Eight - First Time For Everything

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I woke up in a whole new bed. I shifted to the left and moaned from the pain. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a hospital bed. Well great. I turned to see that Gabe was asleep in a chair and his mom was reading in another.

Mrs. Gordon noticed that I was awake and put her book down. "Alyssa how are you doing? Does it hurt?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. I don't remember what happened. I know I remember blackness after running but that's about it. "Uh my head hurts."

"Yeah. I will tell Gabe to go and get the nurse." Mrs. Gordon walked over to Gabe and shook him. He groaned and sat up from slouching. "Go get the nurse Alyssa's awake."

His eyes shot to mine before nodding and walking out if the room.

"Mrs. Gordon, how long have I been out?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's been about 9 hours."

I looked at the clock and it was 9:30. I walked in on Gabe's practice at about 12:30.

"What happened?" I finally wondered aloud.

Before Mrs. Gordon could answer, the nurse, a doctor, and Gabe walked in.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Norwad." The doctor smiled. "Well it seems as though you have a minor concussion. I'd avoid further physical activity for at least a week. You can be discharged if the papers are signed."

Mrs. Gordon got up and followed them to the desk down the hall.

Gabe stood awkwardly towards the door and scratched his head.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked.

"I guess. What happened?"

"Well you, being you, had to run faster than all the guys making remarks. You made it around but stopped really quick. Ryan rammed right into you and you flew onto the bleachers."

"Oh." I looked at his hands and they were bandaged up. That's new... "What happened to your hands?"

Gabe looked down and blushed a bit. "Well Ryan kind of did that on purpose and I didn't like it so...Yeah."

Aw how sweet. "Thanks."

He nodded and sat down on the bed beside me. "I apologize for what the guys were saying to you. They didn't mean it. At least I hope."

"What do you mean?" I knew the guys were hitting on me but why does he hope they didn't mean it?


Mrs. Gordon walked in and smiled. "Time to go."

I nodded and tried to get up but failed. I fell onto Gabe and he held my waist.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Yeah Gabe. Bring her down to the car. I'll pull it up front." Mrs. Gordon left and Gabe walked me into the hall.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you."


I wonder why Gabe is here. I mean, I'm glad he is but he has better things to do.

"Gabe can I ask you something?"


"Why are you still here? Not to be mean or anything."

"I was worried about you." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I teased.

"I was worried."


"I was worried about you okay?" He said loud and clear.

"Are those feelings I hear?" I laughed.

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