Chapter 35, The Liam Trick [Hunter's POV]

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Chapter 35

Hunter’s POV

Taking a seat back in front of television with Liam, this guy could have his creepy moments where he felt like he was reading your mind.

‘Guess I come on too strong hey Liam’?

Liam chuckled liking my sarcasm, ‘ah you’ll get her one day, that girl is harder to tame than anyone I’ve ever met before’.

Remembering the look Beck gave me as I walked in the door still sent chills down my spine.  I had never seen such a look of pure fear in her eyes before, it was like she had forgotten who I was.

Liam being the clever chicken he was had it figured out what I was thinking about.  ‘Well I guess she had to crack sometime, holding in all that rage can’t be good for anyone’.

Looking at Liam, he had always been so sincere ever since I’d met him.  He had always stood out at Advertise Anything, never in it for the money but for the knowledge.

‘I wonder what it was like the first night that witch caught her, I wonder if she still shared that same look of fear and distrust as she does today’?

Liam wasn’t wrong; being kidnapped, forced to work and then practically raped in a strange environment can’t be good for anyone.  Most girls that were caught went insane, simply giving in to the chaos and doing everything wanted of them.

‘Steve was there the night she was caught, he said she got away the first time and being the lone person she is, she returned home and it wasn’t until then that they caught her’.  

Liam sighed, obviously saddened by what Advertise Anything did; ‘well I gotta give it to the girl, at least she went down fighting; how did you end up with her though, you work in a completely different department’?

I remembered the night I confronted Beck for the first time; her spiteful attitude evident as soon as word left her mouth.  My mother had wanted me to supposedly help her settle in but from the time I had spent with Beck, settling in was not in her vocabulary. 

‘My mother insisted I stay with her after she drove another guy Matthew Myers almost to insanity’.

Liam laughed, finding what I had said hilarious.  Matthew really wasn’t all my mother had said him to be.  Sure he had good looks and a cocky attitude but he failed to stand up to a challenge and that was exactly what Beck was.

‘And you fell in love with her, didn’t you’?

My breath getting caught in my throat, I felt as if I had just heard Liam wrong.  I knew he was sharp but I hadn’t even hinted along the lines of that.

‘If you’re wondering how I figured it out, Steve told me’.

Cursing to myself I wondered who else knew from Steve’s poor secret keeping skills.  ‘So now you know then, does that mean you’ll help me’?

Liam walked over to sit next to me, ‘mate to be honest, I’m not sure Beck is capable of showing her emotions’.

Liam had a point, the first night I had slept in that bed with her; she had curled up to me like I was the best thing in the world until she realised I was actually there and since then she’s lost it with me every second.

‘I will admit, I think my mother expected me to sleep with her in the time I was stuck in that room but I swear I did nothing that made Beck uncomfortable, I think the closest I got was a quick hug before getting kicked out of the bed’.

Liam understood my situation but I didn’t expect what he said next.  ‘Well since this my house I will be lenient, but I warm you now there will be no sex under my roof’!

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