Chapter 21

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Amy's pov:

In our group of four, Dave was the easy going and has joyous personality. With his good humor and positive thinking, he always tackles difficult situations with a smile on his face.

But like any other person, he also had an exception.

When Alex and I told him about Nat and her abrupt phone call, the expression he had winded me. At first there was pure shock followed by frustration that he didn't take the call when he checked his phone and then his eyes became furious at the situation Nat had been thrown into.

Leaving all of us, he dashed to his room to get the car keys and in an instant he was out of the house racing like a mad man towards his girlfriend's house. Knowing that Nat would need Dave than all of us, we took a few minutes to inform Mark about the whole thing happened. Mark, ever the understanding one, told us to follow Dave and he promised he would drop Nick at my house who was sleeping peacefully on the couch beside Jenny.

I pressed a feather light kiss on Nick's forehead and took in his childish face solemnly. Doing same to Jenny, Alex and I hurried to Nat's house.

We reached her house in record time and when I finally stepped out to see Nat, I was dumbfounded.

Nat was a sobbing mess and right now Dave was trying his hardest to console her but that was not the main reason. Standing in front of her porch and in the middle of the two unruly packed suitcases with her favorite teddy bear thrown unceremoniously on the road, I couldn't help but think the worst.

"What the hell is this?" Alex exclaimed who now got down from the car.

Nat, hearing the Alex's voice raised her head from Dave's chest. "Amy, Alex" she whispered and she began to rush forward me.

I hugged her who now was quivering and shaking with uncontrollable sobs. "She threw me out, Amy. My mother said she couldn't stand to see me in the same house as her. My dad did nothing but watch her throwing me out. What the hell did I do?" she said hugging me tightly.

At that moment, I cursed Nat's mom for her stubbornness and the lack of seeing her daughter's love towards her. I knew she was opposing Nat's relationship from the start but never in my mind have I thought that she would stoop to this level.

I glanced at Alex who was talking to Dave in hushed voice. I gently pulled Nat from me and looked her face. Seeing her eyes swollen, face red, and snot coming from her nose, I guessed she must have been crying from a long time. Giving her my hand kerchief from my pocket, I signaled Dave and Alex to come to where we stood. Looking once again at Nat, "You are not alone, Nat. I understand that you would think like that but we three are here for you." Nat simply nodded.

"What do we do, guys?" I asked Alex and Dave.

Alex patted Nat's back. "Take her with you, Amy if it is okay with your mother. We will think through this in the morning."

I nodded thinking my mother would never oppose helping a friend.

Dave who was strangely silent picked up the luggage and her teddy, walking towards his car; he placed them in the trunk. I made Nat sit in the passenger seat, sitting in the seat; she forcefully calmed down a bit.

Coming to the front of the car, Dave glanced at Alex and for the first time I noticed vulnerability in Dave's eyes. Walking towards them, I stood beside Alex.

Alex hugged his long time best friend and patted his back. "Don't you dare lose courage, Dave. I know you; you must have been thinking that this is all happening because of you but right now, Nat needs you. Without your support, she will be devastated. Tell me you will stay strong for her, Dave." Alex sensually reprimanded Dave who now had firm face with determination in his eyes.

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