Thirty One - Game Over

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It's the next morning that everything hits me hard; Gabe, Jesse, Gavin, and college. I know it's not close to graduation, I just need to take everything in. I've hit this point in my life that I realize I actually have to think of my future. As for Gavin, it's most likely going to pay a toll on all of us. Gavin has such a bright future ahead of him, it sucks. I knew Jesse was never a good idea from the start. I'm guessing proposing just put the cherry on top. I have to deal with that soon enough. Gabe will probably always be one of the people I love the most. He's going to be stubborn and try to push me away, I've figured that out now. I just have to stay along and accept it.

I turn and face Gabe, him snoring softly. I smile and lift his arm off me before slipping out of bed. Feeling the breeze of air conditioning, I realize that I am only in my bra and underwear. I glance at his drawers and rummage around before finding a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. I then walk downstairs and see that my phone is going off from the counter. I hurry over and answer, not caring to look at the Caller ID.

"Alyssa, where have you been?" Jesse's voice booms through the phone.

"Huh?" I frown.

"I went to your house last night and your aunt told me you were staying over the Gordon's?"

"Yeah, and?" I sit on one of the stools at the counter.

"And no one answered the door when I knocked."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "When did you knock?"

"At like 2 am."

"We were obviously sleeping." I groan and walk to the living room.

"Well I'm here now." That one sentence causes me to stop dead in my tracks and turn to the door. Sure enough, someone is standing outside. I hang up and open the door, glancing at Jesse with my mouth agape.

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I thought you and Gabe weren't friends." Jesse pushes past me and looks around.

"Of course we're friends, Jesse. Plus, Gavin is in the fucking hospital." I close the door and fold my arms.

"Don't get sassy with me. Oh, and you look cozy." He smirks, amused and heads to the stairs.

"Gabe's asleep." I follow him.

"Did you sleep with him?" Jesse stops abruptly, causing me to almost bump into him.

"W-what?" I look at him, shocked.

"You heard me." He raises his eyebrows, causing mine to narrow.

"What did you do with Samantha, Jesse? I know you made out, but what bases did you make?" I glare at him.

Jesse's eyes narrow and he stands taller. "Who told you?"

"I saw. Next time, don't hide under the bleachers." I roll my eyes.

"Where's your ring?" He shifts and glances at my hand. "We're engaged."

"On the counter. Not so sure anymore, thanks to your little fuck buddy." I stare back at him, daring him to match my tone.

"Alyssa. You're going to stay with me. I don't give a crap if you go and screw Gabe. Just don't let people know about it. We have to stay together for my father."

"For your father? What does he even want from my uncle?" I furrow my brows, becoming more curious, especially because he just admitted to why we were together.

"It doesn't matter. Just sit still and look pretty." Jesse sighs.

"I'm not going to be a trophy wife, Jesse. I'm going to Julliard for the arts."

Jesse opens his mouth to argue, but Gabe comes down the stairs, a shirt half over his head and he pulls the rest down. "What's going on here?"

"Gabe Gordon. What a pleasure to see you dressed." Jesse purses his lips and glares.

"Jesse Varden. You're an ass." Gabe rolls his eyes.

"Says the one who slept with my fiance." Jesse glares.

"How do you know?" He pushes past him and stands beside me.

"I just assume. I mean, look at you two. What a pair!" Jesse slowly claps.

I sigh. "Jesse, it's too early for this."

"Too early my ass."

"Don't talk to her like that." Gabe snaps, clearly showing that he's annoyed.

"Standing up for my fiance? That's a first." He snickers.

"Jesse, let's not." I rub my temples.

He gives me a once over before sighing. "My dad wants to meet with us for wedding details tonight."

"Already?" Gabe and I respond in unison.

"That was creepy. Yes, the date is supposedly before we graduate."

"What if I don't want to marry you anymore?" I fold my arms.

"That's too bad." He rolls his eyes and walks to the door. "Be at my house for 7." And with that, the door slams closed.

"You're not going." Gabe looks at me.

"I don't want to." I look at him. "Gabe, you know I absolutely hate that I have to go through this, right?"

"I don't know what to think anymore." He sighs.

"Fine." I roll my eyes and grab my stuff off the counter. "I'll see you when I see you." And with that, I'm running out the door to my house. I ignore his call for me and head straight up to my room. It's always going to be like this; we're happy one minute and fighting the next. There's a knock on my door and I slowly get up off my bed to open the door. My aunt stands on the other side with a warm smile on her face.

"Hello, Alyssa. Is everything alright with Jesse?"

I groan at his name and shake my head. "Can I ask you what's so important that Uncle Lucas works with Mr. Varden?"

"Actually, your uncle doesn't need Mr. Varden anymore. He's decided to work with the Gordons instead." She raises her eyebrows.

"You're kidding." I shake my head.

"Nope. The business offer with Varden was that he'd be more publicly known under the name Varden. Only, Lucas doesn't care about publicity anymore. He wants to do quality work within his firm. Mr. Gordon knows more and he's therefore going with him."

"So I don't have to pretend to be with Jesse anymore?" I mutter to myself.

"Pretend? We thought you  loved him." My aunt looks at me skeptically.

"Who could love that jackass?" I sigh and shake my head. "I don't want anything to do with Jesse Varden. Could you make sure you or Uncle Lucas gives this back to him?" I take the ring off and put it in her hand.

"I certainly will and wish you'd have told me that he treated you so terrible."Aunt Laura pulls me into a hug.

"Give it to him tonight at 7." I smirk and pull away. "And say game over."


A/N: oooooooo snap. well happy thanksgiving, even though it's tomorrow. I hope y'all eat until you're in a food coma. anyways, thanks to everyone reading! it's nearing the end of the drama-filled life of Alyssa Woods. You're in for a treat :) o and thanks for 750 views!

Yours Truly,


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