Seven - Conditioning?

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Picture above is Kayla. (Kendra's friend and now Alyssa's)

Jumping. On. My. Bed.

Wait what?

I snapped open my eyes to see Gavin jumping all over the bed I was in.

That's right, aunt and uncle went on vacation.

I looked on my phone to see what time it was and had several texts.

2 from Kayla 3 from Tanner(BFF) 1 from Mike and 2 from Kendra

Yeah Kendra and I have gotten closer and it turns out that she's pretty cool. I'm not holding anything against the fact that she dated Gabe. We all make mistakes.

"Breakfast! It's time for breakfast!" Gavin shouted and jumped on me.

I laughed and stood up. "Okay I'm going to get dressed."

He ran out the room and down the hall to his room.

I shook my head and grabbed a pair of shorts and a lacrosse sweatshirt before going to the bathroom.

I did the normal getting ready procedure and then grabbed my phone. It's 10 now. The texts were still there. I will reply after breakfast.

I went down to their dining room and took a seat next to Gavin. The breakfast smelled delicious. It smelled of bacon and cinnamon.

Gabe stomped over and sat in the chair across from me. He looked extremely tired. There were bags under his eyes and he had bed head.

"Here you go!" Mrs. Gordon placed a plate in front of each of us and we dug in.

It was amazingly good.

"So what do you two plan on doing today?" Mrs. Gordon asked as she sat down.

"Well I want to go and sign up for the lacrosse team." I answered.

"Oh great! Gabe can take you. He has football practice anyways."

"Oh what time?"

"12. It'll be an hour long practice but you can stay and watch! I'm taking Gavin to his soccer game and Mr. Gordon left for work already."

"Mom, I don't think she'll want to watch me practice." Gabe said, becoming aware of the conversation.

"Oh sure she will! Right Alyssa?"

"Uh yeah."

"Good. Gavin you done?"

Gavin nodded and I hadn't realized he was wearing soccer clothes. Tough night I guess.

"Yeah." He hopped off the chair and ran out the door.

"Have fun you two." Mrs. Gordon called before walking out and closing the door.

It went silent and Gabe chewed his food loudly.

"You know, I hate when people chew like that."

Gabe smiled and chewed louder. I threw a piece of bacon at him and it landed in his hair. I stifled a laugh and he took it out of his hair. He walked out of the room and was gone for a minute.

That was weird. Maybe he's washing his hair?

Gabe came back and put ice cubes down the back of my sweatshirt.

"OH MY GOD." I screamed and stood up.

I glared at Gabe and he ran out the house into the back yard. By now, we were both laughing hard and I found a football on the ground and chucked it at him. Gabe fell and I ran over to him.

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