
13 4 1

June 23,  2020


I turn around and look at the boy playing with his toys in the living room. "Yes, sweetie?"

"When's Daddy coming home?" He throws his plane at a pile of blocks and walks towards me.

I look at the clock and see it's nearly 5. "Anytime now. Go pick up your toys."

"Fine." He turns around and starts shoving them into his bin.

The front door swings open with the love of my life holding groceries. I smile and stand up to help him put the bags down.

"No. Pregnant women aren't supposed to be lifting heavy things." Gabe turns away from me.

"We've gone through this before, Gabe." I sigh.

"And this time won't be any different." He sets the groceries down and grins. "Andrew Gavin Gordon, where are you?"

Andrew runs back into the kitchen and jumps onto Gabe's leg. "Daddy!"

Gabe picks him up and ruffles his brown hair. "Why don't you go wash up and I'll make dinner."

He hops down and runs away. I smile until I realize the ground beneath me has become wet.


"Yes?" He turns around and starts to panic. "Andrew! Come here now!" Gabe runs to grab Andrew's duffel bag and gets our baby bag.

"Don't panic." I breathe, while holding my stomach.

"What?" Andrew looks at us.

"Get in the car honey, we're going for a ride." I tell him.

We all hurriedly walk out to the car and Gabe buckles Andrew into his booster seat. He then helps me into my side and tries to speed to the hospital. I take out my phone and call one of my best friends.

"Hey Kendra, are you home?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" 

"Can you or Kayla come to the hospital to watch Andrew? My water broke?"

"OH MY yes- ok-we'll be there." She hung up right away.

"Don't worry." I smiled at Gabe and pat his arm.

He pulls into the parking lot for the ER and immediately helps me out.

"Someone, take my wife, her water broke!" A nurse came over with a wheel chair and set me down.

Gabe turned back around and brought Andrew with him into the waiting room.


It's been an excruciating 6 hours before I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We decided on the name Bella Grace Gordon and she was pronounced healthy. I smiled as I held her in my arms.

Our families soon showed up and each congratulated us on our new child. I just couldn't wait until we get back home.

"There's paparazzi outside." Kayla rolls her eyes while sitting down next to me.

"They can wait for another day." I shrug.

"Well, they want to see the new pop sensation's newborn." Kendra wiggles her eyebrows.

I smile and shake my head. Over the years, more people discovered my music. I was soon offered a label and produce new songs to this day. I even had a tour before Andrew was born. A few of my art pieces are displayed at a museum, showing my other talent. As for Gabe, he's playing football for the Florida Gators.  In a way, we've both got our dreams.

"Mommy, is that my sister?" Andrew climbs on my legs.

"Careful." Gabe looks at him.

"Yes, this is Bella." I lean forward to show him. "You better look after your little sister. Help her achieve her hopes and dreams."

"I will, I promise." He smiles at me.

I smile at my son and then at my new daughter. 

Who would've thought that so much sadness and pain would end up leading me into bigger moments of happiness, ones I'm going to cherish for the rest of my life? 

If only my parents were here today to see that I can actually have high hopes without failing.

The End

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