Chapter 1

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I wonder how we crave our loved ones presence even though they annoy us sometimes. But at the end of the day, it is their laugh and support we get and need no matter how much we argue ourselves.

One of the powers of love, I guess.

Like now how my little brother was being annoying. But I love him too much too care about his annoying tactics.

"Amy! Amy! Wake up!" my annoying brother continued his poking. I slowly opened my eyes because this became such a normalcy to me and smiled at Nicky, my bro.

"Hey buddy, Good morning!" I said and he grinned, replied the same and dashed downstairs yelling "Mommy! I woke her up!"

I chuckled and saw the time and I got five more minutes to get up. I rolled over my back and stared up at ceiling remembering the dream I got at the middle of the night.

In my dream, I was in the hallway at my school. I just stood there and every student passed by me whispering 'not normal'. I just gave them curious looks and that was when I woke up with heavy breathing and calmed down thinking it was only a dream.

I didn't think any further as time was ticking and I had to get ready for school. I finally got up, took a bath, wore my favorite pair of jeans and cream colored T-shirt and applied a little makeup. I have chocolate color hair and my eyes matched with it. My face is not too pale, overall I look pretty but not gorgeous but I am more than okay with what I have. I grabbed my already packed shoulder length bag and went downstairs.

"Hey honey, Good morning." My mom greeted me. I did the same, kissed her cheek and sat on of the stools at dining table. She was preparing breakfast for me and Nicky. She is the best mom that I could ever ask for. Even though my father died when Nick was only three years old, she steeled her spine for both of us and continued taking care of us. She didn't let herself show us that how much my father's death affected her but I sometimes see it in her eyes and we just hug until both of us calmed down and we continue to get on with our lives. I was not that attached to my father but I knew this much that he really cared for my mum. Mom is a doctor and money is not an issue for us but mom doesn't pamper us with all the luxuries and all.

Nicky sat on the floor with all the coloring stuff and seriously drawing something and he was completely oblivious to the world. I just wonder for a five year old boy, he sure is dedicated and gives his maximum effort in anything. My mom and I don't bring the topic of my father in front of him much. Unlike with me, my father used to spend a lot of time with him. Nick warmed up to my father so much and it really became a huge task for my mom and me to convince him that he was not coming back. He used to cry so much that it nearly killed us to see him like that. I used to take him out for a walk and used to tell him stories that contained only happy things. One day I showed him how to draw and he fell in love with it instantly. It became his habit and never left it. It helped him to distract from my father's absence.

I finished my breakfast and so did Nicky. My routine is to drop my brother at his school and to go to mine.

"Amy, come on, I want to go to school." He said to me happily.

"Mom, bye, off to school." I shouted because Nick grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front door. "Ok children, take care." Mom replied.

I dropped my brother at his school and he was more than happy to go inside. I kissed him bye and made my way to my school.

I stood in front of my school and suddenly I remembered my dream of 'not normal'. I don't know what to consider normal to myself. I don't hang out much like other kids. After my father's death I had to deal with my mom and my brother and I didn't get myself much time to just cool myself with other kids. I just want this year to be completed as soon as possible. I don't have much ability to open myself to others. That is why I don't have any friends but there is this girl named Lucy who sits with me at lunch because we had most of our classes together. We mainly did homework together and she is also my partner for projects. I just wish that this year would be the same. I was so lost in my thoughts and just stared at the building in front of me.

"Why are you looking at school like it is some science experiment?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned sideways to see the owner of the voice. Oh my God! He is Alex Parker, the enigma of our school. Nobody knows where he lives, his parents, but he is so attractive and handsome with well-built body, messy dark brown hair and emerald eyes. He is not a player kind of boy but always hangs out with his best friend, Dave. I don't talk to him much but we have one class together last year. Many girls gush about him and some even try to hit on him but he just flips them out. Bottom line, he usually doesn't care what everybody thinks and he is very protective of the people he cares and involves with the people who interest him.

Now, why is he talking to me?

"Is staring your habit?" he spoke again with his smooth but rough voice. I remembered that he asked me a question and I opened my mouth to answer.

"No sorry, I just got a dream of me being not normal and I was thinking about it."

Wait, why am I telling him my dream?

He didn't answer but studied me curiously and I became nervous. I am not that comfortable in talking to new people. He is not new to me but he is looking at me with questioning eyes which was making me uneasy.

"I am Alex", he introduced himself with a hand to shake and my jaw dropped to ground. Was he really serious? I know about him but I don't think he knows about me. He wanted to know my name!! Wow! Now that dream is really making sense to me.

"I am Amy Young", I said in a low voice and shook his hand. I wanted to take my hand back but he just held it there and studied me again. What is he doing?

"Hey Alex, bro, I told you to wait, didn't I?" his friend Dave shouted to him and he released my hand.

He turned towards him and said," Dave, meet our new friend, Amy" and pointed to me. Whoa, what's really happening here? Friend! Seriously?! I didn't talk but just looked at them with my eyebrow raised. His friend again studied me curiously and kept glancing between Alex and me. "Oh ok, hi! Amy, I am Dave", he said to me and I just waved back not really knowing what to do.

"We would really like to get to know you but Alex and me have to go", he spoke and tugged Alex to go. Alex might understand what his friend was gesturing because he nodded back. Before leaving, Alex looked at me and said," Amy, from today on wards, you are sitting with us at lunch. Don't forget that and bye." He waved with a heart stopping grin on his face and followed his friend.

I just stood there staring at their backs and recalled the events. Questions just exploded my mind. Why did they talk to me? Why did he say that I am their new friend? Does this mean that I get to hang out with them? Yes! Like that would happen. I didn't want to believe them but the look on their faces made me think that they were really serious.

I sighed and made my way to the inside of the school. Now I fully understand my dream. Nothing normal happened to me today at school so far. I just have to wait and see how this day really ends.


This is my first story and I would like your honest opinion.

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