Chapter 19

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Soon enough, I was halfway from where the tomb or whatever you'd like to call it was located.

A part of wanted to stay in Aiden's arms where he could protect me from everything, but another part of me was still that hunter inside me, the one that itched to find out more and that's exactly what I'm going to do now.

I held my head high, not regretting my decision of what I was going to do, even if it meant hurting my relationship or whatever I have with Aiden.

"Emma!" I heard someone shout from behind me, a familiar voice.

I turned around, only to find Aiden chasing me, currently panting from the marathon he just ran to follow me.

"Come on! You won't like this! Don't go in there, Please!" He pleaded as it started raining.

I couldn't trust what was going to come out of my mouth as I so badly wanted to run to Aiden and embrace my self in his warm touch.

I shook my head 'no'.

I myself was currently crying, silently, not allowing my sobs to rack my body, not allowing myself to show weakness.

Aiden couldn't see that I was crying ad the rain covered my tears up, making me look normal..

"Emma, I'll drag you there if I have to." He said sounding pained.

I again, shook my head as I felt if I said another word, a sob would escape my throat.

I wasn't crying because I was scared, but because of what I was going to do if Aiden didn't let me find out what he was hiding from me.

Once I felt the lump in my throat leave, I talked.

"Don't think about unconvincing me. I'm going." I said in a firm tone.

He started running towards me, attempting to grab me and put me over his broad should but I stopped him in the stupidest way possible.

I panicked. I just had to find out what he was hiding from me since it was about me.

I raised me bow and took and arrow from my golden leather quiver and aimed it at him, but was sure I wouldn't get a clear shot as my hands were shaking.

He stopped walking towards me looking sad, upset and his eyes...

Those drug like, ocean like eyes of his that were as addictive as sweets.

They showed so much pain and so much goddamn hurt.

This time, I couldn't help the sob that escaped my throat. My sob seemed to snap him out of his hurt daze as he continued walking towards me.

"Stop it Aiden!" I shouted, my voice shaky, my vision blurry, but not because of the rain, but the tears.

I shouted because he was far away from me, a few meters away.

He didn't stop, he just shook his head and kept walking with a determined look on his eyes.

So I did the worst, but only thing I could to.

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