Chapter 17

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Amy's POV:

I was sprawled across on my bed— several thoughts running through my mind.

After coming from Alex's house at nearly six in the evening, I found that my mom had still not come back from her outing with her colleagues. Gesturing Nick to his room to clean himself, I checked my phone only to see empty from any notifications from my mom.

I gave Nick a warm bath; after changing him into night clothes, he went off downstairs to watch T.V. Having a warm bath for myself too, I started preparing dinner for the three of us.

I checked my phone once again to see any messages from my mom but there were none. Unable to stop myself, I called my mom hoping she would pick up.

I just turned on the stove when I heard the click from my phone followed by nervous voice of my mother. "Hello, Amy."

Releasing a relief breath, I answered. "Mom, where are you? Why are you not home still?"

I heard her chuckle little breathlessly. "Don't worry, sweetie. I am on my way to home."

"Okay." That was the only reply I had thought off.

After preparing the dinner, I took all the dishes that I cooked to the dining table. Setting the table for three, I called my brother to come to which he came jumping into the kitchen clearly showing that he was still in the mood of this afternoon.

Sitting in the high legged stool placed solely for him, he looked me straight at my eyes. "Amy, can we go again to Alex's house?" he asked me.

Serving him the salad and cheese sandwich on his plate, I looked at him and smiled. "Of course, we will. But some days after, okay?"

"Yippee." He exclaimed and started devouring his dinner.

I served myself a plate too. Munching the little bite I took of my sandwich, I had this sudden urge to ask my brother about his opinion about Alex. "Hey Nick, do you like Alex?"

Wiping his upper lip to clean the mayonnaise with his other hand, he glanced at me— eyes sparking. "I do. He plays with me and also bought me a horse toy. I like him."

I laughed after hearing his response.

Apparently, that's enough for him to like any person. I wish it was that simple for adults.

Innocence is a trait, which I think is both strength and a weakness.

Finishing his dinner, Nick made his way to his room as he felt suddenly exhausted with the day he had. I followed him and made sure I tuck him in the bed. With a gentle kiss on his forehead, I silently tiptoed from his room only when I made sure that he had fallen asleep.

I was discarding the dirty plates in the sink when I heard the front door open and close. I hurried into the living room only to see the exhausted face of my mother. She looked a little paler than usual and her shoulders were slumped indicating that she was tired a lot.

I helped my mom to sit on the couch. "Mom, what happened to you?" I asked her.

She looked at me and smiled. "Nothing much. I enjoyed beyond my capacity."

I gave a skeptical look. "What do you mean?"

She was silent for some time and I couldn't help becoming worried as I recalled this morning how she acted weirdly and now seeing her like this, a heavy weight instilled in my heart. "Mom, please tell me. What happened?"

She un-shouldered her tote bag and looked straight into my eyes. "Do you think I deserve to be happy when it comes to a man?"

"What are you–"I was cut off when she took my hands abruptly into hers — her eyes glowing with unshed tears.

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