’’ I mumbled to her. ‘’Well get in the mood!’’ She yells. ‘’Its only a few people’’. ‘’Alright’’ I snark. Allie opens my door, and i see about 7 people, I can handle that i guess. After a bit a few people, turn into a few hundred people, and thats way more people then i can handle, its been a rough night. ‘’Im sorry Allie, but please move the party somewhere else’’ I yell to her because the music is so loud. ‘’Let loose Elena, its fun, grab a drink, dance and have fun!’’She says with excitement in her voice. ‘’I'm not much of a drinker and you know that’’. I reply. ‘’Well tonight you are’’ She hallers. She’s right, I can't stay sad forever, i walk over to the drinks and grab myself a bud light. Im ready to let the sad Elena go, and let wild Elena in.


Dont hate me guys, i know its really short, but I have a huge science test tomorrow and school comes first.. Ew . Ill post more tomorrow I promise. Just put up with me, Elena will meet a boy soon, cross my heart ♥ Hope you guys liked it ♥

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