Twenty Three - Black Dress

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The smell of his cologne reminded me of home. I do normally hate it but, not now.

"Mike, you're supposed to be at college." I pull out of the hug and look up at him.

He takes my arm and waves goodbye to the secretary. "We were given an extra break. I heard that you weren't doing good."

"From who?" I pull away and eye him suspiciously.

"Tanner." He says it as if it's obvious.

Dammit, Tanner. I fucking love you.

"Oh." I nod and walk along next to him. "So why'd you get me out of school?"

"I decided we should have time together." Mike smiles at me and I smile back.

However, something inside me is saying that this is a little too nice of him, even in the good times.

We walk up to a car, one I swear I have seen somewhere before. "Mike, this isn't your car.." I trail off when the person gets out of the drivers' side.

"Hey there Alyssa. Like my 'stang?" Garrett smirks.

My mouth would've fallen to the ground if it wasn't attached to my face. I roll my eyes at his purple mustang convertible and get in the back. Mike gets in the passenger side when Garrett gets back in the car.

"So, where to sweetie pie?" Garrett turns around and winks at me.

"Off limits." Mike glares at him.

"We are spending alone time right?" I ignore Garrett and ask Mike.

"Well Garrett might be with us for a while." Mike shifts in his seat and leans his elbow against the door.

"Where are we going?" I sigh and look at my phone.

"An art museum."

The words ring through my head over and over. Art was my passion. I loved to paint and loved it more when my mother or father would lecture me about how being a lawyer or doctor was more important. I haven't touched a paintbrush since the day they died. I haven't even thought about drawing.

"Alyssa?" Both Garrett and Mike are now looking back at me, like I have seven eyes.

"Yeah." I look back with a blank expression.

"Are you okay with that?" Mike raises his eyebrows.

"Actually, I think I might just get back to school. I'm going to the mall with my friends after anyways." I hop over the side, not waiting for Mike to let me out.

"Alyssa come on. You love art." Mike opens his door and gets ready to follow me.

I just look back at him and head back to the office to sign in. I'm not ready for the memories to flood back. I've held off this long, I can continue to longer.


The rest of the day was quite boring. People were buzzing about whether or not they got into college, ready to announce and brag. I still haven't gotten any letters. There is a scholarship ceremony later tonight for the seniors. Great; another fancy event.

I stare aimlessly out the window of Kendra's jeep, contemplating what I even want to do now.

"Lys, you're scaring me more than usual." Kayla turns around to face me. "What happened when your brother came earlier?"

"Nothing." I give her a tight smile and look back at the passing cars.

"You're lying." Kendra cuts in.

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