〰 25 〰

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Calum wanted Michael to take him on one of his shopping adventures. He had a ton of money packed up inside of his suitcase for logical reasons and he decided he'd spend at least a quarter of it treating his boyfriend to a couple of outfits he likes at the mall. I mean yeah, he knew Michael had money, but he wanted to be able to spoil him as much as possible until he "leaves" again for the military. God, how is he going to tell him?

Michael didn't even hesitate when the brunette asked. In fact, he instantly smiled as though it were some sort of natural reaction to shopping, and he told Calum he'd be out waiting in Ashton's van. Yeah, Ashton had to drive them. He was the only one who had his license.

"I'm so excited."

"You can be a cute little kitten as usual and model off your adorable body," Calum winked, hinting at Michael that he was indeed, attractive and that he shouldn't be ashamed of the way he looks. The brunette loves him for all his flaws, despite the pale boy believing otherwise.

"Alright, but only because it's for your eyes and nobody else's," Michael laughed, knowing he'd probably try on a couple of 'feminine' clothes for the hell of it. He hoped Calum wouldn't mind, and the truth is, he didn't.

"We're here, now get out of my car," Ashton spat in a humorous way, intentionally trying to be funny rather than rude, but it kind of upset Michael. He was acting different - jealous even, and perhaps it was because Luke was still in the military and didn't bother making an effort to go on a vacation for a little while. He didn't even realize that the golden haired boy cried himself to sleep over the fact that their relationship was falling apart, but whatever.

"Don't you want to come with?" Michael frowned, instantly feeling guilty for asking Ashton to drive them when he wasn't in the best mental state right now.

"No it's okay, go have fun, you love birds," Ashton winked, just before watching Michael shrug and grab Calum's hand, tugging him away, and once they were out of sight, Ashton broke down.

"So where to first?" Calum asked, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people roaming around the mall. He was used to confined spaces rather than open ones and it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Hot topic."

The two boys made it to what was or is Michael's favorite store, and the green eyed boy immediately rushed towards the back of the store where all of the band tees were, and Calum felt awkward just standing there in a store that wasn't quite his fashion but still resembled him in a way. It made him feel like home and he wasn't sure if he liked that or not.

"What do you think of this Blink-182 shirt?"

"It'd look nice on you, try it on."

And so he did. He awkwardly fumbled with his shirt to stretch it out a little before putting on a larger size so it wouldn't be tight on him, and Calum felt his breath hitch in his throat when seeing it on Michael. It looked really good on him.

"It looks amazing on y-you," the brunette replied, feeling choked up because wow, Michael always looked so damn good in nearly everything he wore and it just wasn't fair.

"The real question is; can I dance in it?"

"Huh?" Calum mumbled just before Michael started dancing in between the aisles.

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