Chapter 9

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Squad goals

I stared at all the tiny obsidian covered cells that I could easily slice open with my sword. I looked back at the girl that previously growled at me. Her big brown eyes showed so many signs of hope and fear.

Should I really free them?

"Look, I'll help you find your brother. I've been here for 3 years, I think I know my way around this place.", whispered the growling girl.

"What's your name anyway?", I asked the growling girl.

"Victoria.", she breathed.

"Okay Victoria, we are going to get out of this place together and if you leave me for bait I swear to the moon goddess I will hunt you down.", I threatened the poor girl. She vigorously nodded her head and looked excited.

I sliced open her obsidian coated cell and she hugged me while whispering things like; 'thank you so much' or 'you won't regret you decision'.

A few minutes later she let go of and gasped.

"My mate! We have to get him.", she begged and I narrowed my eyes at her,"please, I can't live without him.", she begged. I nodded.

"Where the fudge cake is he?", I asked. She pointed to the cell in front of hers. I walked over to his cell and sliced it open.

Victoria barged into the cell and hugged her mate. He started at me for quite a while but then thanked me for freeing him.

"I'm not doing this for any of your stupid doggy asses, I'm just looking for my brother and leaving your sorry butts.", I said.,"it's already enough that I'm freeing the type of people that kidnapped my brother so just remember, me freeing you is not because I care about you. Now get moving girl and show me where they keep my brother.", I stated. She nodded and started walking towards the exit of the cell rooms.

I couldn't stand what I was wearing since it was all covered in blood so I took my dress of, leaving me in only a very revealing tank top and shorts. I was about the throw away my blood stained shirt when a very life threatening growl came to stop me.

"MINE!", screamed a all to familiar voice. I turned around, only to become face to face with my lovely little mate; Aiden.

"What in the actual chocolate fudge cake is going on here you sons of biscuits!", I screamed in ,only to be pulled into a very broad, strong and muscular chest. He kept growling meaning his wolf was in control and he didn't like other males seeing me in only a tank top and sweatpants.

"Xavier, calm down.", I said to Aidens wolf. He just took of his shirt and handed it to me to put on. After putting my shirt on I looked back at Victoria and Cyrus only to find them looking very confused,"He's my mate, it's not like I asked the moon goddess to give me a werewolf as a soul mate when I hunted ones for a living.", I said and that cause them to look away.

Vitoria continued walking towards the exit of the cells and when we were finally out she pointed towards a silver door.

"There, we have to get in there to find your brother. He's probably in the torture station right now.", she stated looking down.

Is it really that scary people?

I sliced the silver door open, only to be faced with a very pissed of guard. Before he could use the mind link, I wrapped the obsidian collar around his neck and kicked him in the abdomen. I quickly got my kanimas venom and put it at the tip of my sword. When his back was facing me, I made a small slice in the back of his neck which would paralyse him for a few hours.

"C'mon people, move your butts.", I whisper yelled and they obeyed.

We all walked through the dark hallway that caused shivers to run up my spine. I ignored the feeling I was getting which was very bad and kept walking till I was met with four different doors. I looked back to Victoria for an answer.

"One of these doors leads to the torture cells.", she said.

"Well then I guess we will have to split up don't we.", I said on the verge of losing my patience.

"No we won't-", I cut off Aidens stupid rambling with my own.

"Yes we will Aiden! My brother is behind one of those doors and I am not risking losing my only family, okay! You already have your mommy and daddy, including your little brother so don't even think about saying you know how I feel. Now I'm going to save my only family and you can stay here and keep whining like a baby about how I'm not going to be safe. Well guess what. If my brother not here, I'm not going to be safe! I'm going to be a lonely bit@h with no family what so ever because I couldn't save my brother because he was protecting me!", I shouted, enraged that Aiden would actually think I was not going through with this plan.

"I'm going through that door with Cyrus.", said Victoria while clutching onto Cyrus's arm like her life depended on it. I nodded and waved them of. They left without another word to look for my brother.

I was about to go into the other door when Aiden grabbed my arm and pulled me back,"I'm going through that one.", he said while pointing through the door that was next to the one I was entering. I nodded and entered the door I was currently opening.

I walked through the very tiny hallway that was covered in some sort of goo that I wouldn't dare touch. Once I was out of the tiny hallway, I bumped into a wall which cause my Embers Snake venom to drop out of my back pack and onto my legs.

"Ahhhh!", I groaned in pain as I couldn't feel my legs anymore,"no, no, no, NO!", I screamed while crying,"I'm not losing you Nikolay.", I whispered as I sobbed through the pain. I held onto the floor and pulled myself forwards to reach the door that was a few feet away from me.

As soon as I touched the door, an alarm went of. I groaned in frustration as I continued pulling myself upwards to reach the door knob, only to fall back down again. I sobbed uncontrollably while whispering things like, 'I'm so sorry Nikolay.' And things like, 'please forgive me.' . I pulled myself towards the desk the was next to the door in and attempt to hide, only to be pulled by the leg.

"Let go of me you freak!", I screamed while stabbing my last arrow into the mans leg. He groaned in pain and fell onto the floor, paralysed.

A few more guards came in and held me from each of my hands and legs while I struggled releasing my hands from the tight hold.

"You bit@h", he said while slapping me across the face.

"I'm not the dog here.", I spat with so much hatred the the werewolf actually flinched.

"Are you sure that's what your last words are gong to be?", he asked me as if I was a five year old girl. He then grabbed my sword and stabbed my in the abdomen. He did it very slowly though. I screamed as the pain was becoming unbearable. I started coughing up blood. The guard was about stab me with my other daggers when a very low, threatening growl took place. The guards instantly dropped me and fought the source of the sound.

"Don't sleep on me my hunter, come on.",Was the last thing I heard before slipping into oblivion.




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