〰 12 〰

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Calum was indescribably jealous of Ashton. He wanted to make his boyfriend smile the way Ashton did. It seemed like every time they skyped, Michael was having a lot of fun. More fun than they had when Calum and Michael were actually together and went on miniature adventures.

Calum remembers Michael having this fantasy with his boyfriend of being like the couple in Up who had their own adventure book and would keep track of every amazing thing they did. Michael started one, of course, but he hasn't continued on with it since he was fifteen. That's how long it's been since Calum and Michael have actually been together, now that they're older and a lot more mature.

"So we're shopping right now," Michael said happily into the camera while exploring one of the half feminine, half masculine shops. Michael started joking about how he'd look funny if he tried on one of the bras in the back section. Calum encouraged him to do so, despite knowing that Michael was always the type of person who tended to be sarcastic whenever he felt like it.

"Did you find anything you like?" Calum asked while biting his lip, attempting to look attractive even though Michael never really paid attention to his efforts. It was depressing, really, but a huge portion of their relationship has drifted apart and that special bond isn't fully there anymore.

"A lot of things, and I bought a couple of shirts too. But Calum, it's so nice in here." Michael switched cameras so he could show his boyfriend what it looked like from his perspective and Calum smiled slightly because it was organized and fit Michaels personality perfectly.

"I'm surprised you didn't buy any shoes

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"I'm surprised you didn't buy any shoes. You always used to obsess about getting the newest pair because it was a trend or whatever. Do you just not care about what you wear on your feet anymore?"

"No not really. Now that I'm in college, I noticed that people could really care less if you show up in a fancy designer suit or pajamas. I just wear whatever is comfortable now."

"That's good," Calum whispered softly as he watched Michael get excited over how cute he looked in a blue bandana with white stars on it.

"That's good," Calum whispered softly as he watched Michael get excited over how cute he looked in a blue bandana with white stars on it

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"I look really punk rock," Michael commented as he stared into the camera of his phone. It was something he always used to say and still continues with that expression and most likely will until he passes away. But even then, he'll probably be a spirit and will call himself a punk rock ghost, which doesn't make sense but it does to Michael.

"Adorable, but incongruous."

"I can pull it off, though," Michael argued, trying to convince his boyfriend that wearing two different patterns wasn't weird. He knew, however, that Calum didn't particularly enjoy outfits that mismatched. But those are the best kind, Michael would usually say, but Calum would just laugh and avoid this miniature argument building up, when Calum himself would only wear black and the occasional denim jacket. (A/N: CALUM IN A DEMIN JACKET AM I RIGHT???!!)

"Michael, you're able to pull everything off. Especially when it comes to dying your hair. If I were to dye my hair purple, I'd look like a fucking raisin."

Michael chuckled slightly, wanting to defend the insults that Calum brought on within himself but he knew that the boy didn't mean any harm.

"I think you'd look like a cute raisin."

"But babe, raisins aren't even cute."

"They are if they're named Calum. Oh my god, look at these sunglasses."

Calum loved watching his boyfriend get sidetracked easily. He'd get mesmerized over the tiniest things and Calum felt his heart hurting inside. All he wanted to do was try things on with his boyfriend again, just like week twenty three in their relationship, on their anniversary, when they went shopping at the mall so Michael could get whatever he wanted and Calum would pay for it. The brunette wanted to hold his kittens hand and whisper soft I love you's in person but he couldn't for at least another two weeks and it pained him more than anyone could ever imagine.

"I wonder who makes these sunglasses. Like who decides, hey, I'm going to make a pair of sunglasses that are shaped for nocturnal robots?"

 Like who decides, hey, I'm going to make a pair of sunglasses that are shaped for nocturnal robots?"

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"People who have a strange, yet interesting taste in fashion."

"You're right, you're right."

Michael put the odd looking pair of sunglasses back on the shelf and decided he wanted to roam the opposite side of the store. As usual, Ashton was somewhere else and was too focused on trying to Shazam the music playing through the speakers, rather than having fun with his new best friend. But Michael really couldn't blame him for not really wanting to socialize with the world. He didn't like malls as much as Michael did, but came along anyway.

"I wish Ashton would just talk to me," Michael mumbled sadly as he folded one of the ruffled shirts in a stack on a table. He didn't work there, but it bothered him how people were too lazy to put things back and make the job easier for others.

"Maybe he's just having a hard time adjusting without Luke. I mean, who knows how long they've been away from each other."

"A year and seven months, which isn't as long as our dissociation, but still. I can understand how he feels."

"Yeah," Calum mumbled, hating how guilty Michael made him feel when he was doing something to help the world around him that was slowly falling apart. He didn't want to be away from his lover, he just wanted to save people.

"Anyway, my phone is at 6%. Call you later?"

Calum rubbed his thumb against the screen, attempting to press it against Michaels cheek, despite it actually covering his entire face. "Okay," Calum mumbled sadly, just wanting to be able to touch him again.

Michael smiled once more, sending a quick I love you before the call ended, and Calum never wanted it to end. He wanted to hear Michaels voice forever, but he wasn't sure if it was guaranteed. He hated life and everything it had to offer. Except for Michael, because he's the only good thing in his life that he hasn't lost. And he wants to keep it that way as long as possible.


A/N: The reads for this story are off the charts. Like I can't even express how I feel. My reads never go up this quickly so thank you. Thank you, thank you. I love you all so much mkay?

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