〰 21 〰

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Only two hours had passed and Calum really couldn't stop staring at Michael's lips. He was so mesmerized by how plump they were - and how much he missed kissing them. It was almost as if he had the lingering feeling from their final day together when they cried at the airport over the fact that Calum was leaving. They're back again though - hopefully as strong as ever - and nothing has changed. Calum's still obsessed over Michael Gordon Clifford's perfect lips.

"You know, Michael, I-I didn't want to tell you this over the phone because I didn't think it'd be all that sentimental, but I really fucking love you

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"You know, Michael, I-I didn't want to tell you this over the phone because I didn't think it'd be all that sentimental, but I really fucking love you. And I get that I did tell you that every single time we talked on Skype and that it was just an in the moment thing, but I'm not joking when I tell you I'm so damn in love with you," Calum mumbled, his breaths seeming uneven as he attempted to calm himself down, "see, feel my heart - it's beating so fast."

Michael did as told and was surprised to feel the rapid beat running through his chest as though it had two feet - as though it were attempting to finish a 10k - as though it were a monitor fighting for life over death in the timespan of a minute. He was panicking in a way where he was excited, but also fearful because he wasn't sure what to expect. They were finally together again and Michael was unaware that Calum was in fact staying here longer than a week since he's no longer serving for the military. How he's going to tell him is beyond him. It's a plan he hasn't quite thought out yet.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Calum muttered under his breath, the same unsteady feeling unraveling in front of him as he began to feel lightheaded from his miniature adrenaline rush earlier. Why can't talking in person be as simple as it is on a phone call? Oh right, because Michael is really fucking cute in person and is distracting him from remembering what English sounds like.

"Uh, yeah. I'm just shocked is all. I really really really really really really really love you too, Calum. Like more than I love pizza and I think that's saying something."

"Wow, compare me to a greasy food, why don't you?" The brunette retorted with a giggle shuffling behind him, it being quiet enough for only him to hear, though Michael still managed to get a glimpse of the sound while he had it.

"I either compare you to something I love or something I hate. The choice is yours."

"Yeah yeah."


The two ended up in a frozen yogurt place called Liks and Michael was overly excited when finding out that Calum was willing to pay for him.

"You mean I can get as much as I want and load up on toppings and you won't complain about the price?"

Calum found himself growing fonder and fonder by the minute over how giddily Michael was. He always had this adorable smile on his face that mesmerized the brunette - his facial structure automatically softening when hearing the colorful haired boys voice. He was just so ugh and Calum couldn't handle it.

"Can I please kiss you?" Calum whispered as they stood in line

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"Can I please kiss you?" Calum whispered as they stood in line. The brunette only got two flavors with a few toppings while Michael went all out, getting a sample of everything they had in store with all of his favorite toppings. The kiwi boy didn't mind at all, just wanting his boyfriend to be happy after spending four and a half years drowning.

"You can kiss me whenever you want," Michael giggled, and there went Calum's damn heart again.

Calum paid for the two cups of frozen yogurt while watching Michael do some oddly strange dance to one of the songs playing through the speaker and he found himself smiling nonetheless. The employee was awfully judgmental but he didn't care all that much. The only thing that mattered was that he finally had his Michael back, and that the two could finally be the couple they were in high school. Or better, if things manage to work out that way.

"You have yogurt on your nose."

"I can get it."

"But I want to be cliché and wipe it off," Calum whined, pouting his lip out a bit to the point where Michael couldn't say no. The brunette always had his way when it came to frowning. Fuck Calum for being so damn adorable. Seriously.

"Okay," Michael smiled adorably, handing Calum a napkin to which the brunette rejected. Instead, he leaned closer to the colorful haired boy and kissed his nose, getting most of the yogurt off of the pale boy but not all. The rest is what a napkin truthfully was for.

"Now you have yogurt on your lips."

"Want to kiss it off?"

"Hell yeah I do," Michael mumbled confidentially as he gripped a hold of Calum's hood (a/n; haha get it?) and pulled him closer to him, leaving the two inches away from each other. He planted one sloppery kiss on Calum, which wasn't couple goals at all. But he'd take whatever he could get.


"Your face is gross."

"True love," Calum reiterated before finishing the last bite of his frozen yogurt while Michael was still devouring his.

"So, where exactly are you staying all week?" Michael asked, licking the spoon slowly as a way to tease Calum, which really agitated the brunette more than usual.

"Probably a hotel."

"Ew. Why don't you just stay with me?"

"If I stay with you, I can't surprise you with cute little dates," Calum replied, making a good point. Though Michael didn't really care about going on dates. The only thing he truthfully wanted was to stay up until four in the morning watching horror movies while he's cuddled up in Calum's arms. That's all he's wanted for the past four years.

"I don't care. You're staying with me."

"Fine, but only if I get unlimited kisses and free food."


Calum really loved Michael.

And Michael really loved Calum.

But maybe their love wasn't enough to get them through the week.


A/N; idk what the fuck this chapter is I'm sorry. It's hella foreshadowing bc there's going to be some drama soon but I swear it won't be a lot bc I seriously only really like fluffy stuff and yeah. But I also want this to be realistic?? So there has to be a LITTLE drama from time to time ya feel?

Anyways. Question?

I have a new book up and I'm thinking about publishing the first chapter. It's called "to love you" and it's a story about Michael being in a wheelchair and coming to terms with the fact that nobody wants to love a crippled boy who can't even walk but Calum does and im just wondering if any of you would read it? Cause if not I don't even want to bother writing it.

Shameless self promoting yo.

Drama will be in like the next two chapters so there is still lots of fluff I swear.

Thanks for all the votes and comments and reads. Ily all so fucking much. 💕💕💕

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