〰 11 〰

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"I wish you could meet my best friend," Michael mumbled into the speaker of his phone during his skype call with Calum. It was the day after their miniature date, and Michael was still overly happy over the fact that he actually wrote him a song.

"Ashton and I left campus early because we didn't have any homework, so we went down to the mountains. And just holy fucking cheese balls, look at all the snow."

Michael continued to mumble on and on while Ashton blatantly was ignoring him with headphones in his ears

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Michael continued to mumble on and on while Ashton blatantly was ignoring him with headphones in his ears.

"That's nice baby boy. Are you having fun?"

"Yes, but I'm still sort of bored without you. Ashton won't stop whining about how much he misses Luke."

"I heard that," Ashton said in the background, and Michael chuckled before throwing a ball of snow at his new best friend. One snowball turned into four, then ten, then eventually thirty, one hitting the camera and making the screen seem like a blur for Calum.

"Should I call you later?" Calum asked on the skype call, not wanting to disturb the fun his boyfriend and his boyfriends new friend were having. He was jealous, to be perfectly honest. But he'd never admit that to himself. Especially because that shows insecurity and he's just scared Michael will fall in love with Ashton and get Luke to dump him or whatever. Calum is overly paranoid when it comes down to Michael.

"No, sorry. We were just having a snowball fight. Remember when we used to have those?"

Calum sighed sadly. All of their memories were slowly starting to fade into the distance just like their relationship. Both of them noticed and hated it, but chose not to acknowledge it because they loved each other far too much to pay any mind to it at all.

"Yeah, and then we made snow angels in your backyard while your mum was making casserole. Good times, good times."

"I hope we get to make new memories soon."

"Yeah, me too."

Ashton suddenly stole Michaels phone and began running with it through the snow. Michael didn't even bother trying to chase him up the hill because he didn't want to risk getting hurt.

"Have you told him yet?"

"Told him what?"

"That you're coming to see him soon."

"It's not guaranteed yet, but I still plan on breaking the rules to come down there. I want it to be a surprise."

"Well I think you should act quick, because it's better to tell him when he's in a good mood."

Calum decided it was now or never.

Ashton walked back down the hill to give Michael his phone, and he had to toss it to the boy because Michael was slumped down on his snow angel with a frown on his face. All he wanted to do was consistently talk to his boyfriend.

"So, I have news."

"What kind of news? Like. . . you just found out that you can have pets in your room and bought five puppies or like somebody died when doing that electrical stuff."

"Neither," Calum chuckled, "I like how one was unexpectedly great and the other was mildly depressing. Gosh, Michael."

Michael giggled slightly, because he knew his boyfriend was joking around. This is what they always did. This is how their relationship went and continued to go.

"I'm coming to see you in two weeks."

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"I'm coming to see you in two weeks," Calum repeated, more in a questioning and confused tone. He was hoping Michael would be a little more excited than that.

"You're - you're - oh my god."

Michael literally dropped his phone in the snow and started screaming. Ashton was laughing as he picked the phone back up and decided to record the show for Calum so he could see just how crazy he would be.

 Ashton was laughing as he picked the phone back up and decided to record the show for Calum so he could see just how crazy he would be

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"Oh my god, oh my god. You're coming here? In two weeks? OH MY GOD."

Calum found himself laughing and he just wanted to squeeze the hell out of his boyfriend. But he wouldn't be able to for a while, which sucked, because it's been four years.

"Are you excited?"

"Are you kidding? I'm more than excited. I-I can't believe you're - I'm actually going to see you in person for the first time in four and a half years!"

"I know and I'm looking forward to it."

"I don't know what's better, this or the song you wrote for me."

"He wrote you a song?" Ashton questioned in the background - both boys ignored it though because they were too focused on each other. Poor Ashton.

"I'd sure hope this is a lot better of a surprise than the song."

"I think the song wins."

Calum falsely gasped, wanting to punch Michael in the arm for being so annoying. He loved him, though. He loved everything about him.

"I'm just kidding, gesh."

"You better be."

"I am."

"Okay good. I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"Ew stop," Calum said, wanting this to end because they were being cliché again. Calum wanted to avoid a cliché relationship as much as possible. Being unique and different was always key.

"Skype me later?" Michael mumbled as he tossed another snowball into the air.


And for the first time in months, Michaels smile stayed on his face. He smiled so much that his cheeks were aching by the time he went to sleep. But he couldn't control it. He was happy, because he was finally going to see Calum.

And that's all that really mattered.

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