Thirty Six - 3 Years Later

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(alyssa in her dress at the wedding ^)

I adjust my bag on my shoulder and weave through college kids running to their classes. I pass through the doors outside and cross the street to make it back to my dorm. It was a long day of classes and all I want to do is lay down. 

When I get to my door, I open to see my roommate, Addie. Unfortunately, Kayla and I weren't able to room together. We have seen each other practically everyday anyways.

"Hey Alyssa. You got mail." She grins and hands me two envelopes.

I put my bag down and take them from her. One is a letter from aunt and uncle. The other is from Gabe Gordon.

I sit down abruptly, taken aback from that name. Gabe and I haven't talked since Graduation day. I quickly open the envelope and take out a neat slip of paper with a ribbon at the top. 'Save the date' was printed across the top, making my heart skip a beat. 

'You are cordially invited to spend  a wonderful evening at the wedding of Katie Adams and Gabe Gordon.'

I swallow a lump in my throat and place it on the counter, seeing a letter in the back of the envelope.

'Long time, no talk? I hope to see you at the wedding. I was also hoping to ask if you're able to sing a little?

Love, Katie'

My head starts pounding and it feels like I'm about to puke.

"Woah, are you okay?" Addie frowns.

"Yeah, yeah." I wave her off and take the two envelopes to my room.

I should be happy for Gabe, he's continuing on with his life. We did say goodbye prom night and I'm just selfish for feeling this way. I guess I just felt that he'd wait for me. I had no idea him and Katie would actually last this long and that he'd have the balls to propose.

My phone starts vibrating and I quickly pick it up when I see Kendra's name flashing.

"Hey." I mutter.

"Let me guess, you got the invitation?" -Kendra

"Yeah. You were invited too?" I ask.

"Of course. At least we all get to see each other." -Kendra

"True, but you know." I grumble.

"You let him go, lys. I know you probably still love him but you're going to have to get through it and there's this lovely thing called vodka that can help." -Kendra

I laugh. "Alright. See ya soon? I'm heading to Kayla's."

"Bye bitch, love you." -Kendra

"Love you too." I hang up and change into sweats before leaving to Kayla's. 

"Kay." I walk in and see her laying on the couch and watching some show.

"Alyssa, I have to show you something." She sits up and reaches for an envelope.

"Stop. I already got one." I roll my eyes and sit next to her.

"Are you going to go?" Kayla frowns.

"I don't see why not." I shrug.

"Hm, maybe you'll ruin the whole wedding." She stands up and crosses her arms.

I shake my head. "I don't love him anymore, Kay."

"Mhm. I'm sure you'll instantly drool when you see him in that tux." She smirks.

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