Chapter 13

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Amy's POV:

My brain was completely swarmed up with the ideas on where Alex could possibly be taking me. I was feeling nervous and quite clueless because of the way I reacted earlier when Alex kissed me at the school. I shouldn't have pushed him, I thought over and over in my head. In my defense, I was feeling absolutely overwhelmed with the situation I had been in – at the school parking lot.

Guess, I will just have to wait on how things would go.

Right now, we were in the Dave's car going to the place that I had no idea about. But seeing Alex's natural smile on his face eased my nerves a bit.

I glanced at Alex. "So, do I know this place where we are going?" I asked him.

He took his eyes of the road to look at me. "Yes, you do. In fact, you have so many memories wrapped up with that place."

That was his answer and I immediately began to think of all my favorite places in this small town and I came up nothing in particular. I'd thought of the place near the lake which was our friendship spot but something tells me that was not the place Alex was taking me to.

I felt my hand being squeezed and I looked at him. "Don't think much. It will be revealed in few minutes." Alex said not taking his hand back but turned his head to focus on the road.

I tightened my hold on his and started to look outside of the window of the car. The weather was cloudy today with the chill breeze flowing through the busy roads of our town. Alex turned the car to the less populated part of the streets and still my brain was blank. I felt my eyes being closed witnessing the soothing air and the warm sensation of my hand in Alex's and soon I was drifted off.

The car jerked to a stop which woke me up and I rubbed my eyes for the better view outside and became aware of the fact that we stopped in front of the town's park. Surely this was the park where Nick and I go on our outings on Saturdays. Like Alex said, I had so many memories wrapped with this park because I had spent my childhood here and had been a part of my brother's too.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't notice the car door opened in front of me and Alex was expecting me to get out of the car.

I stepped down muttering a sorry to Alex and I took a deep breath seeing the entrance of the park.

So nostalgic!

Alex came to my side and took hold of my hand. One thing I'd observed in him was, he likes to touch whenever he was being emotional – like he needed some of reassurance that things are going to be okay.

Suddenly I began to think of the reason he brought me to this place. Surely, I had a ton full of memories of memories but I didn't understand how my memories could concern him.

Nonetheless, we both began to walk inside of the park and sat on of the benches in the park feeling the tranquility that park provides whenever I come to.

Alex released his hold and wrapped around my shoulder to bring me even closer to him. Seeing him in the dark clothes gives a vibe of bad boy but I think this look actually suited him. It made him even more handsome and manly.

Releasing a deep sigh, Alex turned to me. "Amy, this is place where I first saw you in my life. To be truthful, this is the exact bench I sat on when I first laid my eyes on you. So, you can guess how much this place has become significant to me."

I was shocked, perplexed, astonished but most of all I felt unbelievable.

I mean, what were the odds that of all the places he could have seen me – this was the place he laid eyes on me?!

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