Chapter 12

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Amy's POV:

Have you ever felt like that something unusual is going to happen that day when you wake up in the morning? It doesn't matter whether it would be a good thing or a bad thing but certainly you'd have that uneasy feeling burning in the pit of your stomach. That's exactly what I was experiencing as the first thing when I woke up on a typical Monday morning.

I didn't know how much time I had spent staring at the ceiling trying to ease that feeling but eventually my senses kicked in and reminded me that I had school today and I had to get ready.

After one hour, I was waiting at the school's gate to wait for my friends. Usually we all meet up here and chat for some time and then we go to our respective classes.

I was checking my phone for any updates when a familiar high-pitched voice called me. I knew it was Nat even without lifting my head so I put my phone back and raised my head, only to notice that she was not looking at me but rather than at the parking lot.

I was confused and that changed to shock when I noticed that people in the parking lot were silent and were gaping in the direction where a fast driving car made its way into the empty parking slot.

Whole parking lot was silent.

I recognized that car was actually Dave's car but today the driver was not Dave but Alex?

Both the doors opened and what I saw next made my jaw drop in utter astonishment.

First I saw Dave. Usually he comes with a kind and cheery smile towards but today he looked different. He looked new and had a bad boy persona with him wearing a brown leather jacket on a black t-shirt and equally matched pants and wearing an arrogant and triumphant smirk on his face.

I looked at Nat through my peripheral vision and her expression was way too comical with her eyes nearly popping out and her jaw literally dropping to the ground. At any other situation, I would have laughed at her face.

Next my eyes went to Alex.

The image of him brought back a memory. When I was in the first year of high school, every student talked about a boy who was so popular at that time. They used to talk about him a lot- his likes, his dislikes, his subject preferences, his hobbies and many more. He used to be the hot topic of our high school.

At that time, I had a lot on my plate- getting over my father's death, supporting mom in any way possible, helping my bro to recover from his dad's death and to keep up with my school work.

In midst of all this, I didn't have time to actually keep track on school's gossips-not that I like those things. But I do know that there used to be a boy who was popular and hangs out with another boy and I also know that there were best friends. The only time I looked at them was when they both were sitting at the cafeteria table looking like they owned the place or something like that. I just had a mere glance at them and turned to get my own food.

I saw them never again until a year ago where the both proud boys' popularity instantly vanished into thin air and just like that they became one in the pool of students.

Some things never stay permanent- that's what I thought at that time.

I didn't know whether it was fate intervention or not but I used to see Alex every day looking very lonely and sad and mindlessly staring into the space. I used to think about him a lot on why he suddenly he became like that and I asked some students I know on really what happened to him but their answers were not satisfactory. Time passed on like that until that day where Alex came to me and introduced himself and his outright proposition as us being friends.

Right now, looking at him, it was not that Alex I came to know in the previous months. No, he was different -his dressing style and his messy hair screamed a rough boy character and the intelligent and spark in his eyes spoke volumes of his confidence and the smirk he wore hinted that he was also an arrogant one.

He looked different.

He looked like the Alex that students used to talk about when he was popular.

He looked like the old Alex.

May be that's the reason the whole parking lot was gawking at both of them. Like they were really surprised to see the best friends finally back in their own shape.

Natalie came towards me and whispered, "what's happening, Amy?"

I didn't know much about her life before she was my friend but she had to know about their lives at that time. May be she was as clueless as me.

I turned to look at her and still the comical expression was clearly evident on her face. No words registered in my brain so I simply shrugged.

The next thing happened so fast. Dave ran towards Nat's direction ignoring all the hushed whispers and curious glances, grabbed her hand and tugged her to follow him. They were immediately out of my sight. He didn't even say hello to me! I cried internally.

Just what on the earth was going around here!! I wondered.

I glanced around the parking lot and students were giving me weird and disbelieving stares. My heart rate sped up at the overwhelming feelings and I looked at Alex who was now walking at my direction with that unfamiliar smirk of his.

I was rooted to my spot not knowing what to do and when Alex was close to me; he suddenly grabbed my waist, tugged me closer, kissed me at the corner of my mouth and whispered, "Good morning, Amy."

He was looking straight into my eyes and now he was smiling that dashing smile of his.

My heart pounded in my chest and my whole face probably turned into red and body was so overwhelming with the mixed feelings that he was giving and I certainly was not able to digest this whole appearance changing matter and how the whole school was staring at us- most of the people might not had noticed that even the bell was rung.

So I did the only thing which came to my mind. I pushed him back with slight force to which he took a step backwards with a jerk.

I tried to calm my heart and slowly when I gained control of my body, I looked at him and saw the most painful expression and hurt was evident in his pretty green eyes.

By now, we were the only people in the parking lot and my mind was screaming that I had missed my first class but class could wait. I wanted answers from him.

He was staring at me like trying to decipher my reaction so I took a cautious step closer to him and took hold of his hand. "Explain this, Alex. Why the sudden change and- please explain this. I don't understand why suddenly you- I know you like me and I- I also like you which is clearly evident-"I looked at him with sincere and determination in my eyes, "-why did you feel like doing it?" I questioned him and also confessed to him and I didn't know what to expect from him, so I waited.

He smiled at me and held our together hands with other his hand and gently said, "I want to show you something that was- is so significant in my life. Come with me." He corrected himself.

Trying to ease the mood, I tugged him towards the exit and said, "You know, this is the second time I am ditching school because of you. You better make it this day memorable."

Chuckling, he put his on my shoulder and grinned. "You will not regret this day." With that he kissed my cheek to which I turned away blushing thinking that he would stop this public affection but who was I kidding, I deep down wanted it.

God! He really is turning me into another person. I thought internally.


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